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随着现代性的时代发展,现代性反思和重建已成为一个必须直面的问题,正是在这一境遇下,现代法治也开始发生了重要变革,形成了法律多元主义的规则秩序、互动平衡的功能取向、反思回应的程序主义诉求等发展走向。因此,我们应立足于现代性反思和重建的时代关怀,积极推进中国的法治进程。  相似文献   
近年来,韩国在运用平衡计分卡改进地方政府绩效管理实践上成效显著。富川市是在韩国构建平衡计分卡系统的标杆组织,其经验对平衡计分卡的中国化具有以下几点启示:要明确引进平衡计分卡的目的;要提高公务员对平衡计分卡系统的认识水平;要以培养内部专家为主;对新的绩效管理体系的开发不急于求成;指标的设置要力求真实反映国情民意及地区之间的差异;实施完整的变革管理程序;要谨慎处理公民参与评价的程度。  相似文献   
The so called “three-step test”, that the limitations and exceptions of copyright shall be allowed in certain special cases, provided that they do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author, grants copyright flexibilities to balance the interests of all stakeholders, especially within the European system of circumscribed limitations and exceptions. This is essential for the domain of computer law, confronted by rapid and unpredictable global technological developments, and is, thus, enshrined in the most important international intellectual property (IP) treaties. Through the proposed third amendment to the Copyright Law of the PRC, the legislature intends to adopt this test while also introducing an open-ended list of limitations and exceptions that constitutes a China-specific “two-step test.” This contravenes prima facie the thesis endorsed by the WTO Panel in the case concerning Section 110(5) of the US Copyright Act in 2000. In contrast, court decisions in China frequently apply the fair use doctrine of US copyright law, neglecting to consider its peculiar context of the US common law tradition and, thus, unduly expanding the Chinese courts' discretionary power.This paper summarizes the case law in China and takes a comparative approach to address the divergence between the judicial application of cyber copyright law and the existing legislation. It suggests revising the proposed Article 43 of the Copyright Law of the PRC to capture the due interpretation of the three-step test, thereby finessing the delineation between rights protection and free use with the compensation of remuneration under the principle of proportionality. It argues that transplanting the US fair use doctrine into Chinese copyright law is feasible, but with the preconditions of endeavouring to strengthen judicial reform to integrate the IP adjudication systems, enhancing the coherence and efficiency of copyright enforcement, and facilitating consistent dialogues between scholars, practitioners, and lawmakers.  相似文献   
The aim of this case study is to explore what actors in a Swedish municipality expect from a new administrative reform (i.e., an attempt to implement the Balanced Scorecard). The findings show that the expectations on changes are highest among the politicians, moderate among the administrators, and lowest among the operative employees. The differences can be explained by the way the reform is anticipated to favor or disfavor the actors, who in turn are influenced by the actors' past experiences. Most of the expressed expectations concern expectations of the outcome of the administrative reform, but some concern expectations on the reform itself.  相似文献   
The following piece of paper is a critical approach to the amendment of the Article 135 of the Spanish Constitution, by means of which the principle of balanced budget and the restricting of the public expenditure are constitutionalized. This work consists of four different paragraphs: the first one, in which a chronological approach to the debt crisis in the Eurozone and the reform of the Article 135 of the Constitution are carried out; the second one, where the new features that the current Article 135 contain are presented; the third one, in which the critical analysis of the 2011 constitutional reform is now developed (around tour fundamental axes: content, procedure, time and purpose and significance); and the fourth one resulting with a number of final considerations.  相似文献   
冷战时期,日本与缅甸建立了特殊的历史友好关系,但在1988年以后双边关系较为冷淡。尽管日本之后一再努力,希望恢复昔日对缅影响与特殊的邦交,但收效甚微。日本在对缅关系上,一方面利用援助制裁实行有限的压力政策,另一方面又保持对缅接触,实行制裁和接触政策之间的中间路线。日本在缅甸问题上表现出的两面性,是其在国内各界分歧、日美基轴外交与亚洲独立外交、国家利益与价值观外交之间相互平衡的结果。  相似文献   
吉尔吉斯斯坦因其独特的地缘战略条件成为俄美两国在中亚博弈的“焦点”。在大国夹缝中生存的吉尔吉斯斯坦,独立以来始终奉行平衡务实的外交政策,努力周旋于俄关两大国之间,利用俄关在吉的利益争夺,巧妙运用平衡外交策略,使俄关两国势力相互影响又相互制约,最大限度地获取了国家利益。。  相似文献   
美国"次贷"危机爆发深刻揭示了当代市场经济运行中的金融本质特征之一是高度发达的信用经济。负债运行是当代市场经济中微观主体的常态,是社会经济正常运转的必要前提与制约保障。信用经济本质上是债权债务经济,并具有正负"双重"效应。信用经济的核心功能是以时间交错、空间重组的方式极大限度地将现有的暂时闲置的社会资源动员起来,使原有的经济实体规模在本不可能的基础上得以扩张;但这种经济的运行一旦在某个环节出现断裂并引发环环相扣的整体信用关系功能性断裂时,就会引发整个社会经济的连锁反应,使其原来对社会经济的加速度推动作用反方向运行,并由此产生对社会经济的加速度的破坏张力。发挥信用经济正效应,抑制负效应,需要遵循信用经济运行的基本平衡公式,保障信用经济运行的基本约束条件,即债务人的受信在数量、质量、时间上与债权人的授信相平衡,并以此构建监管体系。  相似文献   
反诉制度是现代民事诉讼的一项重要制度,其平衡性机制是实现公正与效益所不可或缺的。但是。我国民事诉讼法却对反诉制度规定得较为简略、粗疏,致使司法实践中对这项制度的适用出现混乱不一、无所适从的局面。通过对我国反诉制度适用受阻现状的反思,从立法理念角度对我国反诉制度中的平衡性机制进行重构具有重要意义。  相似文献   
2011年,面对全球众多不确定因素及挑战,东盟继续推进共同体建设,扩大与对话伙伴的合作,坚持在地区合作中的主导作用,积极构建以人为本的东盟。2012年东盟将继续推进一体化进程,缩小成员国间的发展差距,加快互联互通建设,扩大和深化区域合作。  相似文献   
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