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刑事侦查中处于被追诉地位的未成年人正当权利极易被忽视或受侵害,为有效实施少年利益最大化保护的原则,国际公约除了规定未成年嫌疑人享有辩护权、不得自证其罪等一般性诉权外,还制定了侦查组织和人员的专业化、犯罪背景调查、特别援助、隐私权特别保护、限制羁押等刑事侦查国际标准。我国已加入相关公约,立法上也在逐渐与国际标准接轨,但案件侦查过程中仍存在着专业化实质缺乏、审前羁押率较高、特别援助不到位、案件处理不及时、程序不够简约等差距,需进一步加强与完善,以体现对被追诉未成年人的司法和人文关怀。  相似文献   
狱侦耳目制度在中国历史上有悠久的发展历史,其存在有深厚的理论基础。但是随着日益严峻的犯罪趋势,狱侦耳目制度被滥用早已背离了该制度设立的仅仅提供线索的初衷。狱侦耳目制度作为一种侦查方式,功能异化为刑讯逼供或者引诱犯罪,不仅影响司法公正,还践踏了人权。文章结合狱侦耳目制度的发展历史重点阐述该制度存在的理论依据、在刑事侦查技术中的地位以及取得的证据的使用,分析狱侦耳目制度在我国的发展现状以及出现的问题,旨在提出合理且可行的建议。  相似文献   
犬瘟热病毒RT-PCR检测方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据GenBank中登录的犬瘟热病毒(CDV)核衣壳蛋白基因序列,设计合成了1对特异性引物,以CDV疫苗株ONP为模板,通过对反应条件进行优化,建立了一种快速检测CDV的RT-PCR方法。结果显示,以该引物进行RT-PCR扩增,能得到与理论设计值大小一致的242bp的特异性条带;该方法最低可以检测出约20pg含量的CDV;对已知CDV阳性和阴性病料进行重复性和稳定性试验,结果均一致;用该方法检测犬细小病毒(CPV)、犬冠状病毒(CCV)、狂犬病病毒(RV)和同为副黏病毒科的新城疫病毒(NDV),均无交叉反应;对32份临床病料进行检测,并与免疫胶体金抗原检测试纸检测结果进行比较,符合率为93.75%。结果表明,此方法特异性强,敏感性高,重复性和稳定性均好,可用于犬瘟热病毒的临床诊断和试验研究。  相似文献   
计算机取证是打击计算机犯罪的有效手段,传统的计算机取证大多采用事后分析的静态取证技术,证据的采集不够及时、全面,经恢复的数据可能是已经被篡改,因而法律效力低。可以运用一种将计算机取证技术与入侵检测技术结合的入侵动态取证系统,动态收集识别入侵证据,及时分析、提取证据至证据库中保存。此系统采用认证、加密、隔离等安全手段,确保了证据在传送、保存过程中的真实性、准确性及不可篡改性,使其成为有效的法庭证据,实现了计算机取证的及时性、智能性。  相似文献   
The detection of latent traces is an important aspect of crime scene investigation. Blood stains on black backgrounds can be visualized using chemiluminescence, which is invasive and requires a darkened room, or near-infrared photography, for which investigators need to change filters manually to optimize contrast. We demonstrated the performance of visible reflectance hyperspectral imaging (400–720 nm) for this purpose. Several processing methods were evaluated: single wavelength bands, ratio images, principal component analysis (PCA), and “SIMPLe-to-use Interactive Self-modeling Mixture Analysis” (SIMPLISMA). Using these methods, we were able to enhance the contrast between blood stains and 12 different fabrics. On black cotton, blood dilutions were visible with a minimal concentration of 25% of whole blood. The hyperspectral camera system used in this study is portable and wireless, which makes it suitable for crime scene use. The described technique is noncontact and nondestructive, so all traces are preserved for further analysis.  相似文献   
伴随着商业活动的日益繁荣,利益逐渐成为社会主义市场经济活动的主要目的,商业经营者为了争夺商业资源、获取高额的商业利润,不惜利用各种不正当的竞争手段,于是,商业贿赂犯罪就在利益的驱使下出现了。商业贿赂是市场经济的一颗毒瘤,如果不能得到有效治理和清除,将会造成经济秩序混乱、市场腐败盛行与经济增长乏力并危及社会稳定。究其原因,市场体系发育不成熟、竞争机制不健全、公共权力干预过当以及反商业贿赂法律体系的缺陷,是产生商业贿赂的土壤和根源。  相似文献   
中德侦查制度比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中德两国的侦查制度各有特点中国侦查机关的单一系统有利于侦查部门的协作配合,侦查效率高,德国侦查机关的两个系统侦查权限不明,侦查效率低;德国侦查程序中的被害人有权强迫检察官起诉,有利于保护被害人的权利,中国侦查程序规定被害人有权申诉,给予被害人的权利比德国小;德国侦查强制措施限制的范围广,注重的是使公民权利在国家权力的强制性措施和非强制性措施面前都能得到有效保护,中国的强制措施只限于对公民人身权利的限制,注重的是运用措施收集证据;德国的非法证据限制排除原则,有利于保护国家利益,中国对非法证据的法律效力问题未作规定,容易导致司法部门各行其是;德国的强制证人作证制度,有利于侦查活动的顺利进行,中国不能强制证人作证,既浪费人力、物力,又不利于侦查.比较中德侦查制度的异同,吸收、借鉴德国的有益经验,有利于完善我国的侦查制度.  相似文献   
This paper describes a procedure for the determination of psilocin and psilocybin in mushroom extracts using high-performance liquid chromatography with postcolumn chemiluminescence detection. A number of extraction methods for psilocin and psilocybin in hallucinogenic mushrooms were investigated, with a simple methanolic extraction being found to be most effective. Psilocin and psilocybin were extracted from a variety of hallucinogenic mushrooms using methanol. The analytes were separated on a C12 column using a (95:5% v/v) methanol:10 mM ammonium formate, pH 3.5 mobile phase with a run time of 5 min. Detection was realized through a dual reagent chemiluminescence detection system of acidic potassium permanganate and tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II). The chemiluminescence detection system gave improved detectability when compared with UV absorption at 269 nm, with detection limits of 1.2 x 10(-8) and 3.5 x 10(-9) mol/L being obtained for psilocin and psilocybin, respectively. The procedure was applied to the determination of psilocin and psilocybin in three Australian species of hallucinogenic mushroom.  相似文献   
Bacterial species with high DNA sequence similarity to pathogens could affect the specificity of assays designed to detect biological threat agents in environmental samples. The natural presence of four pathogenic bacteria, Bacillus anthracis, Clostridium perfringens, Francisella tularensis, and Yersinia pestis and their closely related species, was determined for a large collection of soil and aerosol samples. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and gene sequencing were used using group-specific 16S rRNA primers to identify pathogens and related species, and pathogen-specific virulence genes. Close relatives of B. anthracis (B. cereus group species) were detected in 37% of the soils and 25% of the aerosol samples. The B. anthracis protective antigen (pag) gene or a close homolog was detected in 16 of these samples. For the other three pathogen groups, the frequency of detection was much lower, and none of the samples were positive with both the phylogenetic and virulence gene primer sets.  相似文献   
Real-time PCR analysis is a sensitive template DNA quantitation strategy that has recently gained considerable attention in the forensic community. However, the utility of real-time PCR methods extends beyond quantitation and allows for simultaneous evaluation of template DNA extraction quality. This study presents a computational method that allows analysts to identify problematic samples with statistical reliability by comparing the amplification efficiencies of unknown template DNA samples with clean standards. In this study, assays with varying concentrations of tannic acid are used to evaluate and adjust sample-specific amplification efficiency calculation methods in order to optimize their inhibitor detection capabilities. Kinetic outlier detection and prediction boundaries are calculated to identify amplification efficiency outliers. Sample-specific amplification efficiencies calculated over a four-cycle interval starting at the threshold cycle can be used to detect reliably the presence of 0.4 ng of tannic acid in a 25 microL PCR reaction. This approach provides analysts with a precise measure of inhibition severity when template samples are compromised. Early detection of problematic samples allows analysts the opportunity to consider inhibitor mitigation strategies prior to genotype or DNA sequence analysis, thereby facilitating sample processing in high-throughput forensic operations.  相似文献   
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