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同为侵权责任构成要件体系中的过错与因果关系,因功能之耦合,在侵权责任认定中难免会被交叉运用。应从侵权责任构成要件的内涵入手,来考察过错与因果关系的功能耦合及过错对因果关系认定的影响,并对二者在侵权责任认定中相结合的路径进行认真地思考。  相似文献   
法定犯时代下,后工业社会中各种风险逐渐升格,古典自由主义刑法理论地位受到动摇,刑法制裁体系相应地吸收了积极刑法观理念,前置刑法干预起点,降低入罪门槛,而社会整体评价体系中却缺乏相应的轻罪或微罪评价模式、犯罪分层意识,从而导致刑法附随法律责任引发实质意义上罪责关系的不协调,违反罪刑法定、罪责刑相适应、责任主义原则等问题。同“以刑制罪”对“从罪到刑”的罪刑关系的反思,在意图限缩刑罚的法益理论逐渐沦为为刑法扩张“背书”的情况下,对犯罪附随法律责任的重视能够促进法益判断标准的实质化,从而有利于促进立法批判机能的实现,也能对保安处分科学化和刑罚“双轨制”发展有所裨益。基于新社会防卫论的论证逻辑也应该对附随后果的逆向论证逻辑以及定位做出限制,同时提出犯罪人处遇重构、引入复权制度等具体举措,以期达到法律体系内部法律责任的协调。  相似文献   
论保险法的近因原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
保险法的因果关系与民法的因果关系有所不同,保险法的因果关系集中于“责任成立”的因果关系。大陆法中关于因果关系的学说有条件说、适当条件说和最近因果关系说三种。英美法中对原因的调查取决于保险合同中对事故的规定。  相似文献   
This paper considers alternative approaches to dealing with causal uncertainty in strict liability tort regimes. Beginning from the philosophical literature on causing, a distinction is made between the scientific idea of causality and the legal idea of causation. This distinction is generalized to a context of causal uncertainty and associated probabilities are constructed. It is shown that a rule of proportional liability whereby the tortfeasor pays damages in proportion to the probability in causation of them having caused the damage would be socially efficient. This contrasts with the implied use of the probability in causality by the courts and in the law and economics literature on causal uncertainty.  相似文献   
While evidence-based policy-making is increasingly in demand, as new policies are required to bring effective results to targeted groups in South Korea and China, few studies have investigated the progress of quantitative impact evaluation that focuses on causality. This paper studies the trends of quantitative impact evaluation of public policy in South Korea and China by surveying major public administration and public policy journals in these two countries from 2000 to 2015. Among published articles in the major journals, our study pool includes research articles directly related to quantitative impact evaluation. Our study found that there has been considerable progress in impact evaluation research in South Korea and China in both data quality and empirical methods. However, empirical impact evaluation still comprises a small fraction (only one to two percent) of all research in public administration and public policy in both countries. We also found limited discussion on the selection mechanism and related bias in South Korea even in recent years, while causality and selection bias have been more commonly discussed in China. Also, advanced empirical methods are more frequently observed in journal articles in China than those in South Korea.  相似文献   
分析了澳大利亚、冰岛和瑞士三国建立强制性企业年金制度的历史原因,以及该制度的基本特征,考察了三国企业年金基金的投资管理,在分析现有数据的基础上,通过比较分析表明:企业年金资产要独立于雇主企业和政府,这是建立良好治理结构的前提;增加企业年金计划的竞争性、提高信息披露程度、增强决策透明度是提高企业年金投资回报率的有效手段;审慎和恰当的政府监管是企业年金发展的重要条件;在适当控制风险的前提下,追求投资回报率仍是企业年金最重要的目标。从养老金制度的充足性、可负担性、可持续性和稳健性四个方面评估了强制性企业年金制度的作用,从而得出:强制性企业年金制度不仅实现了全面覆盖,而且在保障养老金制度可负担、可持续和稳健性的同时较好地实现了充足性的目标。利用格兰杰因果检验,实证分析了澳大利亚和冰岛两国企业年金发展和金融发展之间存在的协整关系:澳大利亚的企业年金发展和金融发展互为格兰杰因果关系,而冰岛企业年金发展是该国金融发展的格兰杰原因。  相似文献   
环境侵权诉讼证明标准初探   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在中国现行单一的“高度盖然性”证明标准下 ,环境侵权诉讼面临着受害人利益难以得到保护、诉讼成本高、错判率高的巨大难题 ,为解决这些问题 ,必须重新确定合理的证明标准。我国应在无过错责任基础上 ,通过设立多元证明标准体系、确定对不同主体与不同证明对象适用不同证明标准规则、借鉴先进国家合理的证明方法等 ,以建立中国环境侵权诉讼的证明标准制度。  相似文献   

Concerns for restoring citizens' trust in government are at the core of public sector modernization. Public distrust is often blamed on the bad functioning of public services, and in political discourse well‐functioning public services are said to create trust in government. This is a very rational and mechanistic reasoning, only part of which corresponds to reality. The link between performance and trust can only be made when very specific conditions are present. The core of the discussion deals with causality: it is obvious that performance of the public administration has a certain impact on trust in government, but existing levels of trust in government may also have an impact on perceptions of government performance. In this article, we outline a framework for research on this performance–trust relation.  相似文献   
Using a large longitudinal representative community sample, this study identified three groups of subjects who were depressed either in pre-adolescence, late adolescence or early adulthood, and matched by age and gender to controls without depression. The 90th percentile on one or two self-reported symptom scales [i. e. the Center for Epidemilogical Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) or the subscale Anxious / Depressed subscale on either the Youth Self Report (YSR) or the Young Adult Self Report (YASR)] served as the cut-off for the depression groups. Psychosocial variables under study included life events and life events impact, coping, self-related cognitions, perceived parental rearing style, family relations, perceived school environment, and the internalizing (except anxious/depressed) and externalizing problem scale of the YSR/YASR. The study found a large number of time-related correlations between psychosocial factors and depression. Evidence for causal effect (either antecedent or consequent) was obtained only for self-esteem, perceived maternal rejection, and internalizing problems.  相似文献   
杨继文 《证据科学》2016,(2):223-232
量刑因果关系是刑法因果关系中的一个重要方面。在刑事法治中,量刑应当同定罪一样受到同等的重视。本文从量刑因果关系的刑事整体性研究入手,从刑法和刑诉法的角度对其进行审视与判断。在微观正义论和司法复杂性的原理和要求下,量刑因果关系的证明要素被分为说明性的证明要素和假设性的证明要素。这两种证明要素在具体的证明路径和过程要求中存在差别。量刑因果关系的证明主体存在多样化特征。量刑因果关系的证明责任在证明标准的特殊背景下,更加注重检察官与被告人的不同角色要求。  相似文献   
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