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收入分配问题是社会各界普遍关注的热点和焦点问题,它事关人民群众生活是否幸福安康和能否维护尊严,关乎改革开放成果能否由广大人民群众共享,也关系到社会是否和谐、公平和正义。进一步改革完善收入分配制度,要完善市场经济体制,实现收入分配相对公平;要完善税制,缩小社会收入分配差距;要消除行政性行业垄断,控制垄断行业收入;要完善基本公共服务均等化和社会保障制度;要解决我国城乡居民收入分配差距。  相似文献   

Transportation influences residential location choices generally, but low-income households often face unique constraints because of a lack of access to automobiles. This article examines how vehicle access influences the type of neighborhoods in which low-income households are able to secure housing following a move to a new neighborhood. We rely on data from the Moving to Opportunity program to estimate locational attainment models, including a wide range of variables capturing various dimensions of neighborhood opportunity. Our findings suggest that auto access enables low-income households to secure housing in neighborhoods that exhibit a wide range of positive neighborhood attributes, including lower poverty rates, lower housing vacancy rates, higher median household income, higher labor-force participation, and higher adult high school graduation rates.  相似文献   
民间借贷在当前存在外延泛化的现象,有丛要对其外延进行重新界定。民间借贷在我国的兴起有其特定的原因和经济背景,对我国经济产生了较大的影响。我国当前对民间借贷的法律规制存在规范过多、体系繁杂、位阶冲突等情况。对民间借贷法律规制的范式选择,不应采取单独立法的形式,应在现有金融体制下,清理相关法律规范,采取突出重点的规制方法。具体制度设计上可以从民间借贷放贷主体的准入、放贷资金来源、借贷利率管制、借贷地域范围限制等四个方面进行规范。  相似文献   
历经十多年的艰苦努力,海牙《选择法院协议公约》终于缔结。公约的目的是制定一个公约从而使法院判决可以在全球范围内得到承认与执行,正如《纽约公约》之于国际商事仲裁一样。公约的缔结有利于该目标的实现,与此同时,该公约的缔结与生效,将会对国际商事仲裁造成相当的影响与冲击,因为该公约所产生的判决承认与执行的国际性效果,将使《纽约公约》对国际商事仲裁所形成的优势变得相当不明显。  相似文献   
法律选择是国际私法中解决法律冲突的特有方法。为了克服传统法律选择方法的弊端,法学家们提出了一系列新的法律选择方法。这些方法可以归纳为根据国家利益进行法律选择和根据当事人利益进行法律选择两类。当代国际私法的发展要求在法律适用问题上平衡当事人利益和国家利益乃至整个国际社会的利益,我国的国际私法立法应顺应这一时代潮流。  相似文献   
当代中国的社会转型是一种社会结构的大调整,这一调整将形成新的社会结构框架体系。在社会结构的变化中,社区党建面临着新的挑战与新的考验,需要进行战略性选择和准确性定性。  相似文献   
In 2003, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) prepared a study of the location patterns of the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. This study became an important baseline for the evaluation of the HCV program and its ability to serve the goal of poverty deconcentration. The study examined the ability of HCV households in the 50 largest metropolitan areas to make entry to a broad array of neighborhoods and to locate in high-opportunity neighborhoods with low levels of poverty.

New data from HUD and the American Community Survey permit the study to be replicated. We find that vouchers continue to consume only a small portion of the housing stock, with relatively small amounts of spatial concentration. Unfortunately, only about one in five voucher households locate in low-poverty neighborhoods, and this share is rising only very slowly. If the nation wants to pursue poverty deconcentration through the HCV program, we cannot rely on the program, as it is now structured, to accomplish this goal. Additional incentives and constraints will be needed, similar to those that were part of the Gautreaux and Moving to Opportunity programs.  相似文献   

政府决策是行政管理活动中的首要环节,他是政府职能目标实现的基础,其质量高低影响政府工作的成败和公共管理目标的实现.而准确、全面、可靠的信息则是实现最优决策的关键.虽然数字化技术和信息革命使社会信息高度膨胀,但其中不乏非精确性、错误、虚假、失真的信息.政府决策时,应对作为决策依据的信息进行效用选择,力图提高决策信息的质量.  相似文献   
通过对苏南农村村民自治状况的实证研究 ,得出一个结论 ,即当前苏南农村基层正在推行的民主选举方式———流动票箱制度 ,是一种现时性的村民选举方式 ,其现时性主要取决于村民的经济利益、权利意识、自组织能力、村民选举委员会动员能力等因素。流动票箱制度在选举过程中存在持箱人的确定、持箱人对划票过程的可能影响等问题 ,以及潜在着剥夺村民进行集中讨论、在公共场所进行公开选举等隐患 ,因此建议 :发展和完善社会主义市场经济 ;加快政治体制改革 ;进一步完备法律体制  相似文献   
Issues of Internet jurisdiction remain a key challenge for the application of law to the online environment. Despite of a large volume of academic writings on the topic, these issues continue to be perceived as complex and inaccessible. This article aims to provide an accessible introduction to private international law as it applies to the Internet. As such, it is hoped that it may be a useful resource for courses in IT law, Internet law, e-commerce law or the like, as well as for anyone looking to refresh their understanding of exactly what it is that people are struggling with in the field we may call Internet jurisdiction.  相似文献   
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