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以非政府组织为主体的社会自组织管理是社会管理的重要组成部分。司法介入社会自组织管理的根据是司法管辖权的国家保留,介入方式取决于该事项是否关涉公共职能,介入限度要在逻辑分析和经验分析基础之上进行目的识别、利益衡量和价值权衡。在可以预见的未来,中国仍将是一个以发展为内质的国家,科学发展、和谐稳定、社会全面建设的任务,与行政诉讼建立之初市场经济方兴未艾、经济发展任务艰巨的情况已然不同,司法需要超越传统经验和智识以继续建立它同现实社会的功能联系。  相似文献   
Sudden cardiac death (SCD), most commonly seen in coronary heart disease, is a kind of sudden death caused by series of cardiac parameters, which usually combines with myocardial infarction. However, some SCDs (including early myocardial infarction) happen suddenly and cause death in a very short time. In these circumstances, typical morphological changes are lack in macroscopic or microscopic fields, which make such SCDs become the emphasis and difficulty in the present research. SCD caused by myocardial infarction and abnormalities of cardiac conduction system (CCS) is related to atherosclerosis of coronary artery closely. This paper reviews cardiac dysfunction caused by myocardial infarction and diseases of CCS from morphology and molecular biology, and explores potential relationship between them. This paper aims to provide clues to the mechanism of myocardial infarction related sudden death and possible assistance for forensic diagnosis of SCD. © 2017 by the Editorial Department of Journal of Forensic Medicine.  相似文献   
In the Internet of Things (IoT), identification and access control technologies provide essential infrastructure to link data between a user's devices with unique identities, and provide seamless and linked up services. At the same time, profiling methods based on linked records can reveal unexpected details about users' identity and private life, which can conflict with privacy rights and lead to economic, social, and other forms of discriminatory treatment. A balance must be struck between identification and access control required for the IoT to function and user rights to privacy and identity. Striking this balance is not an easy task because of weaknesses in cybersecurity and anonymisation techniques. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), set to come into force in May 2018, may provide essential guidance to achieve a fair balance between the interests of IoT providers and users. Through a review of academic and policy literature, this paper maps the inherent tension between privacy and identifiability in the IoT. It focuses on four challenges: (1) profiling, inference, and discrimination; (2) control and context-sensitive sharing of identity; (3) consent and uncertainty; and (4) honesty, trust, and transparency. The paper will then examine the extent to which several standards defined in the GDPR will provide meaningful protection for privacy and control over identity for users of IoT. The paper concludes that in order to minimise the privacy impact of the conflicts between data protection principles and identification in the IoT, GDPR standards urgently require further specification and implementation into the design and deployment of IoT technologies.  相似文献   
电子政务悖论与政府管理变革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
电子政务工程绝不是简单的IT在政府中的应用,电子政务作为新技术,其实是政府经营系统的一部分,必须和经营系统的各部分相互协调才可以发挥其作用。政府再造是电子政务实施的理论依据。电子政务是借助信息技术来实现的政府再造,是新时期政府管理变革的一个良好的契机。我们应该在继承政府再造先进理论成果的基础上整合电子政务系统,防止信息悖论在电子政务中重演。电子政务败因和电子政务项目的复杂性有直接关系。复杂性可以从4个维度来描述:衔接、变革的幅度、人员、时间。这4个维度可以说是电子政务项目成功的关键成功因素。最后,给出了我国当前在电子政务建设中实现政府管理变革的出路。  相似文献   
论我国行政复议改革的逻辑起点和现实路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国行政纠纷进入高发期,完善作为解决行政纠纷之主渠道的行政复议,已经引起行政法学界和实务界的普遍关注。然而,囿于对行政复议的性质和功能难以形成共识,改革的争论往往局限在具体的技术层面。应当看到,行政复议作为一种纠纷裁判活动,本质上就是司法行为。行政复议的第一要务是裁决行政争议。立足于以上两个认识来看待我国正在推行的行政复议委员会试点,不得不承认仍要从规范层面解决改革的合法性基础问题。相应的,修订行政复议法无疑是行政复议制度变革的迫切课题和现实道路。  相似文献   
Aiming to clarify the adult phenotype of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), the empirical literature on its childhood background among the disruptive behaviour disorders, such as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD), or hyperkinetic conduct disorder (HKCD), was reviewed according to the Robins and Guze criteria for nosological validity. At least half of hyperactive children develop ODD and about a third CD (i.e. AD/HD + CD or HKCD) before puberty. About half of children with this combined problem constellation develop antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) in adulthood. Family and adoption/twin studies indicate that AD/HD and CD share a high heritability and that, in addition, there may be specific environmental effects for criminal behaviours. “Zones of rarity” delineating the disorders from each other, or from the normal variation, have not been identified. Neurophysiology, brain imaging, neurochemistry, neurocognition, or molecular genetics have not provided “external validity” for any of the diagnostic categories used today. Deficient mental functions, such as inattention, poor executive functions, poor verbal learning, and impaired social interaction (empathy), seem to form unspecific susceptibility factors. As none of today's proposed syndromes (e.g. AD/HD or psychopathy) seems to describe a natural category, a dimensional behavioural phenotype reflecting aggressive antisocial behaviours assessed by numbers of behaviours, the severity of their consequences and how early is their age at onset, which will be closely related to childhood hyperactivity, would bring conceptual clarity, and may form the basis for further probing into mental, cognitive, biological and treatment-related co-varying features.  相似文献   
合宪性审查的地方制度构图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律法规之外的地方规范性文件是否可能直接违宪,以及其违宪问题由谁处置和如何处置的问题,构成了合宪性审查地方制度的核心关切。规范性文件备案审查体系是合宪性审查制度构成中最全面、最有效的制度实现载体。目前的地方立法对备案审查中合宪性标准的规定整体上呈现出一种谨慎的姿态。究其原因,国家立法对合宪性审查职责配置模糊、“违宪”责任观念上存在误区、合宪性审查地方实践需求不强等多重因素,严重抑制了针对地方规范性文件合宪性审查的地方立法。一直以来,理论界和实务界共筑的“地方人大宪法监督”学说却有力地支撑着合宪性审查地方工作的展开。合宪性审查的地方制度正是由以地方人大宪法监督为主导、同级“一府一委两院”自我纠错为补充的合宪性审查工作体系所构成。  相似文献   
中韩建交15周年双边关系盘点与前景展望   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
中韩自1992年建交至今走过了15周年的历程。其间,经贸往来互利互惠,政治合作共识增多,文化交流日益扩展。相对中韩各自对外关系的发展均展现出如下三个典范:一是速度之快的典范,二是领域之广的典范,三是共识之多的典范。当然在中韩关系快速发展的同时也存在着不容回避的问题,包括经济摩擦,司法问题和历史认识差异等。不过经综合评价,认为态势基本健康,问题尚处发展中。因而展望中韩关系发展前景有望再上新台阶,即有必要把目前的"全面合作伙伴关系"定位转变为"战略合作伙伴关系",依据在于中韩关系发展日益呈现出经济合作密切化,战略意义明显化,人文交流深层化的趋势。  相似文献   
闫海  兰天 《长白学刊》2021,(2):85-91
市场准入告知承诺制是近年来我国优化营商环境的重要举措,是市场准入领域实现经济效益和交易安全衡平的重要改革.我国市场准入告知承诺制的法律尚不健全,适用范围、事前审查、事中监管、事后惩戒及责任承担等法治建设亟待推进.市场准入告知承诺制在一般性市场准入应当予以广泛适用,但特别许可市场准入应当避免对实质审查的替代.市场准入告知...  相似文献   
恩怨过后正常化——中越关系60年回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年是中越建交60周年,在60年的发展历程中,两国人民曾并肩战斗、相互支援,结下了深厚的传统友谊。尽管中越间也曾有过风风雨雨,但那只是短暂的一段经历。自1991年11月中越关系正常化以来,双方在政治、经济、文教、科技等各个领域的交往与合作不断发展,相互信赖逐步增进,友好关系日益巩固和加强。本文主要阐述中越关系的背景、回顾60年的发展历程、总结两国关系的经验教训,分析影响两国关系的主要因素,对两国关系的发展进行展望。  相似文献   
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