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胡学军 《证据科学》2010,18(4):458-466
消费欺诈诉讼案件中对"欺诈"事实的证明责任分配依"规范说"应由消费者承担,不应由法官裁量证明责任来改变法定的证明责任分配。法官自由裁量权应在证明评价与自由心证等环节加以运用。疑难案件的解决应坚持在严格遵循法定证明责任分配原则的基础上,通过司法实践生成诉讼证明的具体规则的路径来加以解决。  相似文献   
作为舶来事物,"后悔权"一经浮出水面,即遭受或赞或弹的命运。其中的质疑不无道理,但又有失偏颇。据此,厘清"后悔权"之真正意旨,区别相关权利,奠定对其讨论的正确基础实为必须且为必要。此外,"后悔权"作为一个货真价实的"国际惯例",无理由将之拒之门外,但为避免"水土不服"的尴尬,其设立必须兼顾本土实际,即:一切从实际出发,设立中国特色的"后悔权"制度——"有限后悔权"制度。  相似文献   
格式条款因其有助于交易的迅捷而被广泛应用于各种消费领域,但其亦日益沦为经营者侵害消费者利益的工具,并愈演愈烈。因此,此次《消费者权益保护法》着重从防范格式条款滥用的角度对其进行修缮。但是,如果深入剖析格式条款制度所蕴涵的效率与公平法价值及两者间的运行机理,则会发现此次防范和规制格式条款的修改思路依然是旧有规整思路,难以取得法律修改的预期效果。合理而正确的规整思路应当是,区分不同消费领域对公平与效率价值的强弱需求,然后在遵循不同法价值机理的基础上配置相称的规制手段。  相似文献   
Consumer bankruptcy regulation in the United States as well as in many other countries allow consumers to petition for a partial debt discharge. Usually, a debt release is possible when the debtor behaves in the creditors’ best interest and after filing for bankruptcy signs over her entire disposable income for a fixed period. Depending on the country the period lasts between three and six years. We show that a fixed period distorts the consumer’s ex-post incentives to work hard. Instead, we suggest to adequately reduce the outstanding claim and to make debt release contingent on payment. When the consumer manages to pay back the reduced amount, the rest of the initial debt should be discharged immediately. In effect, the consumer becomes the residual claimant of her endeavors. The period of good conduct is effectively variable. JEL classification D18. D91. K29  相似文献   
消费伦理观具有时代性,不同的时代会有不同的消费伦理观引导着人们。我国长期在崇俭黜奢的消费伦理观的左右下,消费的形式多为生存性的物质消费,具有明显的保守性。随着经济的发展,我国人民的消费观念和消费方式发生了巨大的变革,这种消费伦理观念的变化在给人们的消费方式带来发展的同时出现了一些新的消费观,如享乐主义的消费观、信贷消费观、冲动性消费观等。因此,在社会转型期要继承和发扬传统消费观念中的优秀部分,合理分配消费比例,努力倡导可持续消费和绿色消费,用一种科学、健康的消费伦理观念引导人们的生活。  相似文献   
时下国内最热门的话题莫过于"互联网金融",究其原因主要是因为互联网金融不仅关涉政府部门、金融机构或互联网企业,也正在改变着社会的方方面面,包括思维方式、行为习惯和商业模式。当变革带给我们巨大便利和实惠的同时,纷繁复杂的互联网金融模式也留下了各种问题和争论,然而,在互联网金融发展的初期,法律层面的问题是我们首先需要面对和解决的。以实务的视角来看,互联网金融区别于传统金融的特征在于金额小、人数多、总量大和涉及面广,因而需要我们树立开放、包容和创新的理念,去探索适合互联网金融的法律规范模式。  相似文献   
In the second of our series of articles considering the EU’s limited harmonisation of the laws regulating the activities of businesses using the Internet, we look at the rules governing contracting and selling online. We consider the circumstances in which three key EU directives apply, the rights, under these directives, of consumers who contract online and the effect of electronic signatures as used for online contracting.  相似文献   
The Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012, which abolishes the consumer assured's duty to volunteer information, heralds the first successful outcome of the English and Scottish Law Commissions current insurance contract law reform project. This paper outlines the defects of the common law duty of disclosure which the Law Commissions sought to address. It goes on to consider why previous legislative attempts failed, the self‐regulatory measures introduced by the insurance industry as a means of resisting earlier pressure for statutory intervention, and how that resistance broke down. Finally, it examines the scope of the 2012 reforms and the current consultation being undertaken in respect of the duty of disclosure in relation to business insurance. It concludes by assessing the significance of the statute in providing a necessary impetus for future insurance law reforms.  相似文献   
England and France have developed distinct treatment systems to address the shock of a substantial increase in over‐indebted individuals since the mid‐1980s. In France, Over‐Indebtedness Commissions, with the Bank of France playing a central role in their management, now dominate the system. A more fragmented system of private and public providers of remedies developed in England, with innovation driven by private actors modifying existing commercial procedures and increased access to bankruptcy relief a side‐effect of government promotion of entrepreneurialism. This article explains the differences between these countries in terms of the influence of interest groups, including state actors, and ideologies. Historical contingency also plays a role. The distinct responses were not hard‐wired to legal origins and the article argues that analysis of the interaction of interest groups, state actors and ideology in shaping institutions, which in turn structure future change, provides a productive approach for future comparative research in this area.  相似文献   
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