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在经济全球化的今天,我国青少年在购物时是否受到民族中心主义的影响,这种影响的程度如何,对于本土企业的未来发展具有重要的实践意义。本研究以理性行为理论为基础探讨青少年消费者民族中心主义对购物意愿的影响。结果表明加入消费者民族中心主义(CET)是对理性行为模型的有效的拓展。我国青少年消费者民族中心主义的得分总体偏低。CET对购买国产品牌意愿有显著正向影响,对购买国外品牌意愿有显著负向影响。  相似文献   
随着计算机科学的普及与发展,特别是我国国民经济和社会信息化进程的全面加快,计算机信息系统的基础性、全局性作用日益增强。与此同时,涉及计算机系统的案件也与日俱增,电子数据取证的正确与否关系到涉及案件的定性与犯罪嫌疑人的定罪量刑问题。通过对电子证据概念、特征的理解,解读电子数据的取证原则,提出现阶段电子数据取证中存在的问题,并有针对性地提出了相应对策。  相似文献   
In the second of our series of articles considering the EU’s limited harmonisation of the laws regulating the activities of businesses using the Internet, we look at the rules governing contracting and selling online. We consider the circumstances in which three key EU directives apply, the rights, under these directives, of consumers who contract online and the effect of electronic signatures as used for online contracting.  相似文献   
The Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012, which abolishes the consumer assured's duty to volunteer information, heralds the first successful outcome of the English and Scottish Law Commissions current insurance contract law reform project. This paper outlines the defects of the common law duty of disclosure which the Law Commissions sought to address. It goes on to consider why previous legislative attempts failed, the self‐regulatory measures introduced by the insurance industry as a means of resisting earlier pressure for statutory intervention, and how that resistance broke down. Finally, it examines the scope of the 2012 reforms and the current consultation being undertaken in respect of the duty of disclosure in relation to business insurance. It concludes by assessing the significance of the statute in providing a necessary impetus for future insurance law reforms.  相似文献   
England and France have developed distinct treatment systems to address the shock of a substantial increase in over‐indebted individuals since the mid‐1980s. In France, Over‐Indebtedness Commissions, with the Bank of France playing a central role in their management, now dominate the system. A more fragmented system of private and public providers of remedies developed in England, with innovation driven by private actors modifying existing commercial procedures and increased access to bankruptcy relief a side‐effect of government promotion of entrepreneurialism. This article explains the differences between these countries in terms of the influence of interest groups, including state actors, and ideologies. Historical contingency also plays a role. The distinct responses were not hard‐wired to legal origins and the article argues that analysis of the interaction of interest groups, state actors and ideology in shaping institutions, which in turn structure future change, provides a productive approach for future comparative research in this area.  相似文献   
消费者权益保护法以及其他相关法律法规虽已实施多年,但消费者权益的保护在我国仍然处于初级阶段,对其制度研究则多限于实务角度。本文立足于消费者权益保护的基本问题,从法学和经济学的角度分析了消费者弱势地位的四种具体表现,以及作为“经济人”的经营者如何利用消费者的弱势地位对消费者权益进行侵蚀。在理论分析基础之上,从消费者权益保护核心概念的修正、基本制度及标准的健全、诉讼制度改革和如何发挥法律的引导功能等层面提出了相应的法律矫正措施。  相似文献   
美国"次贷"危机爆发深刻揭示了当代市场经济运行中的金融本质特征之一是高度发达的信用经济。负债运行是当代市场经济中微观主体的常态,是社会经济正常运转的必要前提与制约保障。信用经济本质上是债权债务经济,并具有正负"双重"效应。信用经济的核心功能是以时间交错、空间重组的方式极大限度地将现有的暂时闲置的社会资源动员起来,使原有的经济实体规模在本不可能的基础上得以扩张;但这种经济的运行一旦在某个环节出现断裂并引发环环相扣的整体信用关系功能性断裂时,就会引发整个社会经济的连锁反应,使其原来对社会经济的加速度推动作用反方向运行,并由此产生对社会经济的加速度的破坏张力。发挥信用经济正效应,抑制负效应,需要遵循信用经济运行的基本平衡公式,保障信用经济运行的基本约束条件,即债务人的受信在数量、质量、时间上与债权人的授信相平衡,并以此构建监管体系。  相似文献   
从众性消费是指消费者在现实生活中受到团体的购买行为、评价与意图所影响,进而改变自己对产品的评价、购买意图与消费行为,以符合团体期望。基于青少年是所有年龄群体中最可能迫于从众压力的人群这一观点,以大连市中学生为研究对象,探讨青少年从众性消费行为的动机。发现个人特性、群体特性、品牌特性和情境特性各指标对青少年从众性消费行为具有显著的正向影响,服从与驯服这一个人特性对从众性消费行为影响最大,其余依次是社会大众、媒体曝光率、同伴群体、品牌知名度、自信与自尊。性别差异不会对从众性消费行为产生影响。最后指出了研究的局限与未来研究的建议。  相似文献   
正137.2%Increase in Chinese tourists to Sri Lanka in the first half of 201426 mln Number of smartphones that electronics maker Xiaomi Corp.sold in the first half of2014,a year-on-year jump of 271 percent  相似文献   
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