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In May 2014, and for the second time in her political history, regional, federal and European elections were organized simultaneously in Belgium. In the direct follow-up of the sixth state reform, which increased the powers and autonomy of the Belgian Regions and Communities, these elections were crucial for the future of the country and for the multi-level coalition formation at the regional and federal levels. The political campaign was dominated by socioeconomic issues and demands for further autonomy, particularly in the Flemish region. Regional electoral results confirmed the success of the regionalist parties in Flanders, but also in Brussels and in the German-speaking Community. These successes allowed regionalist parties to enter all regional and federal governments—often as the dominant party—with the exception of the Walloon and the French-speaking Community cabinets.  相似文献   
合同的订立是建立合同关系的基础,合同订立的风险防范直接影响到合同的履行以及纠纷的解决。合同订立的风险主要出现在主体、合同形式、订立程序、合同内容等方面,在实务中应当根据实际情况对合同订立的风险加以有效的防范。  相似文献   
《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(5):493-515

In November 2002 a Romanian journalist published an editorial attacking the Romanian authorities for 'playing the democratic card' and failing to prevent 'thieves, hooligans and criminals' from going to the West and disgracing all Romanians. The journalist, Lia Epure, entitled her article 'Rromania', a play on the Romanian government's spelling of Roma (i.e. 'Rroma'), and concluded that, if Romanians 'continue to accept identification with abnormals, then we will be become Rromania'. In response to vocal Romani and human rights group protests, Epure published a second article defending her right to say what 'even the president of the European Commission knows', that Romanians are not accepted as EUropean 'because of ?igani'. Woodcock explores how both elite and popular levels of Romanian discourse blame Romania's continued marginalization in EUrope on the actions of the ?igan, a fantastic Other, historically constructed out of ethno-nationalist Romanian discourses at moments of crisis for national identity. The discursive struggles for meaning with regard to the constructed ethnic Other highlight the paradox of post-socialist Romanian ethno-nationalism in an era of European Union accession: in order to be recognized as EUropean, Romanian discourse must relinquish the ?igan Other, even when it is this precise construction that has historically enabled Romania to claim a European identity.  相似文献   
市场经济发展和社会结构分化必然带来利益分化,而制度化、合规则的利益博弈有助于实现利益均衡,促进制度成长。以《劳动合同法》的制定为个案,考察其具体的修成过程,有助于厘清社会转型期中国利益博弈的基本状况。《劳动合同法》的出台过程充满各个利益主体间激烈的利益博弈和相互妥协;立法过程中体现的科学立法和民主立法精神有望固化为一种制度,从而对中国的制度成长产生深远影响。但需要注意的是,利益博弈的过程中也存在话语权不对等、非均衡博弈等缺陷,因而,我们需要规范利益博弈过程,抑制强势利益集团过分的利益主张,维护弱势群体的合法权益,实现利益博弈与制度成长的良性互动。  相似文献   

Giorgio Agamben argues that in contemporary governance the use of ‘emergency’ is no longer provisional, but ‘constitutes a permanent technology of government’ and has produced the extrajudicial notion of crisis. The engendering of ‘zones of indistinction’ between the law and its practice is what Agamben defines as a ‘state of exception’. This article adopts the notion enunciated by Agamben and revisits it in the Islamic Republic of Iran. There, the category of crisis has been given, firstly, a juridical status through the institution of maslahat, ‘expediency’, interpreted in a secular encounter between Shica theological exegesis and modern statecraft. Secondly, crisis has not led to the production of a ‘state of exception’ as Agamben argues. Instead, since the late 1980s, a sui generis institution, the Expediency Council, has presided and decided over matters of crisis. Instead of leaving blind spots in the production of legislative power, the Expediency Council takes charge of those spheres of ambiguity where the ‘normal’ – and normative – means of the law would have otherwise failed to deliver. This is a first study of this peculiar institution, which invites further engagement with political phenomena through the deconstruction and theorization of crisis politics.  相似文献   
针对公私合伙制度(PPPs)下之契约,探究其系公法契约或是私法契约,具有实际意义。英国、德国及美国在公私合伙制度下之发展进程,值得关注;特别是英国成功发展的PPPs,建构"公法下之政府契约"及"私法下之政府契约"之模式足资赞许;德国针对PPPs下之投资契约,是否适合置入于行政程序法下之行政性契约,相关立法沿革,值得注意与效法;而美国行政任务私有化后,行政机关对外购买服务,公权力充分与私部门分享,而未建构监督与契约治理机制,堪致忧虑,特别是契约外包之下,相关法律不禁止境外转包,则服务之质量与法律正当性受到质疑。  相似文献   
《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》的颁行改变了《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》实施期间的法律关系主体结构,政府作为征收一方直接与被征收人发生法律联系。该条例第25条所规定的房屋征收补偿协议宜认定为行政合同,该条第2款有关规定实质上设立了一种新的行政合同履行纠纷的解决方式。不过,该条规定的实施受到了现行《行政诉讼法》的限制。新的行政合同履行纠纷解决方式是否真正建立,有待进一步论证。  相似文献   
尤陈俊 《法学家》2012,(4):14-28,176
在明清中国围绕民间房地买卖而生发的契约实践中,至少在江南地区的不少地方,曾存在着一类当时通常被称为"叹契"的独特契约形式。这类契约尽管在具体名称上各地稍有差异,但其共同的特征在于,卖主将房地绝卖于他人之后,仍可再向买主索要俗称"叹价"的经济补偿。此类体现绝卖不绝之特征的"叹契",往往构成当时江南地区不少地方的房地买卖全过程之内在组成部分。本文不仅通过对新史料的挖掘与运用,以及与学界已有的研究成果进行对话,就叹契这一契约类型展开讨论,并且还主要借助于欧根.埃利希的一对概念,从法律社会学的角度,对明清时期建立在诸如叹价诉求之类的"不确定的习惯权利"基础上的社会秩序藉以维系数百年之久的司法机制加以探讨。  相似文献   
长期以来,RNA由于其自身的不稳定性、易降解的特征未受到法医学者的关注。近年来,随着定量PCR等分子生物学技术的改进与发展,RNA分析逐渐开始在法医学实验室中开展起来。RNA可用于死亡时间、创口形成时间、斑痕形成时间的推测,并且可取代传统的血清酶学检测用于确定体液类型并扩大了检测范围,还可以辅助诊断细胞或器官的功能状态。本文就近年来RNA在法医学的研究应用进展做一概述。  相似文献   
共同抵押权是为共同担保同一债权而于数项不同财产上设定的抵押权。共同抵押不应包括法定一并抵押。共同抵押权担保的债权虽为一个但抵押权的标的为数个独立财产。共同抵押可分为按份共同抵押和连带共同抵押,但原则上不包括按份共同抵押。共同抵押的抵押人可以为同一人,也可为不同的人;共同抵押的设立也不以一次同时设立为必要。共同抵押的各标的物可为不动产也可为动产,各抵押财产上抵押权是否设立依一般抵押权的设立规则确定,不以登记为共同抵押必要。共同抵押设立时未约定数抵押财产执行顺序时,抵押权人得自由选择是先就某抵押财产行使抵押权还是就全部抵押财产行使抵押权。共同抵押权人对于共同抵押的数项财产同时实现抵押权时,同时受各抵押财产的价金分配,此时各抵押财产按照其价额的比例分担所担保的债权额,不发生他抵押人或后顺序抵押权人的求偿权行使。共同抵押权人仅就共同抵押财产的某一或某几项财产实行抵押权并受偿其全部债权时,由于各抵押财产异时分配其担保的债权额,若数抵押财产不为同一人所有或者存在后次序抵押权,则发生他抵押人或者后顺序抵押权人的求偿权行使问题。共同抵押的抵押人既有债务人又有物上保证人时,物上保证人不能享有先诉抗辩权,但为保障物上保证人的利益,物上保证人得主张债务人优先负担。共同抵押权人放弃债务人提供的抵押担保的,物上保证人在抵押权人放弃的利益范围内不再承担担保责任。  相似文献   
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