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经验法则是法官依照日常生活中所形成的反映事物之间内在必然联系的事理作为认定待征事实根据的有关法则.它包括从一般的生活常识到关于一定职业技术或科学专业上的法则.经验法则具有盖然性程度的差异性和内容上的无限性,法官运用经验法则可以发现事实和应用法律,创造善的规则体系,更好地实现接近正义.  相似文献   
刑法中的正当化行为与犯罪构成关系的理性思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
与大陆法系、英美法系均将刑法中的正当化行为置于犯罪构成体系之中的做法所不同的是 ,刑法中的正当化行为是游离于我国传统的耦合式犯罪构成体系之外的一个“活泼元素”。这样的关系 ,与现代刑事法治的精神不相契合 ,实有认真检讨和改进的必要。英美法系双层次犯罪构成模式为刑法中的正当化行为的纳入 ,尤其是超法规的正当化行为的充分展开 ,不仅提供了极其广阔的空间 ,而且因赋予其程序要件的色彩 ,从而突出强调了程序正义的价值 ,推动了宪法在刑事领域的司法化。因之 ,借鉴英美法系双层次犯罪构成的结构模式 ,吸纳我国传统犯罪构成体系中的合理成份 ,实现经验与理性的沟通 ,应当成为改造我国传统的耦合式犯罪构成体系的努力方向。  相似文献   
农村合作基金会缘起于农村社区对生产资金的需要及现行农村金融系统不能予以充分满足的合力。农村合作基金会在运行中的失误曾造成农村金融体系的振荡 ,但其主要原因并非源于该制度设计本身 ,反而恰恰是其运行背离该制度设计的结果。因之 ,我们对农村合作基金会不能因噎废食 ,简单地取缔了事 ,而更应该使该制度周详、完善 ,以规范、矫正农村合作基金会的运行 ,达成设立该制度的初衷。  相似文献   
现代行政应是在“双服务”理念支配下的有效行政。所谓“双服务”理念是一种对秩序行政、服务行政和依法行政加以整合的理念。它在目标层面上表现为两种利益观的整合———既服务于公益又服务于私益 ,在工具层面上表现为在依法行政框架下多元化行政手段的综合运用。“双服务”理念为解决复杂的行政问题提供了一种整合、兼顾的思路 ,其解决复杂行政问题的强大功能在实践中已初见端倪。  相似文献   
论凯尔森纯粹法理论的基本概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在凯尔森所创立的纯粹法理论中 ,基本概念的界定已经成为其理论的核心和关键所在。通过对“法律规范”这一基本概念进行严格界定 ,凯尔森不仅自圆其说地阐明了法律学科的独立性与独特性 ,建立了具有原创性的学理思想 ,而且推动了学术研究的进一步深入。  相似文献   
研究和把握犯罪的概念,是刑法学和犯罪学共同的中心课题之一。刑法学与犯罪学的犯罪概念应是部分竞合的关系,二者之间有碰撞、有交融。  相似文献   
We analyze the European institutional integration that took place in the 1950s and 1960s as a two-stage process. Firstly, an explicitly political project aims at establishing a European political community. The project is abandoned in the mid-1950s and political integration stops. At that time, the institutions of the Union take the form of a confederation. In a second stage, because of the failure of the European political community, a legal process of integration driven by the European Court of Justice takes place. This second stage of unification is more centralizing and in effect leads to a federalization of the European institutional structure. The transformation of the political structure of the European Union thus appears to result from the actions and decisions of a legal entity, the European Court of Justice.   相似文献   
This paper combines two recent developments in just world research: the conception of belief in a just world (BJW) as a resource for coping and well-being in everyday life, and the distinction between two different facets of BJW, namely belief in immanent justice (BIJ) and belief in ultimate justice (BUJ). Moreover, these two aspects are adapted to the school context and educational psychology. Scales for measuring ultimate and immanent justice in schools were developed within a German pilot reform project with a sample of 1274 pupils. The two facets could be distinguished by means of factor analysis. The reliability of the two scales is satisfactory, and their validity is confirmed by their differential correlational patterns. Results show that not every form of BJW automatically functions as a coping resource. In fact, only BUJ is able to protect pupils' mental well-being, whereas immanent justice can actually jeopardize well-being. Similarly, BUJ is associated with the perception of solidarity and learning enjoyment in class, whereas BIJ is more closely associated with the experience of rivalry and competition in class. Finally, the socialization of the two justice beliefs is considered. The cross-sectional data provide some evidence to suggest that friendly and supportive parenting styles can promote BUJ, whereas strict parenting styles may further BIJ. More longitudinal research is needed to obtain further insights into these phenomena.  相似文献   
There is a general concern amongst judges, lawyers and legal scholars that evidence in digital format is not to be trusted, given that it can be altered and manipulated with ease. Some jurists have called for a UN Convention on matters relating to the authentication and admissibility of electronic evidence. It is debatable whether such a Convention is necessary, but guidance of an international nature might be welcome, providing that any such guidance remains guidance, and does not ossify into legal requirements that fail to take into account the dynamic and constantly developing changes in information technology. In any event, the accuracy of the presumption in England & Wales that a computer is in order at the material time is highly debatable, and it is suggested that this presumption ought to be reformed.  相似文献   
This article discusses challenges to achieving justice for slave descendents in Mauritius 177 years after the abolition of slavery. It reflects on the 2009 institution of a Truth and Justice Commission (TJC) in Mauritius to investigate the legacies of slavery and indentured labour. It is argued that time, the ethnic and cultural complexity of Mauritius as well as the TJC itself makes it difficult for Mauritians to achieve restorative justice for slave descendents. Reviewing transitional and restorative justice, the article argues that the Mauritius case study is potentially useful to reflections on the issue of social justice for ancient atrocities and for reflections on the challenges of reparations in complex and democratic societies. It concludes that the greater participation of civil society is required in decisions regarding reparations and that such decisions need to be grounded in contemporary and democratic approaches to achieving justice and the protection of human rights.  相似文献   
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