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制定行政程序法应正确处理的几对关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
影响乃至决定行政程序法的性质、功能、作用和调整范围的问题主要有八对关系:(1)统一法典与单行法;(2)程序法与实体法;(3)规范具体行政行为与规范抽象行政行为;(4)规范外部行政行为与规范内部行政行为;(5)规范行政行为与规范行政救济行为;(6)规范权力性行政行为与规范非权力性行政行为;(7)规范国家公权力行为与规范社会公权力行为;(8)规范行政机关公权力行为与规范其他国家机关公权力行为。  相似文献   
立案与侦查之间的关系非常复杂,简单对刑事诉讼中立案与侦查两程序的先后顺序进行判断不符合诉讼规律。从司法实践、法律检讨、诉讼价值、哲学理性、逻辑推理、制度比较等多角度、多层面纵横立体以及动静结合透视立案与侦查之关系有助于不断深化认识、转变观念、更新理念,从而提升刑事诉讼制度的改革动力,明确改革方向,重新科学合理设计、构建立案与侦查程序。  相似文献   
预重整制度有利于企业债务重组与破产重整程序的高效衔接,我国近年相关政策性文件亦强调要积极探索建立预重整制度。从目前各地法院的司法实践来看,因缺少预重整的基本理论共识,各地法院在适用预重整程序方面做法各异,有必要总结我国各地法院的预重整经验,构建起统一且适合我国的预重整程序规范。预重整程序的构建需以预重整的内涵、性质及形式等理论问题为其逻辑前提,在此基础上本文提出我国预重整的形式应采取庭内预重整,明确预重整的强制性效力,同时构建起以法院为主导的预重整程序,包括预重整的启动、临时管理人的产生、预重整方案的制定和法院的审查受理等。预重整制度在我国确立与发展,不仅需要借鉴域外预重整的制度规范和先进理念,更需要根据我国的现实环境进行培育,需要我国立法、司法与理论界的积极推动以及政府、法院与当事人之间的有效互动。  相似文献   
The role of the judiciary in strengthening regulatory regimes is well regarded. In developing countries where regulatory bodies are captive to powerful interest groups, the judiciary is regarded for its activist role in providing participatory access to groups excluded from the policy process. In contrast, this paper draws attention to the limits of the judiciary as a gatekeeper of regulatory governance. Using the case of regulation in India’s tertiary education sector, it shows how the judiciary’s track record of enabling elite actors to influence policy, often at the cost of legislative mandates, can undermine regulation.  相似文献   
There is a normative expectation that constitutionalism does not co-exist well with autocracy. How do constitutional courts then uphold their integrity under authoritarianism? In this paper, I answer this question by taking the case of the Russian Constitutional Court (RCC) and showing how court–government accommodation in the new post-third wave autocracies can be achieved by limiting the amount of information the court receives from its secretariat. It follows from a detailed analysis of case selection in the RCC that the secretariat can function as an “insulator,” protecting the Court from political and reputational risks. The two features that make this possible are its invisibility to the judges and the clerks’ specific professional culture. The research is informed by an extensive series of in-depth interviews in the RCC, and benefits from the relocation of the RCC to St. Petersburg in 2008.  相似文献   
The International Criminal Court (ICC) ran into considerable controversy almost immediately after its creation. More than 10 years later, the tension between the court and the AU is palpable. The court’s perceived political prosecutions as well as procedural flaws in light of the power bestowed on the UN Security Council under Article 13(b) of the Rome Statute are some of the areas of contention. However, despite the obvious flaws of the ICC, there is also widespread scepticism that the AU can be trusted to mobilise sufficient political will to deliver justice on the continent, more so in cases where the perpetrators are sitting heads of state or government. In lieu of cooperation with the ICC and the UN, can the AU deliver justice to victims of gross human rights abuses? Are extraordinary African Chambers such as the one created in Senegal to try the former Chadian dictator Hissene Habre an alternative to the ICC? This article argues that it is only through a partnership of convenience between the AU and the UN that victims of human rights abuses on the continent can access justice. Furthermore, the article opines that calls for African states to withdraw from the ICC en mass must be vigorously opposed.  相似文献   
2014年11月1日,十二届全国人大第十一次会议表决通过了关于修改《行政诉讼法》的决定,新的《行政诉讼法》将从2015年5月1日起开始实施,这是《行政诉讼法》实施24年来的首次修改。新《行政诉讼法》第60条明确规定:"人民法院审理行政案件,不适用调解。"然而,行政审判实践中"变相调解"现象却一直没有停止过,从而导致行政案件的撤诉率居高不下,大多学者及实务界对建立行政诉讼调解制度的呼声日益高涨。不少学者对这种制度建立的可行性和必要性进行了论证。但综合考察之后,发现这些理由和根据并不充分。当前在我国建立行政诉讼调解制度不具备必要性。  相似文献   
修订后的民事诉讼法涉及面广、内容丰富,特别在民事检察监督领域修改颇多,完善了民事检察监督职能,给基层民事检察工作带来了良好的发展机遇,也带来了严峻的挑战。应构建民事检察息诉和解机制,以科学合理地解决纠纷,维护当事人利益,创造和谐社会。  相似文献   
新修《民事诉讼法》对于公益诉讼程序的基本内容、程序规则,采用原则、粗疏的规定方式,不仅体现出了十分明显的简要、概括的立法倾向,而且从民事司法实务、立法与司法解释权限、国家有关立法与司法解释权力的设置、程序保障,以及大陆法系国家民事诉讼程序立法规则的角度上看,这种立法规定形式及其立法指导思想以及立法倾向的科学性、合理性与正确性,都是值得商榷,也是存在问题的。  相似文献   
量刑与定罪有着不同的司法功能,在量刑阶段。寻求设计与之相适应的证明责任、证明标准以及证据规则等制度内容,是我国定罪量刑程序分离改革过程中的重要组成部分。在深化司法改革大背景下,结合新《刑事诉讼法》增加“排除合理怀疑”的证明基本要求、扩宽当事人参与法庭调查与辩论范围、建立量刑建议制度等内容,可以得出,在量刑阶段建立相对独立的证明标准、证明责任等制度,既有其必要性,也有其可行性。  相似文献   
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