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涉众型经济犯罪主要是针对不特定社会公众实施诈骗犯罪,涉及人数众多,涉案金额巨大,容易引发群体性不稳定因素,社会危害性较大。公安机关应当高度重视,坚持工作前移,采取有力措施及时处置,坚决遏制犯罪。  相似文献   
In this paper, we develop a two-region model of crime spatial displacement. For high crime regions, the crime rate in one locality is negatively influenced by the crime rate of the other. The magnitude of the displacement depends on the distance between the two regions and on their relative size. For given sized neighbors, a closer distance implies greater displacement. When one region is larger, relative to the other, this increases the displacement, holding distance fixed. Examples show that the displacement from the treated to the adjacent areas can be small, if the relative size of the former is small. Nonetheless, the displacement can be large for other nearby areas, provided that the treated region is relatively big. Neglecting this result can cause an upward bias at the estimated impact of a policy. We also analyze the consequences for the design of public policies.  相似文献   
Some scholars have found that mass immigration fuels the success of anti-immigration parties, whereas others have found that it does not. In this paper, we propose a reason for these contradictory results. We advance a set of hypotheses that revolves around a commonly ignored factor, crime. To test these hypotheses, we examine a setting where an anti-immigration party, the LPF, participated in simultaneous elections in all Dutch municipalities, which form a single constituency. According to our results, the impact of immigration rates on the individual vote for the LPF only manifests itself among those voters who are very ‘tough on crime’. In addition, we demonstrate that high local crime rates make an anti-immigration vote more likely, but only among voters who are very ‘tough on immigration’. This suggests that immigration and crime rates do not make all citizens more likely to cast an anti-immigration vote, but only those who perceive a link between the two issues. Thus, if one wishes to reduce anti-immigration leaders’ electoral support, countering their criminalization of immigrants may be a more fruitful strategy than trying to stop immigration – if at all possible.  相似文献   
犯罪测量是犯罪学的重要课题。,近年来西方犯罪学发展缓慢,原因就在于测量量具缺乏标准化。测量量具不标准不利于犯罪学核心概念的精确,不利于实证研究的比较,不利于理论与实证互动,不利于研究成果的累积与转化。对于初学实证的我国犯罪学界,普及量具标准化意识有独特的意义。犯罪学测量量具标准化有利于西方犯罪学理论的中国化和我国本土犯罪学理论的验证。量具标准化不会影响犯罪学的多元比较,它是灵活的、发展的,不是固定的、模式化的。量具标准化不是一劳永逸的,它需要定期评估。  相似文献   
《刑法修正案(八)》已经明确将危险驾驶入罪。我们从醉酒状态的认定入手,认为应将血液检测作为涉嫌醉酒驾驶类危险驾驶罪的刑事取证必经程序;在醉酒驾车者的刑事责任能力方面,对相关理论进行评析,提出可以引入期待可能性理论确定不同类型醉酒者的刑事责任;在主观状态方面,认为醉酒驾驶是故意犯罪,并对自愿醉酒、非自愿醉酒两种类型的主观...  相似文献   
Amylase testing has been used as a presumptive test for crime scene saliva for over three decades, mainly to locate saliva stains on surfaces. We have developed a saliva screening application for crime scene trace swabs, utilising an amylase sensitive paper (Phadebas® Forensic Press test). Positive results were obtained for all tested dried saliva stains (0.5–32 μL) with high or intermediate amylase activity (840 and 290 kU/L). Results were typically obtained within 5 min, and all samples that produced DNA profiles were positive. However, salivary amylase activities, as well as DNA concentrations, vary significantly between individuals. We show that there is no correlation between amylase activity and amount of DNA in fresh saliva. Even so, a positive amylase result indicates presence of saliva, and thereby presence of DNA. Amylase testing may be useful for screening in investigations where the number of DNA analyses is limited due to cost, e.g., in volume crime.  相似文献   
毒品犯罪案件中的诱惑侦查是一门对抗技术,发生在侦查人员和毒品犯罪分子之间的一场生死博弈。因此,诱惑侦查的运用必须跟上毒品犯罪集团、职业型贩毒分子具体犯罪的新变化和新发展。  相似文献   
德日三阶层的犯罪论体系是大陆法系犯罪论体系的典型代表,它由构成要件该当性、违法性和有责性组成,不但强调犯罪成立的积极因素,更强调犯罪成立的消极因素.德日犯罪论体系中犯罪成立消极因素主要有消极的构成要件要素、违法阻却事由、责任阻却事由.犯罪成立消极因素的存在使得犯罪论体系兼具了惩罚犯罪与保障人权的功能,同时也保障了被告人...  相似文献   
法律制度是一种资源,资源具有稀缺性,因此,需要对资源利用的效益状况进行判定与评估,以优化资源的适用方案。从侦查机关现实的办案状况来看,与侦查高效益的实现还存在较大的差距,重要原因之一在于片面追求"破案率",忽视了其他衡量标准,因此,还必须将侦查效益放在不同的语境下进行考察。侦查效益评估体系的建立应全面囊括侦查活动的各种不同语境,置于刑事法律制度、打击犯罪与预防犯罪的整体效果环境中,从侦诉关系、侦防关系的相互联系中界定侦查效益的内涵,而非仅仅局限于侦查学意义上的侦查效益,这是建立科学侦查效益评估机制的前提条件。  相似文献   
当前,黑社会性质组织犯罪问题已成为我国社会危害性最为严重的犯罪形式之一。基于我国仍将处于特殊的社会转型期,黑社会性质组织犯罪所依赖的客观环境依然存在,而我国有关这方面的法律制度有待完善。为有效预防和打击黑社会性质组织的犯罪,应尽快完善有关法律制度,从而有力维护社会和谐与稳定。  相似文献   
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