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互联网金融的快速发展对我国金融创新、金融环境的优化以及中小企业融资产生巨大的推动作用,同时也会带来一些风险,并对刑事法律的适用产生较为深远的影响。互联网金融可能导致洗钱犯罪、信用卡诈骗、盗窃、诈骗、职务侵占等犯罪的加剧,也使得非法吸收公众存款罪、非法经营罪、擅自设立金融机构罪的适用范围面临调整。刑法应当充分尊重互联网金融存在的合理性,肯定金融创新。一方面,坚持刑法调整的补充性;另一方面,对于确因互联网金融而引发的金融犯罪行为,刑法介入应坚持及时性、准确性和适度性,从而发挥刑法对金融秩序和社会稳定的屏障作用。  相似文献   
刑事赔偿是对公民权利进行救济的最后屏障,在归责原则上经历了过错原则到无过错原则的演进,体现了对国家责任的认可.我国已经颁布了统一的《国家赔偿法》,侵犯人身权之刑事赔偿得以广泛关注,但侵犯财产权之刑事赔偿尚存在诸多问题,在财产权被宪法确认为公民的一项基本权利后,完善我国刑事赔偿势在必行.刑事赔偿制度既包括对实体性要件的界定,如刑事赔偿参与主体、赔偿范围、赔偿标准和方式;也包括程序性规范的具体设计,即狭义的刑事赔偿程序和追偿程序.  相似文献   
在我国,能动司法与西方有所差别,其主要强调司法机关如何将法、情、理有机融合,慎重平衡各方主体利益。能动司法有利于化解社会矛盾,实现司法公正,同时也是对恢复性司法理念的回应。刑事和解、附条件不起诉、量刑建议,均为公诉工作发挥司法能动性提供了有效平台。同时,在公诉工作发挥司法能动性时,也存在办案检察官角色定位偏差等问题。要使公诉工作司法能动性得以有效发挥,上述问题亟待完善。  相似文献   
藏区地理环境特殊,经济、文化、教育发展水平相对落后,其刑事犯罪有自身特点。刑事犯罪的防控工作需要因地制宜。以康定县为例,该县刑事犯罪呈现出较强的季节性特点,案件多与虫草相关,家族仇杀等恶性命案以及赌博、拦路抢劫案件多发,各类劳务、劳资纠葛引发的案件逐渐增多。其刑事犯罪案件发生原因主要有犯罪者个体、职能管理部门乃至社会大环境方面存在的弊端。刑事犯罪的防控需要相应地从上述多方面寻求对策。  相似文献   
The increasing involvement of girls under 18 in violent crime has been a matter of growing concern in the United States in recent years. This article reviews the arrests of female juveniles for violent crime and then focuses specifically on their involvement in homicide. Arrests of girls for murder, unlike arrests for assault, have not risen over the last 30 years, suggesting that the dynamics that propel female juveniles to engage in lethal violence differ from those contributing to assaultive behavior by this same group. A review of the literature indicates that theories as to why female adolescents kill do not take into account recent scientific findings on brain development and the biological effects of early trauma in explaining serious violent behavior by girls. Three cases, evaluated by the authors, involving female adolescents charged with murder or attempted murder, are presented. The authors focus on the biological and psychological dynamics that help explain their violent behavior. They discuss the effects of insecure attachment and child maltreatment, and trace a critical pathway between these early experiences and future risk of violent behavior. The dynamics of child maltreatment in fostering rage and violence are discussed thereafter in terms of offender accountability. The article concludes with a discussion of treatment and recommendations for future research.  相似文献   
In the study of aggression, psychopathy represents a disorder that is of particular interest because it often involves aggression which is premeditated, emotionless, and instrumental in nature; this is especially true for more serious types of offenses. Such instrumental aggression is aimed at achieving a goal (e.g., to obtain resources such as money, or to gain status). Unlike the primarily reactive aggression observed in other disorders, psychopaths appear to engage in aggressive acts for the purpose of benefiting themselves. This is especially interesting in light of arguments that psychopathy may represent an alternative life-history strategy that is evolutionarily adaptive; behaviors such as aggression, risk-taking, manipulation, and promiscuous sexual behavior observed in psychopathy may be means by which psychopaths gain advantage over others. Recent neurobiological research supports the idea that abnormalities in brain regions key to emotion and morality may allow psychopaths to pursue such a strategy—psychopaths may not experience the social emotions such as empathy, guilt, and remorse that typically discourage instrumentally aggressive acts, and may even experience pleasure when committing these acts. Findings from brain imaging studies of psychopaths may have important implications for the law.  相似文献   
Why is it that some people respond in a more negative way to procedural injustice than do others, and why is it that some people go on to defy authority while others in the same situation do not? Personality theorists suggest that the psychological effect of a situation depends on how a person interprets the situation and that such differences in interpretation can vary as a function of individual difference factors. For example, affect intensity—one’s predisposition to react more or less emotionally to an event—is one such individual difference factor that has been shown to influence people’s reactions to events. Cross-sectional survey data collected from (a) 652 tax offenders who have been through a serious law enforcement experience (Study 1), and (b) 672 citizens with recent personal contact with a police officer (Study 2), showed that individual differences in ‘affect intensity’ moderate the effect of procedural justice on both affective reactions and compliance behavior. Specifically, perceptions of procedural justice had a greater effect in reducing anger and reports of non-compliance among those lower in affect intensity than those higher in affect intensity. Both methodological and theoretical explanations are offered to explain the results, including the suggestion that emotions of shame may play a role in the observed interaction.  相似文献   
新<律师法>与<刑事诉讼法>存在立法性冲突,导致新<律师法>施行后的执法性报复.学术界和实务界对新<律师法>的法律效力见解不一.根据<宪法>、<立法法>等规定,全国人大与其常委会的关系不能成为确定新<律师法>与<刑事诉讼法>法律位阶关系之根据.全国人大与其常委会不属于<立法法>中的同一机关,但"视为"同一机关具有现实合理性.全国人大常委会法制工作委员会对新<律师法>法律效力的答复存在形式上的不妥当性与内容上的不合法性.应通过个案解决的立法技术以及法律适用规则的完善,为新<律师法>与<刑事诉讼法>的立法性冲突提供解决对策,也为国内法律冲突提供制度化化解路径.  相似文献   
大陆、台湾地区的犯罪心理测试比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对比两岸犯罪心理测试技术,大陆司法界仍然抱着怀疑态度,而台湾地区则持有谨慎相信的态度。在仪器引进研发上,大陆以仿制和自主研发为主,台湾地区以进口为主;在法律效力上,大陆是辅助侦查手段,台湾地区是辅助证据;在测试主体标准及培养方式上,大陆参差不齐,台湾严谨慎重;其他如测试技术客体标准,测试的实施条件、测试环境等方面,大陆和台湾地区基本相同,略有差异。海峡两岸均应更严格地对犯罪心理测试技术实施资质管理,提高准确率,以期为法制昌明而出力。  相似文献   
近年来,刑事和解在我国越来越受到重视和运用。分析目前刑事和解的适用状况,我们可以针对刑事和解在司法实践中存在的问题,采取相应的对策,及时立法来对其进行规制,使刑事和解在我国的社会主义法制建设中更好地发挥其应有的作用,这也符合构建和谐社会的需要。  相似文献   
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