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我国现行刑事拘留制度在司法实践运行中存在着一系列的问题:刑事拘留强制措施适用的工具化、拘留期限过长的普遍化、羁押期限的极限化、拘留适用的随意性,这极大地损害了犯罪嫌疑人权利。这些问题归因于我国立法规定的冲突、拘留标准过低、拘押合一制度、司法审查缺失等。因此,应当对我国刑事拘留制度进行改革。  相似文献   
警事社会化既是对国际社会成功经验的总结,也是我国警务改革的主要方向.在计划经济时期提出的社会治安综合治理是我国警事社会化的早期形式,随着市场经济的飞速发展,已经有很多方面不适应.如何实现与市场经济的有效对接,走好警事社会化道路,创新具有我国特色的警事治理模式,契约式治安保险联防树立了一个新典型.  相似文献   
作为我国的一项法律制度,劳动教养制度在维护社会稳定、改造轻微犯罪人员等方面起到了不可忽视的作用。但随着社会的发展和行政权力在相应社会领域里的淡化,劳动教养制度在程序和实体方面都呈现出一些问题,对其进行深度改革已成为必然。  相似文献   
The purpose to set up public prosecution power is to restrict the investigation and judicial power. Public prosecution power is an organic combination of prosecution and trial supervision. The procurator’s supervision in the court does not infringe on the defendants’ procedural right. The procuratorial organ’s supervision on the matters of the court at the same level is only a power to start the correction procedure, however, the substantive power to make the final decision of whether to admit the mistake and how to make remedies belongs to the court. Therefore, the public prosecution’s status is much higher than that of the defense and the interferences with independent judicial power of courts by legal supervision do not exist in China. Gao Jingfeng is a senior procurator of the Supreme Procuratorate of China, National Research Specialist in procuratorial theory. His over ten major works include The Report on Judicial Reform—the procuratorate and courts in China, Chinese Procuratorial Practice, Outline of Chinese procuratorial system, Research on Office Crimes. His over thirty academic articles were released by the journals, such as Jurists, Legal Procedure and Judicial Systems, Procuratorial Daily, People’s Procuratorial, Legal Daily.  相似文献   
从刑事争端解决的历史传统、演进过程等角度,探究刑事和解的社会支撑力量及其产生动因,并肯定了刑事和解作为一种刑事特别程序将对我国未来的刑事诉讼程序产生深远的影响。  相似文献   
新律师法之下的刑事侦查理念的更新   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
律师会见权以及调查取证权的完善和强化是修订后的律师法中最主要的亮点,它给刑事侦查工作带来新的挑战和新要求.面对这种新的挑战和新要求,要提高侦查破案水平,增强驾驭侦查全局能力,侦查理念的更新转换显然是首要任务.  相似文献   
2007年6月,云南省高级法院、省检察院、省公安厅、省司法厅联合出台的《关于在刑事执法活动中贯彻宽严相济刑事司法政策的实施意见》规定:法院在审理刑事附带民事案件时,被告人行为危害不大,只要积极赔偿被害人,取得被害人谅解的,法院在量刑方面从轻考虑。这一规定,有利于解决法院"执行难"的问题,有利于化解被告人与被害人双方之间的矛盾,起到了法律效果和社会效果的统一。  相似文献   
"奋斗者协议"与"自愿弃保"案件背后隐含的法理可简概为民法诚信原则与劳动法适用问题。实践中的误读和误判、《民法典》缺失劳动权(益)之基本民事权利设置、共享经济下新型劳动用工和疫情与后疫情时代之多重叠加效应,导致了劳动法之"衰"与"殇"。民法诚信原则同样适用劳动法含社会保障法,所谓劳动法不能适用该原则或者民法思维模式都是不严谨之"伪"命题。劳动法适用诚信原则应当考量其特殊性,惩戒权适用时,应当遵循比例原则和有利原则,并不得涉及劳动者非职业行为即私人行为和排除社会保障权。任何排除或剥夺劳动者社会保障权的约定或规章都是无效的。后劳动合同义务适用诚信原则不能"选择性""遗漏"抗辩权,如果当事人依法行使抗辩权,则不能裁定其违反了诚信原则,否则就是"伪"民法思维模式。实习关系属于特殊的劳动关系,在实习法律规范严重缺失下,用具有弥补法律不足之价值与功能的诚信原则治理"虚假实习"完全必要而且可行。  相似文献   
《Science & justice》2022,62(6):768-777
The COVID-19 pandemic brought about rapid, transformational change to pedagogic practice on a global scale. During this time, educators across all levels needed to significantly broaden and upskill their digital skills and competence to instantaneously turn face-2-face content into remote, online provision, particularly during periods of national lockdown. Whilst there was significant e-content available in some subject domains, there were limited e-resources available to those working within the criminal justice sector. The #RemoteForensicCSI network was established in attempts to fill this gap and support both practitioner and learner transition within further and higher education and industry.This article evaluates the value and impact that the #RemoteForensicCSI initiative had on the personal development of network participants, their peers and learners, whilst considering, reflecting on and recommending how remote delivery may influence the future of teaching, training and learning within education and the wider criminal justice sector.  相似文献   
利于第三人合同研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
朱岩 《法律科学》2005,23(5):55-63
利于第三人合同分为非真正和真正两种,本文仅考察后者。利于第三人合同与代理制度、债权转让以及赠与等制度都存在根本区别。从罗马法到当代各国民法典及其他民事立法,利于第三人合同制度经历了从禁止到许可并不断完善的过程。该制度涉及到三方法律关系,此种复杂的三方法律关系还表现在抗辩和不当得利等复杂关系上。我国《合同法》第64条并没有规定真正利于第三人合同,应就此作出修订。  相似文献   
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