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在刑事诉讼中解决好对被害人的赔偿与补偿问题,可以有效地使被害人获得抚慰,有利于实现诉讼目的,维护社会安定。我国在刑事诉讼中对被害人的赔偿是按照刑事附带民事诉讼程序进行的,但如何通过该程序来保障被害人的赔偿权利,是一个值得进一步探究的问题。  相似文献   
浅析当前扒窃案件的特点及反扒对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当前的各类刑事案件中,扒窃案件发案率越来越高,严重危害了公众的财产安全和社会治安秩序。因而,公安机关在当前的反扒窃工作中所要完成的任务是:深入分析各种扒窃案件的作案特点,认真查找反扒工作中存在的问题,积极研究打击扒窃犯罪的有效对策。  相似文献   
This article examines the debate on whether to analyse ‘honour crimes’ as gender-based violence, or as cultural tradition, and the effects of either stance on protection from and prevention of these crimes. In particular, the article argues that the categorisation of honour-related violence as primarily cultural ignores its position within the wider spectrum of gender violence, and may result in a number of unfortunate side-effects, including lesser protection of the rights of women within minority communities, and the stigmatisation of those communities. At the same time it is problematic to completely dismiss any cultural aspects of violence against women, and a nuanced approach is required which carefully balances the benefits and detriments of taking cultural factors into account. The article examines the issues within the context of the legal response to cases involving honour-related violence, arguing that although the judiciary has in a number of cases inclined towards viewing ‘honour’ as primarily cultural rather than patriarchal, in some cases they have begun to take a more gender-based or ‘mature multiculturalism’ approach.
Rupa ReddyEmail:
我国 1 997刑法典仍存在重刑化倾向 ,表现在 :控制死刑适用未有重大突破 ,死刑罪种没有大幅度削减 ,绝对确定的死刑规定有增无减 ,死刑量刑幅度过大。我国刑法中死刑过多 ,与国际轻刑化趋势不相符合 ,不利于我国刑罚目的的实现 ,死刑不仅有较大的副作用还可能在刑事诉讼上造成难以弥补的损失。我国死刑居高不下的主观原因有封建重刑思想、传统价值观和刑罚观的影响 ,现阶段我国经济不发达、社会治安状况严峻和刑事立法体制的制约是其客观原因。  相似文献   
实践的核心就是发挥个体的主观能动性 ,主动去认识世界和改造世界。这是对课堂教学观进行实践构造的基础。树立以学生为中心的教育主体观 ,并以此为基础来确定实践性教学原则。课堂教学要从传统的只重视认知性学习转变到以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为重点的目标上来 ,教学内容的变革要从重视学科体系为主的书本知识转到对学生的全面影响上来 ,教学模式要从传统的单一讲授向多元化转变 ,教学手段要从传统的权威控制转变到以教学目标为导向上来  相似文献   
Bush: The Sequel     
This article examines the likely foreign policy initiatives of the U.S. under the leadership of George W. Bush. The new president has outlined a fairly thorough critique of America's international behavior in the 1990s. Because a leader's public statements arguably serve to persuade various audiences and to build support for policy change, the article takes Bush's words quite seriously—along with those spoken or written by his closest foreign affairs advisors. Bush intends to abandon the so-called Clinton Doctrine and deploy national missile defenses. He is critical of American policies toward China and Russia, but has not presented bold new initiatives toward those powers. Under the rubric of "compassionate conservatism," Bush may alter U.S. relations toward the Global South in some interesting ways. The president and his advisors often purport to be realists, but the article demonstrates that their own words belie this claim as they often justify policies based on ideals rather than the pursuit of power.  相似文献   
从历史和现实斗争角度来看,刑嫌调控具有积极作用和重要的现实意义.但当前形势下刑嫌调控存在不少问题,必须完善、夯实刑嫌调控的理论基础,改革刑侦基础、手段、工作模式、工作机制,使刑嫌调控发挥更大效益.  相似文献   
Examining the urban arts in the UK, in their paint and fibre-based alternatives, this article aims to account for the differences in contemporary dealings with graffiti and yarn-bombing (kniffiti). The intersectional complications of gender, race, age and class, as they have come to bear on the visual arts, as well as the historical power structures that have determined the classification of crime, and of art, are offered as possible rationales for present-day handling of ‘deviance’ in the form of urban art. It seems that urban knitting has blind-sighted both social conventions and legal principles in a way that exposes the arbitrary nature of both.  相似文献   
刑法第306条是对刑事辩护权的限制和对律师职业的歧视,它被形象地称为悬在辩护律师头上的一把达摩克利斯之剑.对比刑法其他相关条文,不难发现刑事辩护在我国遭受立法歧视的现实.刑事辩护没有空间,究其原因一是因为在中国立法活动被异化为纯粹的权力、利益的较量.二是中国缺乏公正对待刑事辩护的土壤:制度上中国不具备弹劾式诉讼构造和正当程序模式;理念上中国没有真正贯彻无罪推定的原则和人权保障的价值观念;更深层次的原因是中国缺乏法治文化.  相似文献   
沉默权是现代法制国家刑事司法制度的一项重要内容,是犯罪嫌疑人和被告人真正享有辩护权的基础所在。沉默权在西方就是一项充满争议的制度,而我国刑事诉讼法中应否引进沉默权原则,更是存在否定说与肯定说之争。我国应当确立有限沉默权原则。  相似文献   
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