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信息化推动数字城市、智能城市发展,网络信息安全风险迅速累积。城市成为网络信息安全事故的高风险地带,城市应急管理需要加大网络信息安全应急管理力度。城市网络信息安全应急管理要适应"全政府"、"全社会"的综合应急管理理念发展,基于网络的脆弱性特点,发展城市恢复力或成为网络信息应急管理的应对之策。  相似文献   
In the last decade, law enforcement personnel have increasingly been tasked to police the internet in an effort to staunch the production and distribution of child pornography and to investigate computer-facilitated child exploitation. These investigative personnel have encountered a range of assignment-specific challenges and strains as a result of their involvement in this taxing and novel investigative activity. In some cases, the cumulative effects of these strains, together with repeated exposure to highly disturbing images of abused children, have resulted in stress reactions that have commanded the attention of police managers and police psychologists alike. The present article is intended to provide an overview of the stresses unique to child exploitation and pornography investigations, common reactions to these stressors, procedural safeguards to mitigate the impact of this high-risk assignment, and two model programs designed to meet the needs of the current generation of “cyber cops”.
Meredith KrauseEmail:
网络安全审查是一个系统工程,其涵盖的层面和内容十分广泛,既涉及技术,也涉及立法和管理等问题。美国拥有较为成熟的网络安全审查制度,在国家立法层面,有完善的网络安全审查相关法律法规;在管理层面,有网络安全审查机构以及一整套的国家关键信息基础设施保护审查手段、信息通信技术供应链审查等防线,以重点保障国家网络安全。美国之所以成为信息强国,离不开其网络安全保障、信息通信技术自主可控和管理体制的健全,其中一个重要制度便是其网络安全审查制度,既控制了产业,又影响了世界,极具借鉴意义。目前,中国是网络大国,但还不是网络强国,大量外国信息技术产品已经深度渗透至中国的关键信息基础设施,中国面临着严峻的网络安全保障、信息通信技术自主可控和网络安全管理体制等方面的挑战。要想保障国家安全、网络安全,网络安全审查必然要成为国家安全审查的重要组成部分。这就要求中国在关键信息基础设施领域尤其是信息技术通信产品、服务、系统以及相关投资领域开展是否危及国家安全、网络安全的审查,并建立完善的适应中国国情的网络安全审查制度。  相似文献   
This paper describes the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) with a focus on relevance to digital forensic investigators. RDAP was developed as the successor to the aging WHOIS system and is intended to eventually replace WHOIS as the authoritative source for registration information on IP addresses, Domain Names, Autonomous Systems, and more. RDAP uses a RESTful interface over HTTP and introduces a number of new features related to security, internationalization, and standardized query/response definitions. It is important for digital forensic investigators to become familiar with RDAP as it will play an increasingly important role in Internet investigations requiring the search and collection of registration data as evidence.  相似文献   
Online forms of harassment, stalking and bullying on social network and communication platforms are now arguably wide-spread and subject to regular media coverage. As these provision continue to attract millions of users, generating significant volumes of traffic, regulating abuse and effectively reprimanding those who are involved in it, is a difficult and sometimes impossible task. This article collates information acquired from 22 popular social network and communication platforms in order to identify current regulatory gaps. Terms of service and privacy policies are reviewed to assess existing practices of data retention to evaluate the feasibility of law enforcement officials tracking those whose actions breach the law. For each provision, account sign-up processes are evaluated and policies for retaining Internet Protocol logs and user account information are assessed along with the availability of account preservation orders. Finally, recommendations are offered for improving current approaches to regulating social network crime and online offender tracking.  相似文献   
网络民意介入刑事司法的合理性值得质疑。网络民意和刑事司法在刑事个案中的博弈时有发生。网络民意的主观性、非理性和不确定性同刑事司法的客观性、专业性和可预期性相抵触。网络民意介入刑事司法有违无罪推定原则和罪刑法定原则。最后,网络民意作为行使言论自由的一种方式,不得触及司法正义的底线。  相似文献   
《适用于网络战争的国际法塔林手册》(以下简称“《塔林手册》”)分别讨论了一般国际法和国际人道法如何适用于网络空间和网络战争中的重要问题。《塔林手册》对适用于网络战争的国际法进行的系统归纳和总结,将会影响国际社会对网络战争的认识。但是《塔林手册》在编纂方式和国际专家组的人员构成方面存在先天不足,而且其中的若干具体规则也与现今国际法有些许出入。《塔林手册》究竟能在什么程度上影响国家实践和国际法的发展,还有待检验。  相似文献   
澜湄次区域地理位置特殊,民族宗教成分复杂,反恐形势严峻。随着“伊斯兰国”实体性组织遭受重创,恐怖组织改变策略,借助互联网将恐怖主义威胁向全球扩散,对传统反恐模式提出挑战。基于恐怖主义犯罪本身的国际性、网络平台的无地域性以及东盟合作框架下的反恐合作意愿,澜湄国家具有开展网络反恐的可行性。澜湄国家网络反恐合作机制的构建,应当树立网络空间主权理念,共建澜湄网络空间命运共同体;贡献中国智慧,推动建立网络反恐合作框架及运行机制;依托LMIN系统平台,加强情报信息共享;借助网络反恐联合演练,提升执法合作能力。  相似文献   
大数据技术在刑事定罪中的运用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,在金融创新特别是互联网金融创新大旗的指引下,网络现货投资交易平台迅速增长,因缺乏有效金融监管,现货投资交易平台引发的违法犯罪数量也随之暴增。由于网络现货投资交易行为的复杂性和专业性,司法机关查处网络现货投资交易平台中的犯罪时,在罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪判定方面分歧较大,传统的定罪方法和标准已经显得力不从心。大数据技术的出现为此类复杂犯罪定罪提供了方法与标准。大数据技术不仅能提高定罪准确性,也能提高定罪效率。针对当前出现的诸如网络虚拟投资交易案等网络犯罪特征,运用数据挖掘、决策树CHAID算法等数据技术对新型网络犯罪判决进行定量分析,我们可以将大数据技术作为司法定罪裁判的辅助工具,加以推广运用。  相似文献   
WhatsApp is a widely adopted mobile messaging application with over 800 million users. Recently, a calling feature was added to the application and no comprehensive digital forensic analysis has been performed with regards to this feature at the time of writing this paper. In this work, we describe how we were able to decrypt the network traffic and obtain forensic artifacts that relate to this new calling feature which included the: a) WhatsApp phone numbers, b) WhatsApp server IPs, c) WhatsApp audio codec (Opus), d) WhatsApp call duration, and e) WhatsApp's call termination. We explain the methods and tools used to decrypt the traffic as well as thoroughly elaborate on our findings with respect to the WhatsApp signaling messages. Furthermore, we also provide the community with a tool that helps in the visualization of the WhatsApp protocol messages.  相似文献   
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