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Most parent education programs are designed to improve child well-being following divorce by changing some aspect of parenting. However, there has been relatively little discussion of what aspects of parenting are most critical and the effectiveness of programs to change different aspects of parenting. This paper addresses these issues by: 1. Distinguishing three aspects of post-divorce parenting that have been targeted in parent education programs; 2. Reviewing evidence of the relations between each aspect of parenting and the well-being of children and; 3. Critically reviewing evidence that parent education programs have been successful in changing each aspect of post-divorce parenting.  相似文献   
井冈山会师是我党我军历史上一桩重大事件,对井冈山革命根据地的建设、红四军的发展以及中央苏区的开辟都产生了积极而深远的影响。朱德为会师的实现做出了巨大贡献,主要表现在三个方面:一是通过"赣南三整"保存了南昌起义的火种,为实现井冈山会师创造了前提条件;二是成功发动了湘南暴动,壮大了革命队伍,为实现井冈山会师打下了现实基础;三是实现了由正规战向游击战的转变,为实现井冈山会师提供了战略战术基础。  相似文献   
朱德同志在革命战争年代,曾率领八路军总部和三师主力,转战山西并指挥华北战役,和山西解放区军民共同度过了长达两年零七个月的峥嵘岁月。为太行精神的孕育和发扬做出了巨大的贡献,主要体现在朱德指挥华北抗战坚韧不拔的精神是太行精神的最初孕育、朱德指挥八路军与华北人民血肉相连的团结精神是太行精神的重要内容、朱德与华北军民顾全抗日大局的奋斗精神是太行精神的拓展发扬三个方面。  相似文献   
朱德的荣辱观继承和发展了中华民族传统美德,体现了中国优秀的革命道德,并且构成了一个比较完整的价值体系,具有鲜明的道德判断标准。热爱祖国、热爱人民是朱德荣辱观的核心;艰苦奋斗是朱德荣辱观鲜明的时代特色;团结友爱、实事求是、注重科学技术、遵守纪律是朱德荣辱观的重要内容;英勇奋斗是朱德荣辱观的突出内容;谦虚谨慎是朱德荣辱观的一个基本点。  相似文献   
“孝德”乃中国传统文化的核心内容。王充作为“孝德”教化初期的思想家,在少年时期即以对父母的“恭愿仁顺,礼敬具备”而获“乡里称孝”的美誉,成年后依据自己一以贯之的“实事疾妄”精神阐述了对孝德的理性认知。他认为,养善心、修贤德乃“孝德”文化的精髓所在,但俗论敬祖祭祀中出现了两种偏差:相信祖先有鬼魂与企望祖先祈福禳灾。此乃本末倒置的误导。厚葬之风亦有违孝德,不仅“丧物索用,无益於世”,还存在“畏死不惧义,重死不顾生,竭财以事神,空家以送终”等诸多负面作用。  相似文献   
Over the past two decades, the definition of “family” has expanded drastically. To address these changing family dynamics, many states have adopted de facto parent laws, which recognize a nonbiological or adoptive parent's right to petition for custody or visitation in strict circumstances. These laws differ drastically from state to state, leaving no common understanding of the requirements to be a de facto parent. Until recently, New York law refused to recognize de facto parents within the Domestic Relations Law, leaving New York as one of the only states without this important distinction. However, this year the Court of Appeals crafted a narrow exception to the rule and allowed for a de facto parent to petition for custody or visitation in extremely limited circumstances. This article proposes that the Court of Appeals’ decision was too restrictive and that New York should adopt a legal framework that reflects this new type of parent, while still recognizing public policy concerns.  相似文献   
Jan Faust's (2017) book entitled Reunification Family Therapy: A Treatment Manual, is a well‐organized, evidence‐based resource for clinicians who intervene in one of the most challenging and complex problems in high conflict shared custody‐parent‐child contact problems. She provides a comprehensive conceptual framework for this work, which is grounded in Family Systems, and details more specific interventions that address individual, relationship and larger system issues. The addenda contain useful tools and resources to structure treatment, including a 14‐session Fundamental Treatment Plan.  相似文献   
A parent's right to maintain a relationship with his/her child lies within the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution; however, this right does not apply to every type of parent. Although the U.S. Supreme Court granted same‐sex couples the right to marry, they still face parental rights issues when their child(ren) are nonbiological or nonadoptive because they lack standing for custody and/or visitation as de facto parents. Moreover, the rise of nontraditional same‐sex‐couple families has been placing states in a predicament, and the lack of uniform rights for de facto parents creates great inconsistency across the United States. The creation of a uniform statute with specific elements distinguishing de facto parents from mere caretakers will grant same‐sex nonbiological parents standing and create uniformity across the United States.  相似文献   
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