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死刑废止之路新发展的全球考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文的目的是将死刑废止的新发展置于国际背景之下并进行相关论述,证明一种新的对抗态势正在发挥作用,并已在过去20年间大幅增加了废除死刑国家的数量,而这样的国家目前在世界上占明显多数。各国废除死刑的途径、从保留死刑到废除死刑的速度、相关的政治进程以及用以替代死刑的刑罚都将予以讨论。  相似文献   
The relatively small body of prior research investigating whether the sex composition of juries impacts sentencing decisions has produced equivocal results. Exploring this topic further, the current study used a large sample of capital cases from North Carolina (n = 675) to examine (a) whether jury sex composition predicted jury capital punishment sentencing decisions; and (b) whether there were different models of sentencing for male-majority, equal male-female, and female-majority juries. When we controlled for a number of legal and extralegal factors, our findings indicated that jury sex composition was independently related to sentencing outcomes. Specifically, equal male-female juries were significantly more likely and female-majority juries were significantly less likely to choose the death penalty versus a sentence of life in prison. In addition, different models (predictors) of sentencing were revealed for each of the jury sex compositions. Implications for future research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   
According to the famous economist and Nobel prize winner Amartya Sen women have a significant biological advantage over men. Despite this fact women do not always live longer. In today's third world, but also in some areas in Europe at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century we find so-called excess female mortality. In this paper we examine child mortality in The Netherlands in general and gendered patterns of child mortality in particular. The focus is on differential mortality patterns by gender for infants, older children, and young adults up to age 20 in the second half of the 19th century. The analysis takes place at three levels. We start off with an exploration of sex differentials in mortality at the national level, based on the existing literature. We next examine gender differentials in mortality at the level of several Dutch communities, in the region called Twente, focussing on the differences between the city and the countryside. The final part of the analysis focuses on the micro level of the individual and his or her family in the rural community of Lonneker located in the Twente region. In this part of our study we make use of longitudinal individual level data which are analysed with event history methodologies. Our analysis clearly demonstrates that young women and girls in The Netherlands were not always in a position to fully capitalise upon their greater biological advantage and suffered instead considerable excess mortality. Especially in the rural parts of the country girls had lower survival chances. The individual level analysis confirms the importance of sex in explaining child and adolescent mortality. These gendered mortality risks can however not be attributed to social and economic household characteristics. The analysis also shows that, when death came, it literally affected the entire family. This phenomenon, better known under the label ‘death clustering’, may have been an effect of parental incompetence.  相似文献   
供体器官的严重不足是制约器官移植进展的瓶颈,因此寻求更多地器官来源成为当今医学家们孜孜以求的奋斗目标,然而,科学是一把"双刃剑",医学家们寻求的器官来源能否用于临床,还得首先由国家承认其合法性。鉴于此,本文就分别就对活体器官、尸体器官、死刑犯器官、胎儿器官、异种器官以及人造器官来源的合法性进行讨论。  相似文献   
死刑存废问题的研究历来是刑法学的研究重点。我国经济刑法中大量规定了死刑的适用。文章通过对死刑演进历史和经济犯罪概念的探讨,根据刑法的谦抑性原则,经济犯罪的特点和建设社会主义和谐社会的要求,分析了经济犯罪中死刑适用存在的诸多不合理,提出应该废除死刑并采取其他刑罚措施替代其适用。  相似文献   
死刑核准权归位是解决死刑核准权异化,根除下放所造成的立法矛盾和实务问题的惟一选择。死刑复核程序的诉讼化改造要求贯彻书面审和开庭审相结合,事实审与法律审相结合,书面审则实行阅卷与提审被告人相结合;立法应当明确赋予死刑复核程序中被告人的律师辩护权和当面陈述权;死刑复核程序仍然应当明确时限规定;检察机关有权对死刑复核程序实行法律监督,监督的方式是抗诉和检察建议;我国死刑复核程序不宜实行三审终审制改造,也不宜只实行法律审。  相似文献   
目的探讨烧死的病理形态学依据。方法建立家兔烧死动物模型,用光镜、透射及扫描电镜观察10只生前烧死家兔气管、肺及心肌的病变;并与死后焚尸及非烧死的正常组(各5只)对照。结果透射电镜下,气管粘膜上皮完全脱落,成堆红细胞和纤维蛋白成分粘附在平滑肌表面。肺Ⅰ型上皮细胞结构基本完整连续,线粒体嵴有断裂、缺失;Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞微绒毛消失,多数细胞线粒体、板层小体、高尔基体未见异常,少数Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞质膜破损、染色质浓集、胞质内容丢失。心肌严重变性坏死,细胞膜破坏,线粒体极度肿胀,肌丝溶解并出现收缩带坏死。扫描电镜下,气管粘膜上皮有完整纤毛,但上皮大片脱落,少数区域纤毛上皮稀疏排列,有脱落柱状上皮附着在纤毛上;肺间皮细胞结构基本完整,微绒毛数量不一致;心内膜的内皮细胞大部脱落,暴露内皮下结缔组织,心肌纤维呈扭曲排列。死后焚尸及正常组对照组未见上述变化。结论烧死兔的光镜和电镜下气管、肺及心肌的病理形态学变化,能为生前烧死与死后焚尸的鉴别提供依据。  相似文献   
美国是西方发达资本主义国家中保留并且适用死刑最多的国家,其对死刑案件设置了严格的诉讼程序,如特殊的死刑的诉讼提请批准程序、大陪审团制度、“人身保护令”制度、死刑执行方式等,以期最大限度地避免出现错判、误判的死刑,保障公民的生命权。这对我国的死刑案件诉讼程序改革具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
在我国刑法中 ,经常有财产损失与人员伤亡并列作为某种法定刑适用对象的情况。这样的立法规定是不合理的。其不合理性主要表现在 :虽然在无穷的犯罪具体损害形态与有限的几种刑罚之间对应靠的是社会价值的调整 ,但在现代社会凸显人之生命价值的观念下 ,人的生命无论如何也难于与财产损失相对等 ;将财产损失与人员伤亡相并列作为适用死刑与自由刑相并列之法定刑的依据 ,具有实质的不合理性。因此 ,财产损失与人员伤亡不能适用相同的法定刑 ,而应分别规定。为了使这样的分别规定具有合理性 ,在法定刑之不同罪刑阶段之间应该采用交叉式而不是衔接式。  相似文献   
无期徒刑取代死刑是刑罚轻缓化、人道化的必然结果。其具体应包括以下内容:建立以自由刑和自由刑替化措施为中心的刑罚结构,明确无期徒刑在刑罚体系中的地位;规定合理而必须的“关押期”;减少和避免司法错误;配合刑罚,建立科学合理的生产劳动制度和加强文化知识、技术技能教育;对被假释罪犯加强监管、落实帮教。  相似文献   
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