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The article presents a comparative analysis of the religious underpinnings of 19 liberal democracies in the West and their relevance for contemporary minority politics. The democratic relevance of religion is conceptualised as stemming from actors (churches, religious parties) and from historical and structural factors such as confessional patterns, relationships between state and church and degrees of secularisation in 19 democracies with a Christian background. The article’s historical mapping demonstrates that democratic development has occurred in distinct patterns rooted in the Catholic?Protestant divide. It then demonstrates that there are distinct effects of this divide on minority politics. It is hypothesised that in line with the confessional patterning of democratisation, Catholic countries and actors seem to be more resistant to the pressures arising from religious pluralisation than Protestant ones and that, even after 9/11, there is no cross-national or cross-confessional convergence in these responses.  相似文献   
民族问题无小事。当今世界一些多民族国家因民族问题而导致民族纠纷、冲突不断,乃至国家解体,造成了深重灾难。邓小平把马克思主义民族理论与当代中国民族实际相结合,初步回答了在中国这样一个经济文化比较落后的统一的多民族国家里,如何巩固和发展平等、团结、互助的民族关系,加速发展我国少数民族地区的建设,实现全民族共同进步、发展和繁荣的问题,创立了独具中国特色的马克思主义民族理论。本文从民族平等论、民族团结论、民族区域自治论和民族发展论四个方面,把握和阐发邓小平民族理论的基本内涵及当代价值。  相似文献   
清代台湾南部的鱼塭经营是台湾史研究一个比较薄弱的环节。本文利用晋江东石蔡氏的家族文献,结合地方史志以及田野调查等资料,对清代东石蔡氏在台湾布袋嘴的鱼塭经营进行纵向考察,同时就此个案反映出的股权经营形式进行探讨。文章认为,清代台湾的鱼塭经营有多种股权形式,一种为长期合股经营,另一种是在此基础上演变出来的更为复杂的股权形式,如蔡氏经营的北中横塭就有塭底份(大税)、韫佃份(小税)、现耕塭份,以及承包者再行转髅的堤份等。这些不同层面的权力,既与土地经营有某种关联或类似性,同时也有自身的特点。  相似文献   
鱼木寨是鄂西南清江流域的传统土家族村落,其著名景观古碑林作为一种文化传播媒介,展现了土家族村落对中原汉文化与审美境界的认同,也为土家族村落文化传承提供了重要的传播方式。  相似文献   
股东代表诉讼制度在我国的正式确立,为中小股东维护自己的合法权益提供了有力的法律武器。文章在借鉴国外立法的基础上,提出相关的完善建议,以期对我国这一制度的完善有所裨益。  相似文献   
劳务输出,已逐步成为少数民族地区农村农民家庭经济收入的重要组成部分,成为一条促进农民增收的快捷途径。少数民族地区农村在富余劳动力就业上存在着“三多三少”的情况,通过加强政府对劳动力输出的引导和组织;加强对劳动力输出的宣传,创造优良环境,加大扶持力度;健全信息网络,健全劳动力就业服务体系;强化农村劳动力技能学习培训等措施,以推动少数民族地区农村富余劳动力转移工作的开展。  相似文献   
The role of interpersonal sensitivity in the relation between romantic stress and depression was examined in 55 adolescent girls from an inner-city high school. Depression, interpersonal sensitivity, and chronic and episodic romantic stress were measured at two time points, 6 months apart. Interpersonal sensitivity was found to moderate the longitudinal relation between romantic stress (both chronic and episodic) and depression. In contrast, interpersonal sensitivity did not potentiate depressive responses to non-romantic interpersonal stress, suggesting particular importance of stress in the romantic domain for adolescent girls. Results indicate that girls' sensitivities to romantic relationship stress should be specifically addressed in depression prevention and intervention programs.Received her PhD from the University of Southern California. Research interests include the influence of romantic relationship factors, such as romantic stress and dating violence, on the development of depression during adolescence.Received her PhD from the University of California, Los Angeles. Research interests include the interplay between adolescent depression, personality disorder symptoms, and interpersonal variables including adjustment in friendships and romantic relationships.Research interests include cognitive and interpersonal factors in adolescent depression.  相似文献   
在现代性因素的“跃进”性扩散下,以洋务运动为先声,19世纪后期的甘宁青地区也开始了缓慢而曲折的早期现代化进程,城市亦随之出现转型并得到一定发展。但是,由于自然地理环境的先天不足,再加上长期战乱不断、对民族关系问题的认识偏差等后天的人为主观能动性的缺失,较之东、中部等地区而言,近代甘宁青地区的城市发展又表现出明显的滞后性:不仅城市发展缓慢,而且城市早期现代化水平也十分有限,这种滞后的城市发展又对区域的发展造成了严重的消极影响。  相似文献   
多元文化背景下的云南道教——以南诏大理时期为中心   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
秦汉以来中华民族多元一体格局基本形成,道教逐渐传播进入西南少数民族地区。历史上唐朝与南诏的“苍山会盟”,其文书采用五斗米道“三官手书”的方式。南诏大理政权建立的神异事迹,反映出道教影响的历史事实。南诏大理时期的道教是多元文化背景下的必然产物,这与道教在中国社会的长期影响,与历史上各民族经济文化的密切联系有关。  相似文献   
贵州黔东南州少数民族大学生心理健康调查与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究采用心理健康测查表(PHI)对黔东南地区凯里学院513名少数民族大学生进行测试,结果表明:黔东南地区少数民族大学生的心理健康水平从总体上有较大问题,心理问题的检出率较高,男生和女生均出现比较一致的情况;性别因素对少数民族大学生心理健康水平的影响不大,男女生没有显著差异。引起少数民族大学生心理问题的原因是复杂的、多方面的,既有个人的因素,也有社会、学校和家庭以及民族文化和环境等方面的因素,建议民族地区高校应重视和加强心理健康教育的指导。  相似文献   
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