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Youth from single-parent families report lower educational aspirations than those from two-parent families. This study explored the influence of background factors (gender, grade, parental education and SES), parental involvement with education, academic self-concept, and peer influences on educational aspirations. The participants were Canadian adolescents; 2751 from two parent and 681 from single-parent families. ANOVA results showed that adolescents from single-parent families scored significantly lower than adolescents from intact families on educational aspirations, and other predictor variables. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that the pattern of relationships between educational aspirations and other factors was very similar for adolescents from both types of families; namely academic self-concept significantly predicted educational aspirations. The family involvement and background factors predicted educational aspirations via academic self-concept. Having academically oriented peers was especially beneficial to adolescents from single-parent families. Implications for intervention programs are discussed. The research was supported by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Grant. Rashmi Garg is an Associate professor in the Department of Psychology at Laurentian University. She received her PhD in 1983 from the University of Ottawa. Basically she is interested in applied research in the areas of educational and psychological measurement and testing. More specifically she is interested in the adolescent's education and career development. Stella Melanson received a master's degree in Human Development from Laurentian University in 2003. She is working as a research data analysis coordinator for Ontario Early Years Education and Social Planning Council. Her interest is in early childhood education. Elizabeth Levin is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology at Laurentian University. She received her PhD in 1986 from the University of Waterloo. Her major research interests focus on parenting styles and children's conceptions of parenting.  相似文献   
不动产登记机构要统一,是物权法确立的未来不动产登记立法的方向。但应如何统一,见仁见智,莫衷一是。文章从我国不动产登记立法的现状出发,割析了现有有关不动产登记制度的不合时宜性,在此基础之上,对影响未来不动产登记机构设置所应考虑的因素进行分析,得出我国不动产登记机构应如何设置方是现实、可行的结论。  相似文献   
文章提出了设立科研工作组织奖的意义,分析了科研工作组织奖与以往各种奖励措施的不同,它可进一步加强科研工作的科学化管理、促进学校的学科建设,使传统学科研究和教学内容的改进、新兴学科和交叉学科的发展出现一批新的学术增长点。同时,也可促进学科学术带头人的培养及结构合理的高素质的学术队伍的形成、促进学术研究水平的提高,并为进一步加强科研组织管理工作,奠定基础。  相似文献   
This study drew on four cycles of longitudinal data from the Canadian National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth to examine the academic and behavioural trajectories of youth between 10 and 15 years of age as a function of maternal age at childbearing. The analyses controlled for several family characteristics and examined the mediating effects of three family functioning variables (maternal depression, and nurturing and rejecting parenting behaviours). Maternal age was related to academic competency in math (standardized Math scores), externalizing disorders (Property Offences, Hyperactivity-Inattention), and internalizing disorders (Anxiety-Emotional Disorder). After accounting for family characteristics, the children of the young and older teen mothers retained their disadvantage in Math scores and Property Offences, respectively, whereas the children of older mothers lost the advantages that they had exhibited at age 10 (for Property Offences, the benefits were mediated through family functioning). These results have implications for future research and for the development of policy and programming targeting the healthy development of youth.
V. Susan DahintenEmail:
基层工会要切实发挥作用,必须建立健全基层工会组织体制;从"两项制度"入手,建立基层工会维权的监督、制约和保证机制;通过深入开展建家活动,增强基层工会的凝聚力;适应基层工会有效开展活动的需求,建立工会干部管理、保障和培训制度;同时在新形势下要加强工会理论研究和调研工作,构建基层工会工作创新机制.  相似文献   
运用聚类分析方法,从17项反映陕西经济的指标中筛选出具有代表性的10个指标,再通过因子分析法提取影响各地区综合发展水平的三个因子,包括收入水平、基础设施和生活质量。研究结果表明:西安和榆林综合经济发展水平较高;延安、渭南、宝鸡,咸阳等地区综合得分居中;商洛、铜川等地区综合得分偏低,各个地区经济发展不平衡。此分析旨在能为陕西经济发展提供一定的评价依据。  相似文献   
有限政府视域下的基层政府社会管理创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴传毅 《行政与法》2012,(12):31-35
市场经济的发展使全能政府的角色定位受到了挑战,有限政府便提到了议事日程。有限政府要求政府在某些领域应当让位于市场,让位于社会,让位于公民个人。从政治理论上讲,有限政府源于主权在民的民主政治原则。在有限政府视域下,社会管理创新成为时代命题。社会管理创新的重点、难点在基层。基层政府是连接中央、省级政府和广大人民群众的桥梁或纽带。加强基层政府社会管理创新需要实行管理的责任制,需要明确管理重心下移的原则,需要增强基层政府管理的权限,需要发挥多元主体的作用。  相似文献   
我国加入WTO后,方方面面都受到冲击和挑战。高等职业教育作为与经济衔接紧密的教育类型,应采取积极措施予以主动适应。  相似文献   
云南警官学院作为云南省委确定的第二批保持共产党员先进性教育活动的试点单位,全过程、全内容、全员额地参加了第一批先进性教育活动。根据中央精神和上级部署,紧密结合高校实际,采取切实可行的有力措施,紧紧抓住解决好工学矛盾这一难点,突出高校这一特点,政治建警这一重点,具体做到了“八个坚持”,即:1、坚持把思相发动贯穿教育活动的始终;2、坚持把理论学习贯穿教育活动的始终;3、坚持把联系制度贯穿教育活动的始终;4、坚持把指导督促贯穿教育活动的始终;5、坚持把边教边改贯穿教育活动的始终;6、坚持把领导带头贯穿教育活动的始终;7、坚持把政治建警贯穿教育活动的始终;8、坚持把两个促进贯穿教育活动的始终。  相似文献   
社区一般是指聚集在一定地域范围内的社会群体和社会组织,以共同文化为背景而组成的具有实体意义的社会生活共同体.社区警务是警察机关依托社区,即依赖社区的人力、物力与财力,实现警察与社区组织、社区公众的有机结合,共同发现和解决社区的治安问题.我国社区警务有多方面的内容和自身的特点与优势.  相似文献   
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