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On 15 January 2011, there occurred an unprecedented event in the annals of Arab states: for the first time, the masses revolted and ousted a local ruler. The Tunisian masses took to the streets and stayed there until Zayn al-‘ābidīn bin ‘Alī stepped down, or, rather, fled the country. Ten days after Bin ‘Alī’s fall, the masses filled the thoroughfares of Egypt's major cities and demanded the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak, who had ruled Egypt for 30 years. On 12 February 2011, after 18 days of stormy protests, Vice President Omar Suleiman announced Mubarak's resignation and announced that Mubarak's powers had been transferred to him. This paper follows the Egyptian saga in the context of the new phenomenon taking place across the Arab world – citizen revolts. It does not address the protests by Islamic opposition groups, especially the Muslim Brotherhood; instead, it offers case studies in social, economic, and ideological (one might even say, secular) contexts, not religious ones. It surveys the recent epoch-making events in the Nile region and compares them with violent demonstrations and riots in its past. The paper's importance lies in its examination of the role of the armed forces in each case and primarily in its investigation of the assertion that the broad-based uprisings seem to have written finis to the military's pivotal role in Arab states.  相似文献   
This paper advances the proposition that post-Arab Spring politics are a product of globalisation’s economic and social liberalisation. The global market and privatisation have fundamentally deconstructed centralised autocratic rule over state and society, while facilitating corruption and selective development, culminating in public outrage. The political order of the Middle East and North Africa since the Arab Spring synthesises globalisation’s dialectic duality, in which economic integration has contributed to the demise of national authoritarianism, inciting communalism and political fragmentation. This paper analyses emerging political trends and challenges based on a comparative analysis of Egypt and Tunisia.  相似文献   
高效液相色谱法鉴别蓝色签字笔墨水的种类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的通过对签字笔字迹成分进行检验,达到对签字笔成分进行分离并对签字笔种类进行鉴定的目的。方法使用高效液相色谱法对蓝色签字笔字迹色痕中的色料成分进行分析,并依据分析结果对墨水的种类划分,同时考察了纸张的背景影响、最小用样量以及实验结果的重现性。结果22种蓝色签字笔样品均可以实现区分。结论本研究对实际应用有较大参考价值。  相似文献   
蓝色条款是现今发达国家与发展中国家在世贸组织内争论最激烈的议题之一 ,其主要涉及劳动法基本原则和劳动基本条件两方面的标准 ,现行世界贸易组织规则对劳工问题远未构成有效的纪律约束。未来蓝色条款问题的趋势很有可能成为新一轮多边贸易谈判的焦点问题而进入世贸组织领域。发展中国家解决劳工问题的关键在于团结一致 ,在劳工标准的内容和实施方式上据理力争 ,争取有利于自己的制度安排。中国必须未雨绸缪 ,对此尽早采取各种对策 ,争取在未来的谈判中占据更主动、更有利的地位。  相似文献   
目的确定群青小颗粒悬浮液显现手印的最佳配方及适用范围;方法配置群青小颗粒悬浮液的不同浓度,对不同种类手印、不同时间手印以及不同客体上的手印进行试验显现;结果以1‰的1227表面活性剂水溶液为分散剂、浓度为20%的群青悬浮液为最佳配方;结论本研究结果可用于光滑非渗透性客体上遗留时间较短的多种物质手印的显现。  相似文献   
目的 观察生前机械性损伤后不同时间皮下肌肉出血的病理形态学变化.方法 56只SD大鼠随机分成生前损伤组(48只)、死后损伤组(4只)和正常对照组(4只);生前损伤组按不同时间再分为12组,建立机械性损伤模型;用HE及普鲁干蓝染色法观察皮下肌肉出血的病理形态学变化.结果 HE染色:生前损伤6~24h,损伤区见较多红细胞及...  相似文献   

This article examines the centrality of mathematics and scientific thought in the sociocultural, human and intellectual development of a sampling of African societies. Evidence is presented which refutes the theory that Africans had no ‘intelligible sense of numeracy’ before contact with the West, and demonstrates that the propagation of this myth was part of the larger colonial project to marginalise and ‘other-ise’ African knowledge systems. Tracing Africa's early contributions to mathematics and scientific thought forces a shift from the standard Western-based approach to pedagogy in this field. It renders a subject that is perceived and presented as alien to African culture, more accessible to African learners. And ultimately, acknowledging the long history of mathematics and scientific thought in Africa is a step in foregrounding African epistemologies in knowledge production, human and social development and towards the realisation of the African Renaissance.  相似文献   
随着全球化与贸易自由化的发展,全球贸易量迅猛增长,全球贸易摩擦也在不断增加.蓝色贸易壁垒作为一种隐蔽的新型贸易壁垒受到各国的青睐.2009年9月11日,根据美国钢铁工人联合会的申请和美国国际贸易委员会的建议,美国总统奥巴马决定对从中国进口的所有小轿车和轻型卡车轮胎实施为期3年的惩罚性关税.这一决定给中国相关产业带来极大的打击.通过这起案件,我们看到以保护劳工权益为名的美国贸易保护主义有抬头之势.因此,研究蓝色贸易壁垒及其对中美贸易往来的影响是非常必要的.  相似文献   
目的研究不同品牌蓝色电工胶带的检验方法。方法利用扫描电镜/能谱法对蓝色电工胶带进行检验。结果11个厂家生产的15种品牌的蓝色电工胶带组成的105组样品对有104组可以区分,区分率达到99.0%。结论扫描电镜/能谱法能够区分绝大多数蓝色电工胶带,该方法具有操作简便、快速、结果准确的优点,能够用于同色电工胶带的鉴别。  相似文献   
从20世纪80年代开始,发达国家与发展中国家就一直在是否应将劳工标准与国际贸易挂钩的问题上争辩不休.国际劳工运动给发展中国家实现社会的协调发展带来了契机,同时也给发达国家借"劳工人权"之名构筑贸易蓝色壁垒以实行贸易保护提供了藉口.发达国家要求制定WT0"蓝色条款",从而在全球推行其劳工标准.WTO成员国理应遵守为国际社会所公认的有关劳工标准的一般法律原则,但应坚决反对在WTO体系内纳入任何形式的"蓝色条款".  相似文献   
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