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网络时代,利用网络犯罪是随着现代科技发展而反射到刑事法律中不可回避的话题.本文以我国首例网络色情案为例,首次从刑事证据法学角度,对电子证据制作主体身份辨真的定位、存在的难题和困惑、认定的对策等方面予以剖析,以期对我国刑事电子证据制度的完善有所裨益.  相似文献   
电子期刊与纸质期刊的比较及互补研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电子期刊以其出版速度快,检索功能强,信息存储量大等特点给图书馆期刊工作带来新的机遇和挑战,文章通过对电子期刊和纸质期刊优缺点的分析比较,提出了如何加强期刊科学管理,提高期刊利用率。  相似文献   
Research on deception detection in legal contexts has neglected the question of how the use of evidence can affect deception detection accuracy. In this study, police trainees (N=82) either were or were not trained in strategically using the evidence when interviewing lying or truth telling mock suspects (N=82). The trainees’ strategies as well as liars’ and truth tellers’ counter-strategies were analyzed. Trained interviewers applied different strategies than did untrained. As a consequence of this, liars interviewed by trained interviewers were more inconsistent with the evidence compared to liars interviewed by untrained interviewers. Trained interviewers created and utilized the statement-evidence consistency cue, and obtained a considerably higher deception detection accuracy rate (85.4%) than untrained interviewers (56.1%).  相似文献   
恩里科·菲利主张,在悬疑案件应保持司法存疑,法官应以"证据不足"方式做出介于有罪判决和无罪判决之间的"中间"判决.菲利的观点与我国传统的"实事求是"论在原则态度上、具体方案上、是否承认选定权利上都不一样,因为他言论上支持无罪推定;它也不同于德国、法国和我国代古历史上任何存疑方案,他的方案似乎是诉讼存疑中"最好"的方案.由于它的诱惑力及与我国刑事存疑判决现实现象的关联,须指出菲利的理性不彻底--它漠视公民一般政治权利的清白假定,把无罪推定降低到心理假定的地位,无法消除我国司法界、理论界的困惑.菲利的这种"最好"的方案,其实质是在关键处放弃无罪推定,它不是真正的中间方案,不能改变推定上的"非此即彼"抉择.  相似文献   
痕迹物证的检验鉴定技术在打击刑事犯罪中起着重要作用,为案件侦破和审理的顺利进行提供了直接客观的证据。2009年6月4日云南省芒市侦破的一起命案,是成功运用痕迹物证检验鉴定技术破获案件及提供诉讼证据的典范。  相似文献   
辩论主义原则是我国进行民事案件辩论的法律依据。辩论原则已经成为了全世界大多数国家关注的一个法律焦点问题。我国对于辩论原则的规定很模糊,本文通过把我国的民事诉讼辩论原则与外国进行对比,从而提出一些有效的改善措施,最大限度地实现司法公正。  相似文献   
非法证据排除规则名存实亡的现状要求我们必须冷静反思其在我国运行的现实障碍。应将非法证据排除规则划分为若干阶段性任务,首先集中精力排除刑讯逼供。非法证据排除规则的构建不可急于求成、寄望于毕其功于一役;必须深入思考我国的社会形势和民众接受程度,不可排除面过宽;必须改变对侦查机关防范和不信任的认识基础和错误心态;必须深入研究和思考如何保障法院、法官毫无顾忌地行使排除权;必须集中精力解决当务之急——刑讯逼供;必须有政治智慧,讲究策略。  相似文献   
Online child pornography is a repulsive reality which cannot be ignored; the biggest child pornography manufacturing ring in South African history was cracked with the arrest of eight family members. There are more than 116 000 Internet searches daily for child pornography. Pornography is no longer confined to consenting adults, children are not only being exposed to pornographic material but are increasingly being used as victims of child pornography. In South Africa, the Internet and Cell phone Pornography Bill tabled in 2010 aims to make it illegal for Internet and mobile phone service providers to distribute pornography or permit it to be distributed. The objective of the Bill is to protect children from child pornography and women from the indignity of being seen as objects of pornography. This paper takes as its focal point the continuing crisis which centres on the conceptual framework, the existing legislation regulating online child pornography and measures to curb infringement.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the feasibility of EU legal action in the field of electronic identity (eID) within the new distribution of legal competences and the provision of novel legal basis engendered by the Treaty of Lisbon. The article attempts to find a ‘legal anchor’ to the idea of a pan-European electronic identity within EU law, looking at the issues of competences and legal basis. After examining various different areas of competence and the most feasible (and probable) candidates for a legal basis supporting an EU legal framework for eID, the paper argues that the latter should be found in the combination of Article 16 TFEU (concerning the right to the protection of personal data) with Article 3 TUE, and Articles 26 and 114 TFEU (concerning the establishment and functioning of the Internal Market), which also constitute the area of competence where an eID legal initiative can be pursued.  相似文献   
我国行政复议证据制度存在的问题主要是举证责任规定不够全面、证据开示和质证有所缺失、证据认定规则缺失、证明标准可操作性不强且严苛。修改的方向和原则应当是准司法化、兼顾效率与公正、内容体系化。具体来说,应当在总则中规定总体要求,完善举证责任制度,增加证据交换、保全、排除、自认、补强制度,限制复议机关所调取证据的效力,根据行政复议的目的和使命合理设定证明标准,对证据和程序两部分的内容分类归并,等等。  相似文献   
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