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Two experiments investigated whether remembering is affected by the similarity of the study face relative to the alternatives in a lineup. In simultaneous and sequential lineups, choice rates and false alarms were larger in low compared to high similarity lineups, indicating criterion placement was affected by lineup similarity structure (Experiment 1). In Experiment 2, foil choices and similarity ranking data for target present lineups were compared to responses made when the target was removed from the lineup (only the 5 foils were presented). The results indicated that although foils were selected more often in target-removed lineups in the simultaneous compared to the sequential condition, responses shifted from the target to one of the foils at equal rates across lineup procedures.  相似文献   
潘玥  肖琴 《八桂侨刊》2019,(2):59-67,77
郑和七下西洋对印尼各方面产生了深远的影响,如宗教、社会文化和经济等。同时,在“一带一路”倡议的背景下,郑和下西洋这段历史也对两国经济合作具有一定的启示。以郑和下西洋对印尼三宝垄的经济影响为例,郑和下西洋对印尼古代经济的影响深远,主要包括朝贡给赐、民间互市、华人贸易和国际贸易四种方式,对三宝垄当代旅游业和华人经济产生了积极影响。在“重构历史记忆”的理论视阈下,利用历史类专著、纪录片和其他学术论著,从文化、旅游等角度重构郑和下西洋的历史记忆,对澄清地域误解和文化偏见,促进双方文化旅游合作和贸易发展,意义重大。最终旨在使之服务于“一带一路”大背景下的中印尼经济合作。  相似文献   
Although eyewitness memory and identification have captured substantial research interest in the past decades, an understanding of the types and prevalence of errors typically made by eyewitnesses is lacking. The purpose of the present research was to begin the development of a taxonomy of eyewitness error, employing standardized stimuli and established techniques. Respondents were exposed to a crime scene modeled on SWAT-training scenarios for systematically varied exposure times, and were then asked to describe what they had seen. The stimuli and questions employed were prepared with the aid of senior police field training officers. As anticipated, eyewitness performance in general was subject to a variety of inaccuracies. Physical errors, such as mistakes in the clothing or physical characteristics of the perpetrator, or in details of the environmental context, predominated. However, other less-expected errors were also observed: in relatively low numbers of cases, witnesses inferred emotional states or intent on the part of the perpetrator or victim. Some contributed wholly artificial backstories, reported the future actions of the perpetrator or victim as memories, or even inserted themselves into the scene. The pattern of results was shown to interact with exposure time, gender of the perpetrator, and the presence or absence of weapons in the scene. The results of this study are consistent with reconfigurative theory dating to Bartlett (1932), with subsequent research, and with more recent work under the aegis of Gestalt/Feature-Intensive Processing theory. These findings provide information on types and prevalence of eyewitness error which should prove useful in investigative and courtroom settings.  相似文献   
关于外国法院判决承认制度中的互惠原则的解释,时至今日中国司法实践仍处于摸索阶段,存在无条约就无互惠、事实互惠、推定互惠、承诺互惠等不同观点,本文通过对各种观点的梳理,反思批判中国司法实践中采取的不同解释,重申法律互惠的意义,明确互惠原则只能是法律互惠。从法律互惠的角度出发,国与国之间有的判决可以得到承认,而有的判决得不到承认是正常现象。从目前中国承认外国法院判决的诸条件来看,包括互惠原则在内均不成为外国承认中国法院判决的障碍;同时互惠原则有利于防止对方国家在承认条件上设置不合理的条件,从而产生实质性不平等。回归互惠原则本意,准确理解互惠原则的含义及作用,对于完善外国法院判决的承认制度具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
通过对报刊杂志以及原台籍日本兵的口述历史等史料发掘,发现台湾文化界在日据时期、光复后40余年、以及解严后20余年的三个不同时期,关于台籍日本兵的典型言论各有特点。台湾文化界关于台籍日本兵言论的流变轨迹反映了台湾人从被殖民到“脱殖民”意识形态的演变过程,也从一个侧面举证了日本帝国主义的殖民政策对台湾造成的伤害,表明了日本对台湾文化的长期暴力扭曲正是造成今日台湾文化“脱殖民”困境的根源。  相似文献   
An IEEE 802.11 wireless device can leave traces of its presence in the volatile memories of nearby wireless devices. While the devices need to be in radio range of each other for this to happen, they do not need to be connected to the same network—or to any network at all. Traces appear in the form of full wire-type frames; a residue of the signals in the ether. We examine types of information that can be extracted from such residual frames and explore the conditions under which traces develop and persist. Their availability is determined by factors in both in the external environment (the types of signals in the ether) and the internal environment (the configuration and particulars of a device's wifi stack). To isolate some of these factors, we have created memory dumps of devices in various environments and configurations. Analysis of the dumps has offered insights into the conditions determining creation and decay of the traces. The results indicate that they will be available in a limited number of real-world scenarios. We conclude with practical advice on triaging and preservation.  相似文献   
Examiners in the field of digital forensics regularly encounter enormous amounts of data and must identify the few artifacts of evidentiary value. One challenge these examiners face is manual reconstruction of complex datasets with both hierarchical and associative relationships. The complexity of this data requires significant knowledge, training, and experience to correctly and efficiently examine. Current methods provide text-based representations or low-level visualizations, but levee the task of maintaining global context of system state on the examiner. This research presents a visualization tool that improves analysis methods through simultaneous representation of the hierarchical and associative relationships and local detailed data within a single page application. A novel whitelisting feature further improves analysis by eliminating items of less interest from view. Results from a pilot study demonstrate that the visualization tool can assist examiners to more accurately and quickly identify artifacts of interest.  相似文献   
In all societies, collective memory practices are integral parts of local tradition and culture. While the recent “memory boom” has resulted in a massive international proliferation of commemorative monuments and memorials, not enough attention has been paid to cultural differences in the ways societies remember. By comparing processes of commemoration and memorialization in postapartheid South Africa with selected case studies in the USA, this article highlights the definitive role that material culture and tangible objects as containers of memory play in American society, while among black South Africans, oral and performative modes of remembering have traditionally been more important. In both societies, museums and commemorative monuments are promoted as officially sanctioned sites of collective memory, but their public reception differs significantly. It is argued that official forms of commemoration are most successful when they are connected to; flow naturally out of; or stand in a meaningful, symbiotic relationship with, vernacular forms of commemoration. While the tangible aspects of specific commemorative cultures can easily be imitated internationally or cross-culturally, its intangible aspects can never be assumed to transfer automatically.  相似文献   
目的:观察中药制剂脑力康口服液对老年多梗死性痴呆(MID)大鼠学习和记忆的影响。方法:将大鼠分为4组,治疗组灌服脑力康口服液,阳性药对照组灌服西药喜得镇,用Y型迷宫法检测各组学习和记忆成绩。结果:治疗组学习和记忆成绩明显优于模型组,在治疗30d时,治疗组学习和记忆成绩优于阳性药对照组。结论:脑力康口服液在一定程度上有改善老年MID大鼠学习和记忆的功能。  相似文献   
Abstract:  This study was undertaken to determine if dental implants can be radiographically differentiated by company type to aid forensic identification of the deceased. Recognition of dental implants on intraoral radiographic images was assessed in a blind study using a radiographic examination guide to highlight differences between dental implants. Inter- and intra-examiner comparisons were conducted and a computer program (Implant Recognition System®) was evaluated to see whether it improved the accuracy of implant recognition. The study found that dental implants could be radiographically differentiated by company type. The Implant Recognition System® in its current form was of little benefit for radiographic assessment of dental implants for forensic odontologists. Prior knowledge of implant types, with a McNemar's statistical value of 92.9, proved to be most significant in identification.  相似文献   
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