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《Science & justice》2022,62(6):785-794
This paper considers whether the adoption of a subject-specific, classroom-based, voluntary extra-curricular student mentoring scheme could provide an effective mechanism and andragogic approach to enhance higher education students’ employability potential pre-graduation.Over the three-year pilot, 26 more advanced (second to fourth year) undergraduate students actively mentored nearly 400 first year undergraduate students during workshops delivered annually within forensic and policing focused courses. In total, 17 mentors anonymously completed online, post-scheme surveys. Survey data was quantitatively analysed to evaluate the scheme, establish which skills and attributes mentors had developed and investigate whether mentors could appropriately identify example skills within professional terminology used during employer recruitment. In addition, this paper reflects on the implementation of remote student mentoring during the COVID-19 pandemic and its adoption within a blended learning framework.The results from this research strongly support mentoring as an effective mechanism to develop undergraduate employability skills, significantly developing mentors’ self-confidence and self-efficacy in their interpersonal and communication skills. Although mentors were aware of university graduate attributes and thought they could evidence these with appropriate examples, in practice this was not necessarily the case. As a result, a framework is proposed to enable mentors to identify their skills and how they may align with competencies sought by relevant forensic and policing employers. However, other andragogic practices may need to be implemented to maximise the potential for successful graduate employment.  相似文献   
《Science & justice》2022,62(6):768-777
The COVID-19 pandemic brought about rapid, transformational change to pedagogic practice on a global scale. During this time, educators across all levels needed to significantly broaden and upskill their digital skills and competence to instantaneously turn face-2-face content into remote, online provision, particularly during periods of national lockdown. Whilst there was significant e-content available in some subject domains, there were limited e-resources available to those working within the criminal justice sector. The #RemoteForensicCSI network was established in attempts to fill this gap and support both practitioner and learner transition within further and higher education and industry.This article evaluates the value and impact that the #RemoteForensicCSI initiative had on the personal development of network participants, their peers and learners, whilst considering, reflecting on and recommending how remote delivery may influence the future of teaching, training and learning within education and the wider criminal justice sector.  相似文献   
《Science & justice》2022,62(5):484-493
Forensic anthropologists may not always be able to differentiate heat-induced fractures from fractures with other aetiologies, namely sharp force traumas, with clear nefarious impact on medico-legal conclusions. The objective of this study was to experimentally investigate if blade chemical traces are transferred to defleshed bone tissue and if they remain there after a burning event. This was accomplished by prompting sharp force traumas in 20 macerated fresh pig ribs with five different instruments, namely a stainless steel knife, an artisanal knife and a ceramic kitchen knife, a small axe and a large axe. Another pig rib was used as control, not being subjected to any trauma. All instruments were probed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) to establish the composition of each blade. Bone samples, both pre-burned and post-burned (at 500 °C, 700 °C, 900 °C and 1100 °C), were then probed by XRF. All sharp force instruments left detectable chemical traces on pre-burned bone, although not in all samples. Furthermore, traces were still detected after experimental burning in most cases. Potentially, XRF can provide relevant information about the aetiology of fractures in burned and unburned bones, although the effect of soft tissues and diagenesis must still be investigated.  相似文献   
《Science & justice》2022,62(4):418-423
This study compared the currently used swab Prionics ForensiX Evidence Collection Kit with the alternatives Prionics ForensiX Evidence Collection Tube SafeDry and Sarstedt Forensic Swab XL. Volunteers provided intravaginal swabs collected with all swab types at specific time points after unprotected sexual intercourse. Quantifiable DNA, detectability of seminal fluid component (prostate specific antigen, PSA) and spermatozoa were evaluated to find the best-performing swab type.While Sarstedt XL showed significantly higher DNA quantities for sperm cell fractions than ForensiX Kit, the more concise PSA test results clearly favour ForensiX SafeDry. Reassuringly, mostly complete autosomal STR profiles of male components were obtained for sperm cell fractions at all time points and tested swabs. Switching to the higher performing ForensiX SafeDry with improved sampling and processing properties will also benefit victims, medical personnel, and investigators.  相似文献   
《Science & justice》2022,62(6):795-804
Forensic science in UK Higher Education involves a constellation of subdisciplines, each with a biography shaped by a colonial past. Deeper examinations of the structures of curriculum design allow educators to address where colonial assumptions may reside and the impact of these legacies on the present. One process to assist this endeavour is Decolonising the Curriculum (DtC), which seeks to question and dismantle colonial structures of knowledge and support contextualisation to broaden, rather than narrow, the curricula. DtC toolkits, like those developed at the University of Winchester in the south of England, may provide practical support to programme teams to reflect on how colonial attitudes shape new and existing curricula. DtC may be seen as supporting existing quality processes that are part of the reflection cycle and tested through institutional and other accreditation quality procedures. Toolkits support programme teams to identify existing good practices and areas requiring further reflection and development. We offer perspectives on areas that would benefit from critical evaluation when teaching subjects with foundations in race science, colonial attitudes, and social injustice. The paper focuses on three main approaches to support decolonial discourse: sustained historical inquiry, questioning ethnic classifications and identity, and the presentation of international forensic work. Rather than seeing DtC as a threat to educational quality, it may be more constructively seen as an integral part of quality processes in curriculum design to support more diverse, inclusive, and authentic learning in forensic Higher Education.  相似文献   
《Science & justice》2022,62(5):477-483
This paper investigates the established notion that bone calcination has a major impact on age estimation while low-intensity burns have a mere negligible impact. Few systematic researches have been carried out so far about this topic so the true impact of heat-induced changes on diagnostic age features is mostly unknown.The agreement between pre-burning and post-burning observations of age features was investigated on 51 human skeletons (22 males and 29 females with ages-at-death ranging from 61 to 93 years old) subjected to experimental burns. These skeletons belong to the 21st Century Identified Skeletal Collection housed at the Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology of the Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, Portugal. The Suchey-Brooks method based on the pubic symphysis and the method developed on the auricular surface by Buckberry and Chamberlain (2002) were scrutinized.The Suchey-Brooks method provided better agreement between pre- and post-burn observations than the method from Buckberry and Chamberlain (2002). However, it became clear that heat-induced changes affected both methods regardless of heat intensity since both calcined bones and bones burnt at lower intensities often showed less than perfect agreement. Therefore, this research demonstrates that the analysis of age-at-death can be impaired in burnt bones, even those not subjected to calcination, with clear impact for forensic and archaeological investigations.  相似文献   
《Science & justice》2022,62(3):288-309
Sex estimation standards are population specific however, we argue that machine learning techniques (ML) may enhance the biological sex determination on trans-population application. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) versus nine ML including quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), support vector machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT), Gaussian process (GPC), Naïve Bayesian (NBC), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Random Forest (RFM) and Adaptive boosting (Adaboost) were compared. The experiments involve two contemporary populations: Turkish (n = 300) and Egyptian populations (n = 100) for training and validation, respectively. Base models were calibrated using isotonic and sigmoid calibration schemes. Results were analyzed at posterior probabilities (pp) thresholds >0.95 and >0.80. At pp = 0.5, ML algorithms yielded comparable accuracies in the training (90% to 97%) and test sets (81% to 88%) which are not modified after employing the calibration techniques. At pp >0.95, the raw RFM, LDA, QDA, and SVM models have shown the best performance however, calibration techniques improved the performance of various classifier especially NBC and Adaboost. By contrast, the performance of GPC, KNN, QDA models worsened by calibration. RFM has shown the best performance among all models at both thresholds whereas LDA benefited the best from using both calibration methods at pp >0.80. Complex ML models are not necessarily achieving better performance metrics. LDA and QDA remain the fastest and simplest classifiers. We demonstrated the capability of enhancing sex estimation using ML on an independent population sample however, differences in the underlying probability distribution generated by models were detected which warranted more cautious application by forensic practitioners.  相似文献   
SE33 was a well-known autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) marker that was high polymorphic and therefore was high discrimination power. The sequence structure of STR markers has been increasingly explored with next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology. The sequencing resulted in the development of a new locus designation and allele nomenclature that was also backward compatible with the conventional capillary electrophoresis. SE33 was one of the STR markers that had been coamplified by Forenseq™ Signature Prep Kit (Verogen) but were not analyzed and illustrated in the Universal Analysis Software (UAS) (Verogen). This study reported an ambiguous sequence-based allele 16.3 of the SE33 locus. This allele was observed while analyzed by STRait Razor 3.0. The configuration file was modified from the previous studies to include 15 bp of 5′ flanking region and 24 bp of 3′ flanking region. The ambiguous allele was called 16.3 (106 bp) with a read count of 2070. However, the sequence of the repeat region cannot be designated as allele 16.3. Several possible scenarios for allele designation were presented and discussed.  相似文献   
The continuous admixture events among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans occurred differently throughout the Ecuadorian territory, creating a diversified genetic composition. Therefore, to evaluate how the genetic diversity is partitioned along the country for 15 STRs, 842 admixed-population samples were analyzed. We also evaluated the effect of applying an adjustment for population structure when estimating LRs using a national database. The results showed that to accurately assess forensic evidence, the use of a national database may be justified with the application of an appropriate adjustment for population structure.  相似文献   
Samples collected for forensic case work may be of varying quality and quantity. The sample DNA is often quantified prior to short tandem repeats (STR) profile analysis with methods such as Quantifiler™Trio (QFT). The QFT measures the quantity of DNA as well as an internal PCR control (IPC) and a degradation index (DI).The aim of this study was to use IPC and DI measurements to identify samples, which would benefit from a modified PCR amplification set-up when generating the STR profiles. The sample quality of 6287 single source case work samples were categorized as 'Good’, ‘Partly degraded’, ‘Highly degraded’, ‘Inhibited’ and ‘Degraded and Inhibited’ based on the peak height ratios in the electropherogram data. The DI and IPC were correlated with the assigned quality categories of the samples. Samples categorized into the degraded and/or inhibited categories were found to have statistically significantly different DI and IPC compared to samples categorized as ‘Good’. This indicates that the additional information gained from the QFT can be useful to identify degraded and/or inhibited samples prior to the STR-profile analysis. Future work will re-evaluate the criteria of inclusion in the sample quality groups and implement multi source samples.  相似文献   
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