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In patrilineal societies, surnames and Y-specific haplotypes and haplogroups are expected to be correlated. This characteristic could help defining an initial pool of suspects in forensic genetics analysis. Here we evaluated this correlation in a sample of Central-Brazilian men. Surnames and Y-SNP haplogroup and Y-STR haplotype were analyzed in 55 pairs of Central-Brazilian men sharing surnames (n = 110). Seven haplogroups and thirty-two haplotypes have been observed, none correlated solely to any of the twenty-eight surnames represented here. In this sample, two men with the same surname showed a chance of 0.41 of sharing a Y-specific haplogroup. This chance is higher for surnames of intermediate frequencies, whereas rare surnames show distinct chances as zero and one. Observed results may be over-estimated due to a predominance of a specific haplogroup (P92R7 = 49%) in the sample, what makes it possible for two men with no coancestry to share this haplogroup. Considering STR, only three pairs of men shared haplotypes. The average difference between the haplotypes in each pair was 2.45 mutational steps. This relatively low correlation is due to some historical and cultural peculiarities of the country, what makes it improper for forensic purposes in Brazil.  相似文献   
目的研究脑受力后在颅腔内滑动挫伤的类型与受力机制、受力部位的关系。方法按颅骨解剖部位划定受力部位,根据案情确定受力方式后,对132例滑动性脑挫伤的脑标本,经福尔马林固定后作冠状、矢状或连续切面,肉眼、镜下观察。结果滑动性脑挫伤按发生部位不同分3型:脑顶型,65例(49.24%);脑底型,38例(28.78%);混合型,29例(21.96%)。脑顶型多见于额顶部的加速性受力,脑底型多见于枕部的减速性受力,混合型多见于顶枕部的减速性受力。结论3种类型与头部的受力机制、受力部位有相应关系。  相似文献   
DNA profiling evidence presented in court should be accompanied by a reliable estimate of its evidential weight. In calculating such statistics, allele frequencies from commonly employed autosomal microsatellite loci are required. These allele frequencies should be collected at a level that appropriately represents the genetic diversity that exists in the population. Typically this occurs at broadly defined bio-geographic categories, such as Caucasian or Asian. Datasets are commonly administered at the jurisdictional level. This paper focuses on Australian jurisdictions and assesses whether this current practice is appropriate for Aboriginal Australian and Caucasian populations alike. In keeping with other studies we observe negligible differences between Caucasian populations within Australia when segregated geographically. However segregation of Aboriginal Australian population data along contemporary State and Territory lines appears to mask the diversity that exists within this subpopulation. For this reason datasets collated along more traditional lines may be more appropriate, particularly to distinguish the most genetically differentiated populations residing in the north of the continent.  相似文献   
Endogenous and exogenous erythropoietin (EPO) present in urine can be distinguished according to their isoelectric profiles. This methodology requires urine samples to be concentrated about 200 to 1000 times with manipulations that should remove most of the cells occurring in the original sample. In this study, we tried to obtain DNA profiles from 10 ultrafiltered urines (retentates) in order to evaluate whether a formal genetic identification was technically feasible. No nuclear DNA profiles could be established from retentates, despite 34 PCR-cycles amplifications. Contrastingly, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) profiles were obtained for 9 out of the 10 retentates. Apart from some particularities, retentate mtDNA profiles were all distinct and matched mtDNA profiles of corresponding reference samples.  相似文献   
目的研究生前电击与死后电击的肌小节长度变化,为生前电击与死后电击的鉴别提供新的方法。方法12只兔随机分为对照I组、对照II组、电击死组和死后电击组。每组3只。对照I、II组与死后电击组兔分别从耳缘静脉注射空气30m l处死。对照I组处死后,于死后即刻取其后肢股四头肌;对照II组死后24h于相同部位取材;电击死组兔通220V交流电,通电致兔死后即刻取材;死后电击组于死后即刻通220V交流电4m in后,在相同部位取材。用透射电镜观察骨骼肌肌小节长度变化,对所得结果进行统计学分析。结果生前电击与死后电击骨骼肌肌小节均缩短,与对照组I相比,前者较后者缩短程度更甚(P=0.000);死后电击组与对照I组相比,仅轻微缩短(P=0.000),对照II组相比,缩短较为明显(P=0.000);对照II组较对照I组的肌小节显著伸长(P=0.000)。结论研究骨骼肌肌小节的长度变化有助于鉴别生前电击与死后电击。  相似文献   
目的阐明死后48h内家兔体内氯氮平再分布规律,为相关法医鉴定工作提供借鉴。方法取家兔15只,随机分为5组,以氯氮平灌胃,分别于死后0、6、12、24、48h取心血、外周静脉血、尿液、肝组织检测氯氮平浓度。结果家兔死亡后心血、外周静脉血、肝脏氯氮平浓度不断升高,尿液氯氮平浓度不断降低;死后早期浓度变化率大于晚期浓度变化率。死后48h心血、外周静脉血、肝脏、尿液氯氮平浓度分别为死后0h各检材氯氮平浓度的418%、193%、154%和29%。结论死亡一段时间后,提取生物检材,检测出的氯氮平浓度并不能准确反映刚死时的实际浓度。  相似文献   
目的观察53例原发性小脑挫伤的形态学改变。方法全部小脑标本在表面检查后分别进行矢状、水平切面观察。结果①表面局部散在出血21例,弥漫性出血15例,出血伴局部叶片挫伤28例,切面见8例导水管周围、13例第四脑室壁、6例小脑扁桃体上部与9例蚓小结表面有散在点状出血;②表面未见出血但有局部肿胀17例;局部肿胀致小脑中线移位5例。矢状与水平切面:山顶肿胀向上移位4例,直达胼胝体压部6例;山顶并中央小叶向上向前移位挤压上、下丘致导水管狭窄4例;闭塞10例;中央小叶并蚓小结肿胀向前移位11例,均致导水管闭塞与第四脑室狭窄。中央小叶并小脑扁桃体上部肿胀6例,造成导水管闭塞与第四脑室腔狭窄。小脑扁桃体上部与蚓小结肿胀向脑桥第四脑室移位12例。结论小脑受力可使应力部位肿胀,移位,造成导水管闭塞或第四脑室狭窄,甚至与脑干背侧相互挤压致伤。这是脑干损伤与继发脑肿胀原因之一。  相似文献   
医源性相关的异物医疗纠纷研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的探讨医源性相关异物医疗纠纷特点。方法对华西医科大学法医学院1990~2003年间18例医源性相关异物残遗留案例进行分析。结果男性10例,女性8例,年龄为48天~47岁,平均27岁,医源性相关异物残遗留以县、市级医院为主,门诊、妇产科及外科多见,可以外伤后异物残留未诊断、治疗中医疗异物遗留体内、治疗机械断裂或诈病形式出现。结论与国外的情况进行比较,并提出相应预防措施。  相似文献   
目的研究甲基苯丙胺及其代谢物苯丙胺在家兔体内的毒物代谢动力学行为。方法GC/MS法测定家兔灌胃甲基苯丙胺后不同时间点血、尿中甲基苯丙胺和代谢物苯丙胺浓度,采用3P97程序进行房室模型拟合以及毒物代谢动力学参数计算。结果甲基苯丙胺和苯丙胺在家兔体内的毒物代谢动力学过程均呈一级动力学特征,符合二室开放模型。甲基苯丙胺在家兔体内Cm ax为1.457 mg/L±0.094 mg/L,Tm ax为1.557h±0.078h,t1/2 ka、t1/2α和t1/2β分别为0.384h±0.052h、1.614h±0.036h和3.007h±0.430h,CL为1.769 L/h/kg±0.114 L/h/kg。甲基苯丙胺的毒物代谢动力学方程为:C t=2.767 e-0.746 t+1.454 e-0.234 t+4.119 e-1.746 t。结论甲基苯丙胺在家兔体内吸收、消除和代谢都较快。建立的甲基苯丙胺毒物代谢动力学方程和参数可为甲基苯丙胺分析的合理取样、从血药浓度推断服毒时间以及甲基苯丙胺滥用的法医学鉴定提供理论依据。  相似文献   
目的实验评估不同条件下Percoll密度梯度离心分离组织中浮游生物的效果。方法大白兔肝组织匀浆后与3种藻类混合物混匀,分为混匀高速分离组、混匀低速分离组、叠加高速分离组、叠加低速分离组和未分离组(对照组)进行Percoll密度梯度离心分离浮游生物,镜检并提取其DNA,用PCR技术分别检测浮游生物16S rDNA和叶绿素基因特异性片段。结果混匀高速分离组有较多浮游生物呈分层条纹状分布于离心管中部,叠加高速分离组浮游生物紧邻组织细胞层下,低速分离组见较少浮游生物紧邻于组织细胞层之下,未分离组见浮游生物和组织细胞混杂沉于管底;经DNA检测,各分离组组织细胞层下液体均可检出浮游生物的1条447bp 16S rDNA片段及1条194bp叶绿体/叶绿素脱辅基蛋白基因片段,未分离组均未检出扩增产物且背景较深。结论混匀加样方式进行高速Percoll密度梯度离心,合并收集组织细胞层下所有液体,是分离浮游生物的最有效方法。  相似文献   
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