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在市场经济的新形势下 ,做好公安院校学生的思想工作 ,不能只是用原来的硬性思想教育方式 ,而是要将硬性思想教育与柔性思想教育相举并用。柔性思想教育抓住当前社会上存在的价值意识特征 ,考虑学生的个性心理特点和切身利益需要 ,引导学生认识自身的心理特点 ,发挥长处 ,克服缺点 ,结合硬性思想教育 ,培养学生具有健康的心理 ,树立正确的价值观 ,以达到思想教育的目的。  相似文献   
死亡方式对大鼠DNA降解影响的图像分析研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨不同的死亡方式对组织细胞核 DNA 降解的速率是否存在影响。选取20只大鼠随机分为4组,分别采用失血性休克、断颈、溺死及扼死等4种方式处死,每2 h 取材一次(脑、脾、肝组织),Carnoy 液固定,VANS 改良法染色,选取7个指标进行图像分析,数据经一元回归及多元回归统计处理,对不同死亡方式组的一元回归方程进行多组间分析。结果显示,7个指标与死亡时间明显相关,但在不同死亡方式组间各指标相关性存在差异,一元回归方程比较显示,溺死组与其他组肝组织 ID、AOD、LDC 3个指标存在差异,显示其 DNA 降解较慢,脾脏在溺死组 A、MD、ID、AOD、LDC、AG 等6个指标以及失血性休克组 MD、ID、AOD、AG 等4个指标与其他组间存在明显差异,而脑组织在不同组间则差异较小。多元回归分析进一步印证了上述差异。在失血性休克、溺死、断颈及扼死致死的尸体间其组织细胞 DNA 降解速率存在差异,其原因可能与淤血程度及尸体所处环境有关。在本实验条件下,脑是受影响最小的器官,而脾是较易受影响的器官。  相似文献   
中国汉族女性腰椎的身高推断   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
测量中国汉族女性腰椎,建立腰椎推断身高的方法。按人体骨骼测量方法,对第一至第五腰椎的10项指标进行测量,并将各腰椎的测量数据与身高进行相关分析,建立中国汉族女性腰椎推断身高的回归方程。获得的推断身高的5个回归方程,其相关系数(r)和标准差(s)分别为 r_1=0.751,s=45.0171;r_2=0.698,s=48.2804;r_3=0.758,s=43.3508;r_4=0.497,s=56.0890;r_5=0.606,s=53.3158。本研究建立的方法误差小,可以用于中国汉族女性腰椎的身高推断。  相似文献   
用熔解曲线法分析插入/缺失多态性和Y染色体SNPs多态性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着单核苷酸多态性SNPs (SingleNucleotidePolymorphisms)及插入 /缺失多态性Indels (Insertion/Dele tion)的分型技术研究的深入 ,SNPs和Indels在法医学上的应用将受到深刻的影响。本文研究和探讨Indels的分型方法 ,通过测定扩增DNA片段在溶液中的溶解曲线图确定每个样品的基因型 ,称为溶解曲线Indels基因分型方法(McI/D)。溶解曲线图由被测样品DNA片段的特殊溶解温度组成 ,扩增结果直接由仪器分析不需要繁杂的PCR后期操作。  相似文献   
掌骨骨折损伤程度及法医学鉴定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
探讨掌骨骨折的致伤特点及活体损伤程度的法医学鉴定。对 5 2例掌骨骨折的案例资料按不同掌骨及损伤类型进行分析。第 1~ 5掌骨分别对于掌骨头、掌骨颈、掌骨干、掌骨基底部的骨折发生率和致伤机理各有不同 ,直接暴力所致第 2掌骨头、间接暴力所致第 5掌骨颈、第 3和 4掌骨干及第 1掌骨基底部等部位的骨折最常见。分析结果表明 ,掌骨骨折损伤程度不同 ,其损伤机理不同 ,各有其特点  相似文献   
32例妊娠期死亡法医病理学研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 探讨妊娠死亡的特点。 方法 对 1990~ 2 0 0 0年间华西医科大学法医学院所做 3 2例妊娠死亡尸检病例进行分析。 结果 妊娠产妇死亡年龄以 2 5~ 3 0岁为多见 ,职业以农民常见 ,且绝大多数无产前检查记录 ,死亡多发生于分娩过程中 ,区、乡一级卫生院多发。前四位的死因依次为 :胎盘残留、输卵管妊娠破裂、产后感染和子宫血管结扎出血 ,绝大多数妊娠产妇死亡前产下活婴。 结论 有必要加强基层与农村医疗保健工作和制订有关的预防措施 ,以降低妊娠产妇的死亡率。  相似文献   
Medical examiners are often first to recognize unusual occurrences of fatal infectious diseases. Recognition of these deaths allows public health officials to institute appropriate public health measures. Therefore, we developed a simple method of identifying and tracking infectious disease deaths in a statewide medical examiner's office. One-page infectious disease forms were completed for 1566/1949 autopsies (80%) performed at the New Mexico Office of the Medical Investigator in 2004. In 241 cases one infectious disease was identified at autopsy and 58 cases had two infectious diseases. Fourteen of the infectious-diseases caused deaths involved diseases that are notifiable conditions in New Mexico. Pneumonia was the most commonly reported infectious process (47 deaths) followed by sepsis (25 deaths). Tracking infectious disease deaths highlighted the importance of recognizing these deaths, although hand-written entries were unstandardized. Preferably, a tracking system would be built into electronic databases at medical examiner and coroner's offices, expediting the identification of these diseases and contact of public health agencies.  相似文献   
The forensic psychiatric examiner often encounters defendants who deny memory for their offense. Past research proposes a variety of factors to account for offense amnesia. To date there have been few systematic studies of offense amnesia in relation to psychiatric diagnosis, either alone or in combination with other known factors such as substance use and malingering. We studied 53 pretrial felony defendants who had been referred for psychiatric examination; 40% claimed amnesia for their offense. Examinees with psychotic disorders in general, and schizophrenia in particular, were relatively less likely to claim amnesia than were examinees with other diagnoses. Substance use at the time of the offense and associated substance use disorder diagnoses were positively associated with offense amnesia. Malingering diagnosed by general clinical criteria was a poor predictor of amnesia claims. These data suggests that two prominent reasons for referral for forensic psychiatric evaluation include the presence of psychotic symptoms and claims of amnesia for the offense.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Assessment of violence risk in youth for juvenile court needs to be improved. AIM: To determine which items of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY) are recorded in pre-trial mental health evaluations and which of these items are associated with the clinical judgment of the risk of violent recidivism. METHOD: A total of one hundred forensic diagnostic juvenile court files were rated with regard to the presence or absence of the thirty SAVRY risk items: ten historical, six contextual and eight individual items, and six protective items. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis were used to examine the relationship between SAVRY risk items and the clinical judgment of violence risk. RESULTS: Most SAVRY-items had been recorded in the files. However, five historical items and the contextual item 'rejection by peers' did not appear in 25-62% of the files. Especially SAVRY items like 'negative-attitudes' and 'psychopathic traits' were the most powerful predictors for clinical judgment of high violence risk. Unexpectedly, historical items played a minor role in clinical judgment. CONCLUSION: Prospective research is needed with the use of SAVRY-items to improve evidence based violence risk assessment in court ordered mental health evaluations of youngsters.  相似文献   
This study examined the effectiveness of an abbreviated version of the Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms (SIRS-A) in identifying malingered mental illness. The SIRS-A is comprised of 69 items drawn from the SIRS (R. Rogers et al. 1992, SIRS: Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms: Professional Manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.), substantially reducing the administration time. A simulation design was used with three samples; 87 psychiatric outpatients who responded honestly were compared to 29 community-dwelling adults and 24 psychiatric patients instructed to malinger psychopathology. The SIRS-A generated sensitivity comparable to or exceeding that of the SIRS normative data, but specificity was poorer; many genuinely impaired patients were misclassified as malingering. Although these findings suggest the SIRS-A may be an effective means to assess malingering in psychiatric populations, further research assessing the reasons for the elevated false positive rates is necessary.  相似文献   
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