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中毒死亡案件的法医学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析中毒性死亡案件和与中毒死亡有关的医疗纠纷案件的法医学特点,探讨此类案件的防护重点和鉴定要点。方法对四川大学法医学院1985~2004年106例中毒死亡尸体剖验病理材料进行回顾性统计分析。结果性别:男性61例,女性45例,男女比例1.36:1;年龄:以21~40岁年龄组(60.38%)为主;死亡方式:意外死亡最多见(52.83%),其次为自杀(33.02%)和他杀(14.15%);死亡原因:CO中毒、有机磷类中毒、毒鼠强及药物中毒多见(72.64%);医疗纠纷:发生医疗不当12例(11.32%),7例为医源性中毒性医疗纠纷,5例为中毒后在医院抢救中发生的医疗纠纷,主要发生于乡镇医院和县级医院(83.33%)。结论加强毒物的管理、提高安全意识、加强法制教育、增加生产安全等是减少中毒性死亡的重要手段。提高城乡医疗水平,加强中毒急诊抢救临床技能是防止中毒性医疗纠纷的关键。  相似文献   
目的初步研究运动神经传导速度(motornerveconductionvelocity,MNCV)检查相关指标与肌力(musclepower,MP)的关系,评测MNCV检查在神经损伤的法医学鉴定中的价值。方法以22例正中神经损伤病例为对象,进行MNCV和MP检查;另将22例健康受试者作为对照组,在同条件下进行检查。MNCV测定指标包括:远、近端潜伏期,远、近端波幅,MNCV值。测定前,由同一操作医师测定患者相应的MP(拇短展肌、拇短屈肌、拇指对掌肌)。结果患病组内,MP与MNCV和远近端波幅值存在显著相关性,而对照组内MP与其他指标无任何相关性;两组间对比,各项指标均存在明显差异。结论正中神经损伤后,手部相应肌肉的MP丧失程度与MNCV改变相关,并且MNCV各项指标发生显著改变。结果表明,MNCV检验可为神经损伤后MP丧失程度的法医学检查及其鉴定提供客观证据。  相似文献   
女性11~16岁骨关节X线影像特征及其年龄推断   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的建立根据骨关节X线影像推断11~16岁女性年龄的方法。方法常规拍摄150名11-16岁女性肩、肘、腕手、髋、膝、踝等关节X线片,分别观察各关节不同部位的骨骺影像特征并分级,所得数据用SPSS软件包进行统计学处理。结果 150名11-16岁女性900张骨关节X线片,除锁骨肩峰端外,各关节27项不同部位骨骺的 X线影像特征,以及身高和体重与年龄呈现相关(r>0.3,P<0.001)或显著相关(r>0.7,P<0.001);建立的多元回归方程及逐步回归方程,其负相关系数为0.523~0.811,标准误为1.0763-0.68120结论根据骨关节X线影像的骨骺特征与年龄的相关关系建立多元及逐步回归方程可用于11~16岁女性的年龄判定。  相似文献   
心肌桥的研究现状及法医学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心肌桥是一种少见的解剖学异常,可引起猝死,近年来已成为临床和法医工作者的一个研究热点。本文依据文献资料从心肌桥的发生率、解剖学特征、病理生理变化、临床表现及法医学意义等方面进行综述。  相似文献   
In the case presented, conflicting witness accounts and the subject's injuries were highly suspicious of an assault that might have caused the balcony fall. For the reconstruction, a simulation software, originally designed for motor vehicle accident reconstruction, was used. Three scenarios were simulated using the PC‐Crash multibody pedestrian model: (S1) Subject was pushed against and fell over balcony rail, (S2) subject fell off from a seated position, (S3) subject fell off from a prone position on the rail. (S1) could be ruled out due to inconsistent results in terms of landing area and minimum velocity. Realistic results were obtained for (S3) with a fall off from a prone position on the rail. After a few months, the comatose subject awoke and gave an account of what had happened being consistent with the simulation results. This case demonstrates the feasibility of multibody simulations also in cases of nontraffic incidents.  相似文献   
Eric Lob 《Third world quarterly》2013,34(11):2103-2125

Based on fieldwork in Iran and Lebanon, this article compares the Iranian reconstruction and development organisation Construction Jihad with its Hizbullah-affiliated subsidiary in Lebanon. Beyond shedding light on Iranian and Lebanese history and politics, this comparison offers insight into the transnational diffusion of a development organisation by a state actor to its non-state or quasi-state ‘client’ in the Muslim and developing world. Despite the distinct environmental and operational conditions of Iran and Lebanon, Construction Jihad similarly assisted a nascent Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) and a fledgling Hizbullah with state-building. The latter consisted of consolidating coercive power against domestic and foreign opponents, increasing administrative capacity through service provision and post-war reconstruction, and strengthening the political and religious identity of citizens and constituents. Regardless of the differing contexts of Iran and Lebanon, Construction Jihad counter-intuitively possessed a similar organisational and developmental model in both countries that did not neatly conform to the dichotomous typologies in development studies. This seemingly contradictory model was largely faith based, exclusive, distributive and top down with certain decentralised, community driven and participatory elements.  相似文献   

Rural theater reform was a component of the Republican Rural Reconstruction Movement from its mid-1920s beginnings in mass literacy efforts. Amid the economic and political upheaval of the 1920s and 1930s, reformers argued that national salvation depended on the unity and continued relevance of village communities, and they believed that rural theater could contribute to bringing village communities together. One important example, the Mass Education Movement project in Dingxian, illustrates how reformers used the theater to reinforce the village as the unit of reform and national reconstruction. Reformers hoped rural theater would transmit to villagers ideas about citizenship and the new responsibilities this political role entailed. However, it was equally important that the reform theater — a group activity performed for a village audience — enable and sustain a reconstitution of the village community. In this way, the Rural Reconstruction Movement demonstrates an alternative to the top-down rule that characterized most Guomindang state-making efforts.  相似文献   
The San of Botswana are marginalised and live in poverty. Through semi-structured interviews and participant observation in two San communities, we analyse challenges facing community garden initiatives, and find that the failure of the gardens related to how the San are treated, as well as how they themselves have come to view their situation as destitute people. We conclude that forced resettlement, and historical livelihood disruption, as well as government and NGO policies of doing development through welfare (e.g. handouts), to the neglect of genuine empowerment of people, are responsible for the limited success of the community gardens.

Contextualiser les projets de développement parmi les Sans du Botswana : les difficultés rencontrées dans le cadre des potagers communautaires

Les Sans du Botswana sont marginalisés et vivent dans la pauvreté. À travers des entretiens semi-structurés et l'observation des participants dans deux communautés sans, nous analysons les difficultés auxquelles se heurtent les initiatives de potagers communautaires et constatons que l’échec des potagers est lié à la manière dont les Sans sont traités, ainsi qu'au fait qu'ils ont eux-mêmes fini par voir leur situation comme celle de miséreux. Nous concluons que la réinstallation forcée et la perturbation des moyens de subsistance historiques, ainsi que les politiques suivies par les pouvoirs publics et les ONG de développement à travers les aides sociales (p. ex. dons d'argent) au lieu de favoriser une véritable autonomisation des personnes, sont à l'origine du succès limité des potagers communautaires.

Contextualizando proyectos de desarrollo entre los san de Botsuana: retos de los jardines comunitarios

Los san de Botsuana han sido marginalizados y viven en situación de pobreza. Apoyándose en entrevistas semiestructuradas y en observaciones participantes en dos comunidades san, las autoras analizan los retos que presentan las iniciativas de jardines comunitarios. Concluyen que el fracaso de los jardines se relaciona con la forma en que son tratados los san y con cómo ellos mismos perciben su propia situación de gente pobre. Asimismo, concluyen que la reubicación forzada, la disrupción de los medios de vida tradicionales, así como las políticas gubernamentales y aquellas impulsadas por ong que promueven el desarrollo a través de programas de bienestar (es decir, dádivas) a costa del empoderamiento genuino de las personas, constituyen las razones por las cuales los jardines comunitarios tuvieron un éxito limitado.

Contextualizando projetos de desenvolvimento entre os San de Botsuana: desafios das hortas comunitárias

Os San de Botsuana são marginalizados e vivem na pobreza. Através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observação participativa em duas comunidades San, analisamos os desafios que as iniciativas de horta comunitária enfrentam e constatamos que o fracasso das hortas estão relacionados ao modo como os San são tratados, assim como a maneira como eles próprios vêem sua situação de carência. Concluímos que o reassentamento forçado e alterações históricas dos meios de subsistência, além de políticas do governo e de ONGs para promover o desenvolvimento através de políticas de bem-estar (ex.: doações) em detrimento do empoderamento genuíno das pessoas são responsáveis pelo sucesso limitado das hortas comunitárias.  相似文献   

International development agencies often promote approaches that link aid and peacebuilding. However, the gap between what agencies say and what they actually do is demonstrated by the mixed response to subnational conflict in Thailand's Far South between 2007 and 2012. Over this period, numerous agencies demonstrated little interest in addressing the conflict. Some agencies did over time try to support peacebuilding, although domestic government resistance and practical barriers generated obstacles. Conflict guidelines and toolkits were rarely used, while only a few agencies implemented the context-driven and knowledge-based approaches to local partnerships that peace promotion in a complex and politically sensitive environment demands.

Comment les agences de développement internationales abordent-elles la construction de la paix lors d'un conflit infranational ?

Les agences de développement internationales promeuvent souvent des approches qui relient l'aide et la construction de la paix. Cependant, le fossé entre les dires des agences et leurs actions est démontré par la riposte peu constante au conflit infranational dans l'extrême sud thaïlandais entre 2007 et 2012. Durant cette période, de nombreuses agences n'ont guère fait preuve d'intérêt concernant la résolution du conflit. Certaines agences, au fil du temps, ont tenté de soutenir la construction de la paix, mais la résistance gouvernementale au sein même du pays et les barrières d'ordre pratique ont engendré des obstacles. Les lignes directrices et les trousses à outils pour remédier aux conflits ont été rarement utilisés, et rares ont été les agences qui ont mis en ?uvre les approches impulsées par les contextes et basées sur les connaissances concernant les partenariats locaux que requiert la promotion de la paix dans un environnement complexe et politiquement sensible.

¿De qué manera las agencias de desarrollo internacionales abordan la construcción de paz en un conflicto subnacional?

Frecuentemente, las agencias de desarrollo internacionales promueven enfoques que vinculan la ayuda con la construcción de paz. Sin embargo, la brecha entre lo que dicen las agencias y lo que en realidad hacen queda demostrada por la respuesta matizada ante el conflicto subnacional que tuvo lugar en el Extremo Sur de Tailandia entre 2007 y 2012. Durante este periodo, numerosas agencias demostraron poco interés en abordar el conflicto. A pesar de los obstáculos que representaron la resistencia del gobierno nacional y las barreras prácticas, con el transcurso del tiempo algunas agencias intentaron apoyar la construcción de paz. Sin embargo, en pocas ocasiones usaron las normas y los manuales existentes en torno a conflictos. Sólo unas pocas agencias implementaron los enfoques basados en el contexto y en el conocimiento para crear alianzas locales, las cuales resultan imprescindibles para promover la paz en un entorno complejo y políticamente sensible.

Como as agências internacionais de desenvolvimento abordam a construção da paz em um conflito subnacional?

As agências internacionais de desenvolvimento frequentemente promovem abordagens que fazem a conexão entre ajuda e construção da paz. Porém, a variação entre o que as agências afirmam e o que elas realmente fazem é demonstrada pela resposta mesclada a um conflito subnacional no extremo sul da Tailândia entre 2007 e 2012. Durante esse período, várias agências demonstraram pouco interesse em abordar o conflito. Algumas agências realmente tentaram, no decorrer do tempo, apoiar a construção da paz, embora a resistência do governo local e barreiras práticas geraram obstáculos. Orientações e kits de ferramentas sobre o conflito foram raramente utilizados, enquanto que apenas algumas poucas agências implementaram abordagens direcionadas ao conflito e baseadas no conhecimento de parcerias locais que a promoção da paz demanda em um ambiente complexo e politicamente delicado.  相似文献   
提取目击证人对犯罪嫌疑人的面孔记忆是一项困难的工作,由于证人在识记面孔时有多种影响因素,在提取和再认记忆时又会有各种认知因素的影响,导致面孔心理重建的失真。因此,从认知心理学和实验心理学的角度入手,分析影响心理重建的因素,并用最佳的手段提取记忆,可以使面孔重建的可靠性最大化。认知相关电位在记忆检测领域的日臻完善,使目击证人的再认正确与否有了可靠的参照,从记忆反应的脑电图形分析,可以有效判断证人对列队辨认中的面孔是否存有记忆。  相似文献   
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