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新法国婚姻法有两个亮点:一是使离婚纠纷平静化,使离婚原因和离婚结果不再有关系;二是加快了离婚程序的步伐。本文根据这些内容与中国婚姻法中的相应制度进行了比较,希望能够为中国婚姻法提供有益的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   
The French Constitution restricts local electoral rights to French nationals and EU citizens. Third country nationals have long been excluded from suffrage as France has maintained a stronghold on nationality and republican values. Academics have called for expansive and liberal citizenships that would allocate political rights to all non-citizen residents, independent of nationality. This paper argues that Brexit and cessation of Britons’ electoral rights present a pivotal moment to discuss expansive citizenship and alien suffrage. Taking a bottom-up approach, the paper presents actual experiences of Britons as candidates and councillors in French municipalities. It demonstrates the importance of residency, representation, participation and inclusion, rather than nationality at the local level to underpin claims for expanding electoral rights. These findings foreground an empirical case for further promotion of theoretical ideas that propose expansive citizenship based on effective residency rather than nationality. Consideration is also given to third country nationals.  相似文献   
The most prominent theory accounting for variation of morality politics across Western Europe is the so-called Two Worlds framework. According to this approach, the presence or absence of a secular?religious cleavage in national party systems strongly affects the degree of conflict intensity and the framing of morality policy issues. This article shows that the explanatory power of the Two Worlds model could be enhanced significantly by introducing a second analytical dimension that captures the institutional venue (party politics vs. parliamentary politics), in which moral conflicts take place. This is useful because there are instances in which a religious cleavage is lacking, but moral conflicts are nonetheless highly intense and party-based (the traditionalist world), and there are cases in which the religious cleavage formally exists, but moral conflicts are nonetheless resolved in the parliamentary arena (the unsecular world).  相似文献   
This paper examines media discourse and emotions in discourse (pathos) during the week before the Greek Referendum of 2015. Drawing on the framework of Critical Discourse Analysis, we study the interrelation between macro-level (dominant) values and views, and the micro-level of media positioning, as retrieved from newspaper headlines. The headlines come from three Greek and two French newspapers of differing political, economic, and ideological standpoints. Focusing on the micro-level, we sketch an integrationist framework of analysis: We conduct a systemic functional analysis to scrutinize the transitivity structures of headlines, and an analysis of pathos in order to track constructed emotions. Among our main findings is that the newspapers, despite their different positionings and interests, converge on a dense discursive and emotional construction that favours the dominant values of a free market and the doctrine of austerity.  相似文献   

Susan Buck-Morss’s argument that the Haitian Revolution embodied the most universal aspect of the French Revolution, namely the quest for universal freedom, relies on the supposed references to Haiti in the master–slave dialogue in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. The revolution’s lodgement at the core of this foundational text of Enlightenment universalism is, for her, about as convincing a demonstration as one can have of the universal significance of the Haitian Revolution. Marxists have opposed her venture, and demonstrated their hostility to post-colonial thinking, principally by claiming that the master–slave is an expression of European class conflict. This paper agrees with Buck-Morss that the Haitian Revolution critically affirmed the principle of universal freedom and, indeed, pushed the revolution in France and Europe in a radical direction. A better affirmation of the universal significance of the Haitian Revolution than the thoughts of Hegel is possible. The latter do not actually provide such affirmation, because racism, Eurocentrism and a hostility to political radicalism are fundamental aspects of Hegel’s thought. The alternative affirmation can be found in Marxist analysis. This paper outlines such an analysis, and concludes that post-colonialism of Buck-Morss’s sort is no substitute for the perspective provided by historical materialism.  相似文献   
在德、法两国,基本权利被认为具有“主观权利”与“客观法”的双重性质,都以自然法和自然权利作为其理论基础,并具有宪法性规范的地位;在对基本权利限制之限制的理论认识上,两国均以公共利益的法律化、具体化、明确化为目标。德、法两国的经验为我国建构基本权利效力理论体系提供了重要启示。  相似文献   
法国是刑事参审制度的发源地,参审制度源远流长.在经历了长达百年的价值理念权衡的基础上,法国最终形成了独具特色的符合本国实际的参审制度.当代法国的刑事参审制度操作规范、严谨,在刑事司法实践中发挥着重要的作用,对于我国陪审制度的改革具有重大的启示意义.  相似文献   
L'article dresse un bilan critique de la loi dite de parité, à partir de son application stratégique par les partis, lors des législatives de 2002 et de 2007. A partir de ces deux « cas pratiques », il s'efforce d'apprécier, face à l'épreuve des urnes, la portée d'une loi complexe, en fin de compte peu adaptée à la logique du scrutin uninominal. Quelques éléments d'explication sont proposés pour tenter de comprendre pourquoi la loi laisse paraître une (relative) inefficacité, avant de pointer les raisons pour lesquelles la plupart des partis parlementaires ne se sont pas saisis, autant qu'ils auraient pu, de l'outil égalitaire qui leur était proposé pour faire progresser la représentativité des femmes et, au‐delà, diversifier et démocratiser le recrutement parlementaire. Enfin, est esquissé à grands traits le profil politique et sociologique des femmes députées de la « génération parité », donnant à voir les principaux atouts dont elles disposent pour se couler dans le moule de la profession politique.  相似文献   
法国的预审制度与纠问式诉讼相伴而生,而非资产阶级大革命的产物。法国的初级预审既具有侦查性,亦具有司法裁判性;既是侦查程序,又是起诉审查程序。侦查是法国预审法官的重要工作,但这种侦查具有启动的被动性,预审法官在侦查中居于中立地位,其侦查活动带有明显的司法性。研究法国的预审制度,对重构我国的预审制度具有重要意义。  相似文献   
依法国著作权法,侵犯著作权的违法行为被统称为假冒行为,凡是假冒行为,皆属犯罪。较新的法文原始资料显示了法国假冒行为的概念及其构成要件,揭示出法国著作权法针对假冒行为的严格刑事立场,即“具有合理性,但过于严苛”。以此为鉴,我国著作权立法在选择合适的刑事立场时至少应考虑社会背景性和经济性因素。  相似文献   
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