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高校学风是一个学校师生群体的心理和行为在治学求学上的表现,是长期形成的相对稳定的治学精神、治学原则、治学态度和治学方法。它的形成不仅关系到学生的学习风气,还与教师的教学息息相关。中国传统文化是一个国家和民族在历史发展进程中创建和传承的物质精神成果。其中的义利观、修身克己和笃行创新思想对学生学习起到积极的促进作用,而有关于师德师风的思想又对教师教学起到严格的规范作用。加强传统教育有助于高校优良学风形成。  相似文献   
The history of generations is often researched in the light of ego-documents, including diaries or letters. These sources of communication between young and old require methods of literary criticism, as this article suggests in exemplary cases. Popular (and in some cases popular forms of learned) literature show how stereotypes dominated letters between Nuremberg fathers and sons fom the 16th century. Reading these letters as witnesses of direct emotional expression, as has been done so far, would be problematic on a theoretical level of the concept of autobiography (according the Ricoeur ‘an other’ of the self), but also an empirical level. Letters were cultural artefacts that were considered well-formed only when they met the standards set by the urban youth image. This included a conglomerate of religious discourses, psychological assumption about the nature of emotions, the urban system of values and honour relating to merchant education more specifically. In letters of this intergenerational context, even information could be put into the context of a situational self-representation of the person writing. Writing a letter as an apprentice or a student was not at all confined to convey factual information. Rather than that, writing letters meant to participate in the generation of norms and to act on a meta-level of communication, as well. Negative images of youth were rhetorically implemented in letters to maintain and reaffirm the hierarchy within the family. Letter exchanges secured economic stability of family firms and the subsequent social rise.  相似文献   
Servants were an important part of the northwestern European household economy in the preindustrial past. This study examines household-level characteristics that are predictive of the presence of rural servants using data from Orkney, Scotland. The number of servants present in a household is related to household composition, landholding size, and the marital status of the household head. In addition, the sex of the particular servant hired reveals that the labor of male and female servants is not fungible. The sex of the servant hired is related to the ratio of male and female household members of working age, the occupation of the head, household composition, and the size of the household's landholding.  相似文献   
This paper utilises survey data from the 1999 European Value Study to conduct a quasi-experimental analysis of the relationship between the left–right self-identification and policy preferences of Germany's electorate. Given the German division until 1990 it is plausible that citizens from East and West Germany had different ideological socialisation experiences swayed by the political discourse of their times. This paper models the influence of this diverse experience on ideological thinking, and examines the effects on the understanding of political issues. The findings suggest that differences do exist in the ideological consistency and attitude structuring of respondents. Compared to respondents in the West, East Germans are more likely to understand the term ‘left’ in socio-economic terms. On the other hand, they seem to connect the term ‘right’ rather to xenophobic issues. These results have crucial implications for political communication in representative democracies, as they question the one-level dimensionality of the left–right concept.  相似文献   
This article shows how party competition has influenced reforms of unemployment benefits in Germany. The existing literature on German labour market policy emphasises institutional factors and predicts policy stability. Consequently, the recent fundamental reforms (‘Hartz reforms’) pose a challenge to previous research. By looking at the spatial configuration of the party system and at policy demand, this article argues that the incremental retrenchments of the 1980s and 1990s were conditioned by centripetal competition and a high degree of welfare consensus, whereas the more radical Hartz reforms were made possible by a limited shift in public opinion in favour of restructuring and the lack of a left-wing counterweight in the party system. Thus, the structure of the party system exacerbated the effect of a demand shift that was only moderate. The analysis is not meant to discard other explanatory factors, rather it intends to demonstrate the relevance of party competition to the study of labour market reforms in Germany and, more generally, to comparative welfare state research.  相似文献   
青少年是推动社会前进的最活跃力量。在苏区时期,闽西苏区党、政府注重发挥青少年在革命中的作用,将青少年的思想政治工作作为党的重要工作来抓,各县的少先队、儿童团在党团组织领导下,围绕党的中心工作,立足当时实际,扎实有效地开展思想政治工作,支援了革命战争,促进了苏区革命根据地建设。总结闽西苏区青少年思想政治工作的宝贵历史经验,对于做好当前青少年工作有着重要的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
十九届六中全会通过的《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》是党关于历史问题的第三个专门性决议。该《决议》全面总结了新中国成立以后社会主义革命和建设的历史经验,对一些重大历史事件和重要历史人物作出了实事求是的评价。该《决议》对我们党尊重法律、遵守法律、依靠法律和捍卫法律的百年奋斗历史作了全面系统的概括和总结,对党依法执政的历史成就和重要经验进行了系统性地归纳,为中国特色社会主义法治建设指明了继续前进的方向。该《决议》关于我们党依法办事、依法执政重大成就和历史经验的全面系统归纳和总结是通过决议文本中的139个“法”字以及由“法”构成的词组来科学地加以表述的。对十九届六中全会通过的《决议》中的“法”字进行系统性的归纳和总结,可以提炼出十九届六中全会决议中的法治要义,全面和系统地呈现中国共产党依法执政、依法治国、依法办事的百年奋斗的历史脉络。  相似文献   
行政学本土化是中国行政学发展的必由之路和社会发展的必然要求,不仅是行政学自身学科体系建设的需要,而且是中国历史转型时期社会发展的要求。从行政学历史发展、行政学生态分析、行政学哲学思考等三种途径建构行政学本土化的理论平台、切入点、突破口,将有助于中国行政学本土化的进程。  相似文献   
马克思的人的现实生存理论更为重视人的生存条件,特别是物质基础和社会制度这些人的生存的前提条件,重视人的生存的生产能力和社会规则,为我们提供了极有价值的辩证生存观。它对于思考人类在面临全球性生态环境危机下如何解决生存与发展这个大尺度、大视野问题仍具有深刻启发意义。  相似文献   
海外移民社会的形成,为福建歌仔戏向东南亚传播创造了条件,东南亚地区因此成为福建歌仔戏海外传播的重要区域。改革开放后,受国家政策的鼓励,厦门歌仔戏剧团、漳州芗剧团等纷纷走出国门,参与国际交流,向东南亚观众展示福建戏曲的艺术魅力。福建歌仔戏的海外出访在联络乡情、传播文化、促进经济发展等方面都有重要的贡献。  相似文献   
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