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实物配售和实物配租是廉租住房补贴实施的主要方式,实证分析两种补贴的政策效果对廉租住房的开展具有重要意义。本文运用效用分析方法,结合陕西省XX市廉租住房住户随机抽样调查获得的数据,对比分析实物配售和实物配租两种补贴方式的实施效果。研究结果表明,两种补贴方式均提高了受补贴家庭的消费效用水平,但效用增加量的大小与住房消费获得的效用占总消费获得效用的比重r相关:当r小于0.5974时,实物配租的效用增量大于实物配售;当r大于0.5974时,实物配售的效用增量大于实物配租。研究表明廉租住房建设过程中,应当适当考虑其建设地点或完善小区周围的学校等公共设施。现阶段两种补贴方式在廉租住房保障中都能够发挥一定的作用。因而政府通过建设廉租住房解决家庭住房困难问题,可以采取实物配租和实物配售相结合的方式。两种方式的具体选择可以依据住房消费效用占家庭消费总效用的比例来确定。  相似文献   
反向住房抵押贷款是为了使老年人将房屋抵押后仍可以继续居住,以实现养老或者增加老年人收入的模式设计,因涉及老年人的养老问题,社会影响较大。文章首先阐明了反向住房抵押贷款的概念和特征,分析其法理基础,与相关概念进行比较,再结合中国的具体国情,分析反向住房抵押贷款制度在我国实行的可行性和障碍,从法律的角度来研究反向住房抵押贷款。  相似文献   

In this article, we present an overview of the research on discrimination in mortgage underwriting and pricing, the experiences of minority borrowers both prior to and during the financial crisis, and federal efforts to mitigate foreclosures during the crisis. We next discuss the history of legal cases alleging disparate treatment of minority borrowers, and recent cases alleging disparate impact in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Inclusive Communities decision. Using these discussions as a background, we examine and discuss mortgage regulations issued by the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau following the financial crisis, describe recent developments in the FinTech industry and explore the implications for fair lending policy and minority borrowers more generally. Finally, we draw conclusions and make recommendations for improving the mortgage market outcomes of minority borrowers and increasing minority borrowers’ access to credit.  相似文献   
运用福利经济学、人性假设理论,对经济适用房实现资本循环、拉动内需等方面的作用进行论述;运用人性假设理论,对住房保障对象的心里需求进行分析。经济适用房能够实现在为保障对象提供社会住房福利的同时,使投资于福利事业的结果给社会带来更大的收益;并且充分尊重和保护了保障对象的福利选择权益。因此经济适用房是我国住房保障体系中不可或缺的一部分。  相似文献   

At one time the national goal of affordable housing was a widely held consensus that led to decent housing for millions of Americans. Today, proponents of affordable housing must negotiate with diverse and sometimes hostile parties to secure project approvals. Discussions are frequently adversarial, and stalemate is too often the result. The consensus has collapsed.

If progress toward affordable housing is to be made, proponents will have to recast the way they operate within this new environment. More than new financing plans or recommendations for regulatory relief are needed. Attention must also focus on the processes by which groups address divergent interests and come to agreement. “Principled negotiation,” a form of joint problem solving, when coupled with third‐party intervention, offers a promising and effective means of dealing with this hostile environment.  相似文献   
法释(2009)11号司法解释对承租人房屋优先购买权作了进一步规定,但并未对承租人房屋优先购买权进行定性,也未能实质上保护优先购买权,另外“同等条件”和“合理期限”的规定仍然模糊。承祖人房屋优先购买权应属附延缓条件的能够引起物权变动关系的形成权,且以是否进行了预告登记为标准,或具有物权属性或具有债权属性。同等条件应确定为相对同等的条件,还应该对出租人出卖房屋的通知期限和承租人优先购买权的行使期限进行具体规定。  相似文献   
《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》的颁行改变了《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》实施期间的法律关系主体结构,政府作为征收一方直接与被征收人发生法律联系。该条例第25条所规定的房屋征收补偿协议宜认定为行政合同,该条第2款有关规定实质上设立了一种新的行政合同履行纠纷的解决方式。不过,该条规定的实施受到了现行《行政诉讼法》的限制。新的行政合同履行纠纷解决方式是否真正建立,有待进一步论证。  相似文献   
随着住房体制改革的不断深化与房地产市场的逐步活跃,我国的住房政策体系的基本框架已经成型,但由于种种原因,我国现行住房政策体系尚存在着诸多缺陷与不足。因此,只有采取相应的措施加以矫正,才能保证我国房地产市场的健康持续发展。  相似文献   

This article reports on a reconnaissance of information systems containing data on the beneficiaries of direct and indirect federal housing expenditures. It covers data in the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Housing and Urban Development, Veterans Affairs, and the Treasury; the Resolution Trust Corporation; financial regulatory agencies; and secondary mortgage market actors.

Data varied widely across agencies in availability, accessibility, and quality. Data are more systematically collected for low‐income beneficiaries of housing programs than for the more affluent beneficiaries of indirect housing expenditures. The systems need improvements in data quality and coverage and database format, though they have improved recently. Many research topics can be explored with new and underused data systems: the characteristics of beneficiaries of rural housing programs, urban rental housing programs, low‐income homeownership programs, and mortgage guarantee and insurance programs. But the lack of information on the systems themselves makes data difficult to locate and access.  相似文献   
出租房屋承租人优先购买权法律问题之探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
出租房屋承租人的优先购买权 ,必须具备实质条件和形式条件才能行使。以一次性付款方式条件下的价格界定“同等条件” ,才能真正体现公平交易 ;承租人优先购买权的性质 ,是法律、行政法规创设的一项财产请求权 ,而非实质意义上的物权。承租人以行使优先购买权为名而提起的恶意之诉 ,不应得到人民法院的支持  相似文献   
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