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李小明 《时代法学》2004,2(2):19-28
2 0 0 1年美国依据其 2 0 1条款决定对进口的部分钢铁产品采取为期 3年的保障措施 ,欧盟、日本、韩国、中国、俄罗斯、巴西等国家纷纷因此受到限制和损害 ,该案为中国加入WTO后的第一案。日本在根据WTO的规则提出同美国的磋商要求未有结果后 ,向DSB提出了成立专家组的要求 ,专家组成立后向其提交了申斥材料。本文对该材料进行了认真的研究 ,归纳和总结了日本在本案中的观点和应对策略和措施及对我国产生的启示 ,旨在为提高我国今后在参与和解决国际贸易争端起到积极的作用。  相似文献   
Gesch?fte der Gesellschaft mit einem Aufsichtsratsmitglied müssen dem Aufsichtsrat vorgelegt werden und bedürfen seiner Zustimmung. Damit sollen Interessenkonflikte vermieden und Transparenz hergestellt werden. Der Beitrag geht folgenden Fragen nach: Wen trifft die Pflicht zur Information? Wie genau ist der Aufsichtsrat über diese Gesch?fte zu informieren? Welche Stimmverbote bestehen? Welche Konsequenzen k?nnen sich daraus für die Beschlussf?higkeit ergeben? Welche Rechtsfolgen l?st die Nichtbeachtung der gesetzlichen Anforderungen aus? Schlie?lich wird die nicht ausreichend geregelte Situation der Arbeitnehmervertreter untersucht.  相似文献   
The true incidence of anaphylactic latex reactions and their associated morbidity and mortality remain poorly defined. It is noteworthy that a number of groups of individuals are at risk for anaphylactic reactions to latex during surgical and medical procedures; one of these groups is represented by the obstetric and gynaecologic population. A case of unrecognized first anaphylactic reaction to latex in a pregnant woman patient who underwent a caesarean section is presented. The diagnosis of latex allergy was missed and the following day the woman underwent a surgical re-exploration complicated by fatal cardiovascular arrest. At post-mortem examination, pulmonary mast cells in the bronchial walls and capillary septa were identified and a great number of degranulating mast cells with tryptase-positive material outside the cells was documented. A post-mortem latex-specific IgE test showed a high titre (14.00 U/I). Latex-induced fatal anaphylactic shock was recorded as the cause of death. This case highlights some of the practical difficulties in the initial diagnosis and subsequent investigation of fatal anaphylactic reaction during anaesthesia. Anaphylaxis is often misdiagnosed because many other pathologic conditions may present identical clinical manifestations, so anaphylactic shock must be differentiated from other causes of circulatory collapse. Although latex allergy usually has a delayed onset after the start of the surgery and most often a slow onset too, it should be always suspected if circulatory collapse and respiratory failure occur during surgery, even if the patient does not belong to a risk group; in the presence of identified risk factors for latex allergy a well-founded suspicion must be stronger, leading to an immediate discontinuation of the potential trigger.  相似文献   
英文写作是当前学生在英语学习中需要进一步加强的重要方面。本文运用对比手法,从段落和篇章的结构、组成段落和篇章的各部分在发展内容过程中的功能及写作手法等方面简单剖析了段落写作与篇章写作的相似性,引导学生从习作段落开始,逐步发展成篇。  相似文献   
昆明站地区 ,由于特殊的地理位置和社会格局 ,社会治安的动态性、复杂性和典型性极为突出 ,成为昆明市重点整治的治安乱点地区之一。其中既有社会原因 ,亦有维护社会治安体制和公安工作的相对滞后等方面的原因 ,“严打整治”成效难以长期巩固 ,必须依靠长效机制、建立打防结合 ,以防为主的综治机制 ,才能确保社会的长治久安。具体有 :与铁路、工商、交警、城管等部门达成共识 ,形成固定的防范联盟等五个方面。  相似文献   
本文指出了目前我国国有公司存在着权力配置失衡的问题,主要表现为执行机构的权力滥用。分析了国有公司执行机构权力滥用的原因在于公司法人治理结构、公司治理模式以及在用人机制上存在缺陷。并且针对成因,提出了通过制约国有公司执行机构的权力滥用,完善国有公司权 力制衡关系的对策,具体包括实现产权结构多元化、完善国有公司的法人治理结构、理顺政企关系、实行选任制的用人机制等。  相似文献   
试论自行车交通在我国大城市交通中的定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋怀远 《政法学刊》2002,19(1):54-56
自行车交通优点和缺点并存决定了它是我国大城市公共交通的辅助和补充,它具有明确的使用范围。因此,宏观上,自行车交通仍有必要存在下去,但要限制它的发展;微观上,完善自行车交通法规,加强对自行车交通的组织和管理,仍是一项紧迫的任务。  相似文献   
Despite ongoing debate regarding the effectiveness of tax abatements, Michigan's Industrial Facilities Tax (IFT) abatement program has been widely and extensively used to boost local economic development. In this article, we estimate the effects of industrial property tax abatements on industrial, residential, and commercial property value growth in the context of regional competition for a panel of 152 communities in the five counties surrounding Detroit from 1983 through 2002. We find that: (1) offering tax abatements yields statistically significant positive impacts on industrial property value growth; (2) the impacts are larger in high tax than in low tax communities; (3) there are positive spillover effects of industrial tax abatements on residential and commercial property value growth; (4) tax abatements offered in competitor communities do not appear to influence own industrial property value growth; and (5) changes in the own as well as competitor property tax rates are important determinants of industrial property value growth. However, the fiscal benefits of tax abatements are quite small as compared with the costs of offering abatements even when spillover benefits to residential and commercial properties are considered.  相似文献   
朱墨时序鉴定是通过对印字交叉部位的检验,得出的印字先后顺序的判断。朱墨时序鉴定是文件鉴定的重要组成部分,它往往是判定文件物证真实性的重要依据之一。任何文件物证都是一个由多个要素组成的文件系统。通过介绍系统鉴定方法的原理、方法,以鉴定实践说明其在朱墨时序鉴定中的三种作用,同时也强调各种检验方法的综合运用。提倡在朱墨时序鉴定中,应运用系统鉴定方法,更加准确的把握印字交叉部位的表观特征,从而提高朱墨时序鉴定的准确性。  相似文献   
目的比较3种甲苯胺蓝异染肥大细胞方法的应用性。方法采用甲苯胺蓝水溶液与高锰酸钾配比染色(方法一)、甲苯胺蓝酒精溶液和氯化钠溶液配比(方法二)、甲苯胺蓝水溶液染色、冰醋酸分色(方法三)3种方法对人和小鼠肺组织冰冻切片进行染色,比较染色结果、并评价方法稳定性及实用性。结果方法一染色肺组织切片,结果切片蓝色背景清晰,肥大细胞胞质内紫红色颗粒鲜明,与背景蓝色对比度高,易辨识,且多次重复染色效果稳定;方法二及方法三肺组织的蓝染背景、和肥大细胞胞浆颗粒的紫红色染之间的对比度均不及方法一清晰,稳定性亦次之。结论甲苯胺蓝水溶液与高锰酸钾配比染色法异染肺组织冰冻切片,结果清晰、操作简便且稳定性好,适合在相关检验中选用。  相似文献   
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