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Major disasters represent infrequent events that often require response organizations to vicariously learn from the experiences of others in order to improve their operations. A primary mechanism for such knowledge diffusion is the different practitioner and empirical journals for the organizational fields that comprise disaster response. A review of the literature for the law enforcement field, however, reveals that little attention is given to how these organizations manage actual disasters. In particular, the presentation of organizational experiences, whether through case studies or other methodologies, is very limited in the practitioner and empirical literature of this field. This represents a considerable problem for improvements of disaster response operations given that law enforcement agencies represent a key component in such efforts. The research presented in this article is an effort to fill this knowledge gap and thereby facilitate organizational learning to improve future law enforcement disaster response activities. The authors traveled to Mississippi and Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina to examine the response efforts of state and local law enforcement agencies to the storm. The findings from this research are reported here in a lessons‐learned format to inform law enforcement disaster response policy.  相似文献   
左传卫 《政法学刊》2011,28(1):74-79
作为新型企业组织形态的企业集团是企业结构演变过程的自然产物,它既有规模化、集约化经营的优点,更有掠夺局外股东、滥用从属企业独立人格逃废债务的隐患,对以单个公司为立法原点、以独立人格、有限责任、三权分立为主要特征的传统公司法提出了严重的挑战。对关系企业进行专门规制的德国股份法,直面企业结构变迁的事实,区分合同型康采恩与适格的事实型康采恩,按不同法律原则进行适应性规制,符合我国做大做强企业集团的政策取向,实为将来我国相关立法之典范。  相似文献   
The study explores the impact of a procedural innovation on justice judgments made by third party observers. The innovation involved the establishment of a review panel with civilian participants to monitor a police department's investigation of allegations of misconduct against its officers. The study distinguishes the impact on racial minority observers from that on racial majority observers. Data suggest that the innovation had a positive, though differing, impact on the justice judgments of both minority and majority observers.  相似文献   
赵村是甘肃省东部地区一个典型的山区村庄.因社区闭塞,交通不便,生活条件艰苦,赵村青年男子的择偶面临很多困难.然而,为了生存下去,他们必须想出种种办法来应对其生存困境,必须通过种种变通来实现娶妻生子的目的."交换婚"等择偶形态则是赵村人适合于其生存环境的生存方式,是他们做出的一种生存的选择.  相似文献   
在知识经济和经济全球化兴起的背景下,大学生成为创业创新主体的必然。目前浙江大学生创业模式主要有从打工做起型、依托公司客户关系型、模拟孵化型、电子商务型等四种。总体而言,浙江大学生的创业率还较低,主要是受政府在大学生创业机制建设中的缺位、创业服务体系不健全、创业教育理念与机制缺失、创业能力和创业观念等因素的制约。  相似文献   
Numerous child protective services (CPS) agencies have adopted differential responses as a system reform hypothesized to facilitate family engagement. This research tests a conceptual framework developed to examine dynamics between caregiver, agency, and caseworker factors that are assumed to impact caregiver engagement. Data from a randomized control study and structural equation modeling methods were used to explore the influence of these factors on caregiver satisfaction with their CPS experience. The results indicate that receipt of alternative response, caregivers' ratings of their caseworker's interaction style, and caregivers' positive emotional response influenced satisfaction with their intervention experience, while negative emotional responses did not.  相似文献   
正确界定群体性活动和事件,应是处置聚众活动的前提;适当放宽对群体性事件的管制条件,将使大多数群体性活动纳入法制轨道。在此基础上探讨大城市群体性活动的处置理念和进路,不仅对群体性事件的妥善处置有着重要意义,而且符合法治社会的一般要求,有利于整个社会的动态平衡以及和谐社会的构建。  相似文献   
经济体制改革的实质是走向经济民主化,中国市场经济发展引起法律价值观变化值得关注;在北京进行的典型调查表明,随着改革的深入,现代法律价值观正逐渐丰富;行政法制革新要积极回应法律价值观的变化,从行政法制的基本原则、行政立法、行政执法、行政司法、法律监督等方面推动民主化进程;在新形势下要深化改革、更新观念,还要注重认知和运用条理法,全面推进依法行政,加快建设法治政府。  相似文献   
“无直接利益冲突”是众多参与者与事件本身无关,只是表达、发泄一种情绪的社会冲突。其通常表现是起哄、扎堆、看热闹,严重的可引发骚乱。社会矛盾预警应急机制可有效预防和化解“无直接利益冲突”。新时期“无直接利益冲突”呈现出的新情况、新趋势、新动向等特征,迫需构建这种机制。构建这种机制,需夯实“地直接利益冲突”预警应急的基础,建设科学、高效的矛盾预警与应急系统。  相似文献   
由于各方面的原因,长期以来我国把“公民”人为地分成了“农民”和“市民”两部分,这种做法严重地阻碍着我国“三农”问题的解决及经济的发展。为了解决这一矛盾,必须对农民进行市民化改造,在我国农民市民化进程中实施“三步走”的解决思路,并根据每一阶段的不同特点从原则、理念和制度完善进行不同的法律设计,从而为农民市民化的解决提供可资借鉴的进路。  相似文献   
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