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《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(1):91-109
Democratic citizenship, as it exists in countries like Australia, is premised on a nation-state that has sovereignty over a specific territory demarcated by internationally agreed boundaries. According to this model, citizens are supposed to control the state through democratic processes, and the state is supposed to control what happens on its territory and to decide who or what may cross its boundaries. But today globalization is eroding the capacity of the nation-state to control cross-border flows of finance, commodities, people, ideas and pollution. Powerful pressures are reducing state autonomy with regard to economic affairs, welfare rights and national culture. This leads to important questions: Does the quality of democratic citizenship remain unchanged? Are citizens still the source of political legitimacy? Do we need to rethink the meaning and mechanisms of citizenship to find new ways of maintaining popular sovereignty? How can citizens influence decisions made by global markets, transnational corporations and international organizations? These are problems that all democratic polities face, and Australia is no exception. Political and legal institutions derived from the Anglo-American democratic heritage have worked well for a century and more, but they may need to change significantly if they are to master the new realities. The central question in Castles's article is thus: What can we do to maintain and enhance democratic citizenship for Australians in the context of a globalizing world? To answer this question, he examines some of the inherent contradictions of nation-state citizenship, discusses the meaning of globalization and how it affects citizenship and looks at the effects of globalization and regional integration on Australia. He concludes that it is important to improve the quality of Australian citizenship by various measures: recognizing the special position of indigenous Australians and action to combat racism; combatting social exclusion; reforming the constitution to inscribe rights of active citizenship in a bill of rights; and reasserting the model of multicultural citizenship.  相似文献   
农村水利建设是西部贫困地区扶贫开发工作的重要内容。作为西部欠发达地区,广西农村水利事业在扶贫开发中取得了长足的发展,提供了可资借鉴的经验,但仍然面临着农村饮水不安全人口多、小型病险水库数量大、农业灌排设施老化失修、水环境持续恶化、水电资源无序开发等突出问题。在新一轮扶贫开发中.必须从更新观念、理顺体制、加大投入、强化队伍建设等方面予以加强。  相似文献   
中国特色的民族区域自治制度与特别行政区制度已被实践证明是符合我国国情的地方自治制度,践行这样的地方自治制度有助于促进民族和谐与祖国统一。民族区域自治与特别行政区自治都是中国政府为适应特殊地区的特殊情况而进行的政治制度创新,但民族区域自治制度与特别行政区制度又有着许多不同,尤其表现在立法权的性质、权限以及范围等诸多权力划分问题上,在理论上厘清它们之间的关系就有着重要理论与实践意义。  相似文献   
Derek McDougall 《圆桌》2015,104(3):255-265
The Abbott Coalition government, elected to office in Australia in September 2013, has not had a major focus on the developing world. Nevertheless, in terms of substance this government has been engaged with a number of issues that relate to, or have implications for, the developing world. At a general level these issues concern development cooperation, refugees and asylum seekers, and climate change. At a regional level Australia has had particular concerns relating to Indonesia and the Pacific island countries; there has also been some focus on India and Indian Ocean regionalism. Beyond Australia’s immediate region there has been engagement in some issues relating to Southwest Asia and the Middle East, and Africa. The government’s approach to issues concerning the developing world reflects its pragmatism based on a perception of Australian interests and an identification with the countries of the developed world as led by the United States.  相似文献   
朝鲜的稳定发展和朝鲜半岛的无核化,符合我国利益。西方力图颠覆朝鲜政权。朝鲜政权能够生存,关键在于高层领导内部的求同存异、精诚团结,并得益于有效地强化政治教育、对西方渗透的严防死守。金正恩成为领袖,将集全权于一身,独自领导朝鲜。朝鲜的经济体制正在发生变化,"中产阶级"的代表已经出现,原始的资本主义方式成为许多朝鲜人谋生的手段。金正恩需要改变朝鲜的贫穷状况,让人民富裕,出现了改革的舆论和迹象。近年,中俄两国均积极采取措施帮助朝鲜改善管理制度、培育造血功能。中朝共同开发、共同管理罗先区和黄金坪、威化岛,俄罗斯推出俄朝韩三方合作新模式。目前朝鲜投资风险大,预期回报率低。建议中俄应排除干扰,求同存异,积极探索互相配合、分担和分摊风险、减轻负担,有利各方的合作途径。充分发挥中国政府的图们江开发战略和中俄两国元首签署的区域合作规划战略的作用,进一步深入开展合作。  相似文献   
目前国际汉语教学的相关研究主要集中在教学法方面,缺少将东南亚地区国家的汉语教学放入政治、经济、文化发展的大环境中进行综合研究。本文通过研究东南亚地区汉语教学的现状和存在问题,提出加大推广及扩大影响力等相关对策。  相似文献   
张艾莲  刘柏 《东北亚论坛》2013,(2):52-59,129
在东北地区经济发展的历程中,传统经济范式使得消费的拉动效应较弱。通过采用面板数据模型对东北三省消费过度敏感性检验可知,城镇和农村居民的消费过度敏感性系数都较高,当期消费与当期可支配收入之间具有较高的相关性。较高的消费过度敏感性抑制了居民的消费水平,限制了消费对经济的推动力。东北地区要维持健康稳定地发展,需扩大本地区的消费水平,因此要改变居民的传统消费观念和行为,完善消费信贷市场,提供有效的生活保障措施,并维持政策的可持续性。  相似文献   
线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)遗传标记的检测在法医学实践中有着重要的价值。线粒体DNA异质性的出现,对检测体系的系统效能存在着影响,主要表现在对所检测样本的单倍型的认同及个体识别概率的计算上。通过建立mtDNA数据库,找出异质性在人群中的发生频率,并使检测异质性的方法标准化.对线粒体DNA的更有效检测具有重要意义;线粒体DNA编码区多态性位点在提高线粒体DNA系统效能中具有独到之处。因此,更进一步地进行mtDNA编码区多态性的探索.将进一步提高线粒体DNA检测的系统效能。  相似文献   
陈云在延安时期主持陕甘宁边区的财经工作,统筹贸易、金融、财政工作,出色地执行了"发展经济、保障供给"的总方针,创造了中外战时财经史上鲜为人知的光辉的一页,也为开国后的财经工作积累了丰富经验。  相似文献   
在中国近代工业的起步阶段,西部地区曾有一些企业较早创办,但除一二家企业勉强维持外,其余均昙花一现,相继停闭。除了自身因素,还因为中国近代企业的创办,主要不是基于中国自身的发展,而是得助于外来资金和技术的注入,而这是西部所明显欠缺的。同一时期,除了大宗出口商品长途运销外,西部省份的土产运销范围狭窄,商业发展和变革迟滞。与此相关,西部的城市化进程普遍滞后。缺乏近代城市对经济发展的促动和引领,是晚清至民国西部经济落后于东部的具体表现,也是这种落后长期延续的原因之一。  相似文献   
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