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美国是世界上最早采取反补贴措施的国家。关贸总协议成立之前,美国的反补贴法是具有代表性的反补贴法律规范。伴随着多边贸易体制的发展,美国反补贴法也在进一步完善,不仅增加了“国内产业损害”的实质性要求,还修订了征收反补贴税和启动司法审查的具体程序,规定了行政当局初裁和终裁的期限,赋予国内生产商申请法律救济的途径。反补贴法还授权总统就补贴协议与外国进行谈判。然而长期以来,美国反补贴法在是否适用于非市场经济这一问题上却一直语焉不详,这与同出一辙的反倾销法形成鲜明对比。2012年3月,美国国会通过了《对非市场经济国家使用反补贴税法案》(4105法案),明确了反补贴法既适用于市场经济国家,也适用于非市场经济国家,这在美国反补贴立法史上具有分水岭意义。  相似文献   
市场经济发展和社会结构分化必然带来利益分化,而制度化、合规则的利益博弈有助于实现利益均衡,促进制度成长。以《劳动合同法》的制定为个案,考察其具体的修成过程,有助于厘清社会转型期中国利益博弈的基本状况。《劳动合同法》的出台过程充满各个利益主体间激烈的利益博弈和相互妥协;立法过程中体现的科学立法和民主立法精神有望固化为一种制度,从而对中国的制度成长产生深远影响。但需要注意的是,利益博弈的过程中也存在话语权不对等、非均衡博弈等缺陷,因而,我们需要规范利益博弈过程,抑制强势利益集团过分的利益主张,维护弱势群体的合法权益,实现利益博弈与制度成长的良性互动。  相似文献   
The Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012, which abolishes the consumer assured's duty to volunteer information, heralds the first successful outcome of the English and Scottish Law Commissions current insurance contract law reform project. This paper outlines the defects of the common law duty of disclosure which the Law Commissions sought to address. It goes on to consider why previous legislative attempts failed, the self‐regulatory measures introduced by the insurance industry as a means of resisting earlier pressure for statutory intervention, and how that resistance broke down. Finally, it examines the scope of the 2012 reforms and the current consultation being undertaken in respect of the duty of disclosure in relation to business insurance. It concludes by assessing the significance of the statute in providing a necessary impetus for future insurance law reforms.  相似文献   
Continuing rapid developments in information communication technology has led to an ever increasing amount of personal information being collected, processed, stored and used, without the individual even knowing about it. For countries which have domestic legislation relating to privacy and data protection, it has afforded the opportunity for a review. For others, it has opened up the opportunity to legislate. The aim of the paper is three-fold. First, the paper aims to deal with data protection regime in Malaysia and in Hong Kong by examining the salient features of the newly enacted Malaysia's Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and the recent recommendations for legislative reform to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in Hong Kong. Second, it considers whether the laws are more concerned with legitimising data protection practices of organizations and businesses rather than the protection of individuals' privacy interests. Finally, the paper briefly considers whether the laws adequately address the impact to individuals' data privacy brought about by technological advancements before providing a conclusion.  相似文献   
Mental health law has to balance considerations of both justice, and health and welfare. In the political climate of the 1990s mental health services have become targeted on those with serious mental illness, to address the objectives of containing risks and limiting service expenditure. This paper identifies that increasing rates of detention under the Mental Health Act through the 1990s in a particular region, disproportionately involve longer-term detentions (under section 3), men, and people with serious mental illnesses. Those detained are likely to experience social difficulties. Changes in legislation are imminent, and the paper concludes that thought should be given to the amount of statutory intervention in the lives of seriously mentally ill people, and to the principle of reciprocity in relation to those coerced for lesser periods. Services should seek to address the issues of social exclusion which are reflected in the circumstances of those detained.  相似文献   
针对公私合伙制度(PPPs)下之契约,探究其系公法契约或是私法契约,具有实际意义。英国、德国及美国在公私合伙制度下之发展进程,值得关注;特别是英国成功发展的PPPs,建构"公法下之政府契约"及"私法下之政府契约"之模式足资赞许;德国针对PPPs下之投资契约,是否适合置入于行政程序法下之行政性契约,相关立法沿革,值得注意与效法;而美国行政任务私有化后,行政机关对外购买服务,公权力充分与私部门分享,而未建构监督与契约治理机制,堪致忧虑,特别是契约外包之下,相关法律不禁止境外转包,则服务之质量与法律正当性受到质疑。  相似文献   
程序行政行为,原则上不能单独对其提起行政诉讼。何种程序行政行为例外可诉,需要结合个案,对维护行政效能、保障公民程序权利和实体权益等因素综合考量才能确定。规划环境影响评价过程中,公众能否参与以及参与的形式和内容都取决于相关行政主体的程序行政行为。对于此种程序行政行为,在法政策的层面,有许可对其单独提起行政诉讼的必要性;在法解释的层面,对其提起行政诉讼不存在受案范围和原告资格方面的制度障碍。  相似文献   
《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》的颁行改变了《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》实施期间的法律关系主体结构,政府作为征收一方直接与被征收人发生法律联系。该条例第25条所规定的房屋征收补偿协议宜认定为行政合同,该条第2款有关规定实质上设立了一种新的行政合同履行纠纷的解决方式。不过,该条规定的实施受到了现行《行政诉讼法》的限制。新的行政合同履行纠纷解决方式是否真正建立,有待进一步论证。  相似文献   
尤陈俊 《法学家》2012,(4):14-28,176
在明清中国围绕民间房地买卖而生发的契约实践中,至少在江南地区的不少地方,曾存在着一类当时通常被称为"叹契"的独特契约形式。这类契约尽管在具体名称上各地稍有差异,但其共同的特征在于,卖主将房地绝卖于他人之后,仍可再向买主索要俗称"叹价"的经济补偿。此类体现绝卖不绝之特征的"叹契",往往构成当时江南地区不少地方的房地买卖全过程之内在组成部分。本文不仅通过对新史料的挖掘与运用,以及与学界已有的研究成果进行对话,就叹契这一契约类型展开讨论,并且还主要借助于欧根.埃利希的一对概念,从法律社会学的角度,对明清时期建立在诸如叹价诉求之类的"不确定的习惯权利"基础上的社会秩序藉以维系数百年之久的司法机制加以探讨。  相似文献   
劳动者单方解除权制度能保护劳动者自由择业的权利,我国《劳动合同法》第37、38条对劳动者单方解除权做了规定。第37条规定了预告解除,第38条第1款规定了通知解除,第38条还规定了立即解除。第37条规定的预告期不做区分处理具有合理性。我国的现行制度下预告解除权可以适用于固定期限劳动合同,与劳动合同期限的约定冲突,与国外规定不一致,对劳动者的保护力度更大,这种立法保护是在不对我国劳动法律制度进行太调整的情况下做出的必然选择。  相似文献   
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