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陈柏峰 《法学家》2012,(1):27-41,176
"宜黄事件"是一起因传媒监督而具有法律意义的典型事件。对该起事件的调研及对相关新闻内容的梳理表明,其传媒监督权行使的信息基础存在瑕疵,有违新闻报道的基本要求;相关传媒也未能坚持中立的立场,报导中未能做到尽可能的客观公正,未能兼顾冲突双方的话语权。因此,该案传媒监督权的行使出现了法治偏差。这与传媒介入的特性有关,更与传媒追求商业利益的倾向有关。社会和公共领域中的政治力量,也可能影响传媒监督权的立场。承担公共表达职能的传媒,是现代法治国家共同价值的维系纽带之一,因此需要平衡商业利益和政治力量的制约,塑造传媒监督的健康立场。这可以通过职业伦理约束和法律规范的共同作用来实现。  相似文献   
Tim Frewer 《亚洲研究》2017,49(2):163-186
Cambodia’s mountainous northeastern province of Ratanakiri, which only twenty years ago was home to mainly indigenous minority groups largely focused on subsistence production, has undergone rapid ecological, social, and economic transformation. Deforestation and land alienation in the context of large-scale plantation agriculture, land speculation, and smallholder cash cropping have led to concerns that indigenous communities are being alienated from their land and not benefitting from economic changes. This has resulted in a significant number of NGO and government programs that attempt to protect and “empower” indigenous people, particularly women. This article examines a one-year research project which explored the relationship between indigenous women and land change in two indigenous villages. It discusses how indigenous women as well as Khmer and landless Cham immigrants have dealt with the commoditization of land and labor. It focuses on the differentiated way capitalist relations have pushed men, women, landless laborers, and increasingly wealthy landowners on increasingly divergent life trajectories. Compelled by donors to focus on gender and indigenous women as an object of governance, the NGO that directed this project struggled to keep up with the realities of capitalist relations on the ground.  相似文献   
“三权分置”是中央农村土地制度改革的重大决策部署。《民法典(草案)》近日公开征求意见,将于2020年3月提交全国人大审议通过。其在“物权编”简单移植了《农村土地承包法》土地经营权的个别条文,解决了土地经营权定性不明的问题,但使《农村土地承包法》的逻辑紊乱、利益失衡、无法放活经营权等问题进一步固化、显化,亟待作出实质性修改。其进一步修改应以实现“放活经营权”改革目标为基本遵循,坚守“物债二分”基本理论,充分尊重中国实际,切实维护农民利益。  相似文献   
There is strong evidence that land use regulations constrain housing production. We know less about how real estate developers respond to specific zoning provisions. I compare the characteristics of new multifamily housing with baseline land use regulations in two sets of rail station areas in Los Angeles. I supplement this building-scale analysis with expert interviews. I find that developers were most sensitive to density restrictions and parking requirements. The average development in the Vermont/Western area had 112% of the maximum allowable residential density and 94% of the minimum required parking. Koreatown’s average development had 99% of the maximum density and 88% of the required parking. But, there was variation by area and whether a building was affordable or market rate, apartment or condominium, and by development size. Additionally, regulatory implementation can matter as much as the written regulations themselves. I recommend that cities take an evidence-based approach to reforming regulations and implementation processes.  相似文献   
城镇化进程将导致传统村落共同体的解体与巨大社会变迁.引导乡村社区的整合与重构,摸索乡村社会可持续发展模式是必要的.朝鲜族乡村社会在城市化进程中经历了巨大社会变迁.为了克服社会变迁带来的阵痛,朝鲜族社会自发组织起集中村建设运动,通过集中村的形式实现就地城镇化的道路.尊重经济结构形式与社会共同体形式之间关系的规律,成为城镇化背景下乡村社区重构的关键因素.集中村建设经验对于处于社会转型期的中国乡村社会,具有启示性的意义.  相似文献   
This article considers the immediate forces influencing China’s food system and food security. By immediate is meant events of the reform period, from the late 1970s to 2008. It begins by asking the question that has preoccupied specialists since the publication of Lester Brown’s Who Will Feed China? in 1995: How much arable land does China have? Is that land area sufficient to insure grain sufficiency? To insure food security? The article focuses on the human pressures on the food production environment, and then treats the effects of socioeconomic change: land, air, and water degradation. The core of the article examines six responses of the state to both perceived and actual environmental stressors: policy restricting arable land conversion, China’s one-child policy, investment in irrigation systems, the South–North Water Diversion Project, large-scale afforestation and reforestation campaigns, and the program to convert marginal agricultural lands to forests and grasslands.  相似文献   
王海军 《法学家》2022,(1):1-14
我国的“法律监督”概念,乃是在借鉴和理解苏联的检察机关定位、监督职能和“检察监督”概念之基础上形成的。苏联法中的“检察监督”,是在维护法制统一的目标下,以一般监督为核心,以垂直领导为组织保障所形成的概念。基于对“检察监督”的认知,“法律监督”在中国最初是作为一个法学概念被提出,并初步完成概念转型。“法律监督”入法成为法律概念后,在中国法的语境中生成新的意义,最终获得宪法上的内涵并具有了中国化的理念和制度内涵。在强化诉讼监督及监察体制改革的背景和“四大检察”新格局下,“法律监督”在职能维度成为一个具有宪制基础并拥有广泛监督职能的专门制度,是党领导下法治建设的重要成就之一。“法律监督”概念的核心内涵已经定型,但职权配置方面依然处在动态演进之中。  相似文献   
在社会转型、法治初创的社情下,由于种种原因,检察机关的行政法律监督较为薄弱,在一定程度上存在法律监督空位和监督不力的状况。这种"缺位"现象主要体现在行政执法监督的范围、方式以及权力行使边界等基础的检察监督理论尚未形成统一认识和可行性监督路径。检察机关的行政执法监督的范围应界定为"具体行政行为的合法性"。行政执法监督权方式可划分为检察监督侦查权、检察监督诉权、检察监督建议权三类。行政执法监督的权力边界,即行政执法监督权的行使应坚持谦仰原则和"刑事先理"原则,形成内外结合的权力制约机制和"被动申请为主、主动介入为辅"的权力启动机制。  相似文献   
基于家庭内部分工的框架,将农户看作两个人的生产系统,讨论了家庭内部分工与专业化对农村土地流转、土地调整两个重要制度变量的影响,研究了农户兼业化对土地制度选择的意愿及其对中国农村土地制度变迁的政策意义.Probit模型的计量结果表明,农民家庭内部分工降低了土地流转意愿;在家庭人地比的一定范围内农户响应人地比例的变动而选择土地流转的意愿比土地调整要更为强烈.研究的结论是,男性和女性人力资本在非农就业的差异,以及兼业农户没有降低农业产出的效率特征,决定了具有比较优势的分工使兼业农户不会轻易放弃土地承包权;分工经济使农民对现有土地家庭承包制的利用程度的重要性超过土地流转制度创新的潜在利润,农户的反应倾向于选择土地流转应对稀缺的土地要素禀赋对土地调整的压力;农户的制度选择意愿在一定程度上受家庭内部分工预期收益所左右,形成了制度变迁的路径依赖和锁入效应.  相似文献   
构建和谐政党关系的路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和谐的政党关系为社会主义和谐社会提供坚实的政治基础和广泛的力量支持。促进我国政党关系的长期和谐,要在“和而不同”和求同存异的思想理念和实践中,正确处理“同”与“异”的关系,为政党关系的长期和谐奠定稳固的思想基础;要加强多党合作的制度化、规范化、程序化和法治化建设,为党际和谐提供制度性支撑;要加强中国特色政党制度的互相监督尤其是民主党派对执政党的监督作用,为党际和谐提供坚强的制衡机制。  相似文献   
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