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十月革命后,列宁运用历史辩证法对俄国社会主义建设道路进行了艰辛的理论和实践探索。这一探索中所蕴含的一系列辩证法思想,对于我们如何认识和建设社会主义,具有十分重要的启迪意义。  相似文献   
论列宁的反特权思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
列宁的反特权思想具有丰富的内容。他认为国家特权是最高层次的特权,由这一特权衍生出了官僚、民族、垄断、性别等等一系列的特权。凡是特权都有巨大危害。无产阶级及其政党反对各种特权,无产阶级政权的建立为消灭所有层次的特权提供了前提条件。  相似文献   
最早的汉文版《列宁选集》,是在新中国建立前先后由莫斯科的外国工人出版局(社)和延安的解放社出版的,其母本均是6卷本的俄文版《列宁选集》;莫斯科外国工人出版局(社)并没有按计划完成翻译和出版工作,其剩余部分是由延安解放社完成的,但翻译虽然完成,原计划出版的20卷却因故没有全部问世,究竟实际出版了多少卷,还有待进一步考证。国内目前不少出版物中关于延安解放社版《列宁选集》的有关资料需要纠正。  相似文献   
在列宁对无产阶级执政党领导的本质、内涵的论述的基础上 ,邓小平在新的历史条件下进一步深入探索 ,对无产阶级执政党领导本质提出了“领导就是服务”的新论断 ,对无产阶级执政党的领导内涵即列宁所说的“政治领导”的层次作出了新的论述 ,从而丰富了无产阶级执政党领导理论 ,为我党领导体制的改革、社会主义民主政治的建设、依法治国的实现提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
本文从自在之物、理性认识能力、二律背反和主客体关系等几个具体方面,分析康德、黑格尔和列宁在哲学之路上跨越时空的对话,以及他们之间就这些问题的先后批判关系。  相似文献   
黑格尔的《逻辑学》是一部优秀的哲学著作,列宁在阅读它的时候所写的读书笔记《黑格尔〈逻辑学〉一书摘要》不仅对其中的辩证法思想进行了批判改造,丰富和发展了马克思主义的唯物主义辩证法,而且还为我们树立了一个认真读书,研究哲学,正确对待人类文化遗产的光辉典范。  相似文献   
《Communist and Post》2019,52(2):81-91
The issue of the Marxist character of “Mao Zedong Thought” has never really been resolved. The present work is a comparative analysis of the classical Marxism of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and the ideology of Mao Zedong. The argument is made that whatever Marxism there was in Maoism was the “creatively developed Marxism” of V. I. Lenin—which allowed for socialist revolution in retrograde economic circumstances—something that had been specifically rejected by Marx and Engels. That led to the theoretical idiosyncrasies that characterized Maoism throughout its history, and ultimately resulted in the form rejected by Deng Xiaoping and post-Maoist China.  相似文献   
A busy year for Russian revolutionary Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1917 also marked the publication of his study of American agriculture. The report reads as more than a historical curiosity, offering insights, however era-bounded, on a variety of topics of substantive and epistemological interest today. Lenin writes of the history of American agriculture, its dynamic regionalism, and its sector-specific class conflicts. Along the way, despite his obvious structural tendencies, we meet an anti-foundational author who, while upbraiding bourgeois economists for their expedient technicism, often in scathing terms, also warns that sweeping conclusions about the sizes of farm and capitalization are problematic in the face of historically dependent and contradictory trends. Here, in the first of the paper’s two parts, we begin to place Lenin’s project in the broader stream of critical agrarian studies, including the classic contrast with agricultural economist Alexander Chayanov, but also the diseconomies of modern agriculture, the biological limits on industrializing food production, and Stalin’s “dekulakization” campaign. Our aims here are more than academic. The exploration is framed by the roles the structure of agriculture and its impacts on its participants play in political change, from elections to revolution.  相似文献   
在工人运动和社会主义建设史上,列宁十分重视工会建设和工会作用的发挥,并形成系统的理论。研究列宁关于过渡时期工会维权思想,剖析其深刻理论内涵,对于当今工会工作实践具有一定现实意义。  相似文献   
列宁十月革命前夕曾设想新政权实行巴黎公社的民主原则,十月革命胜利后进行了大胆试验,结果很快失败。转改高度集中的政治体制,其中的“官”制特点是自上而下的委任制。高度集中的政治体制是列宁对巴黎公社原则的创新和发展,在当时及以后相当的一段时期内发挥了积极的作用。而高度集权下的委任制导致官僚主义的滋生和蔓延,出现权力的腐败。列宁为了完善和改革社会主义的“官”制进行了不懈探索,有些思想成为宝贵的遗产。但因种种原因,列宁终未能找到问题的症结。  相似文献   
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