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Di Wang 《国际相互影响》2016,42(3):377-400
Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) have become important and controversial in global economy. We analyze why some SWFs have more encompassing and clearly specified governance rules than others. We argue that SWF institutionalization is structurally rooted in a country’s regime type and number of veto players in public policymaking. Democracy promotes SWF institutionalization by its need for strong rule of law, voters trying to constrain opportunistic behaviors of politicians, and the free flow of information. In contrast, the number of veto players has a curvilinear effect. When the number of veto players is very small, institutionalization is too rigid, constraining, and not preferred; when the number of veto players is moderate, it is optimal for veto players to manage their conflict over SWF governance in a more routine and institutionalized fashion; and when the number of veto players grows above a threshold, it becomes too costly to coordinate and produce mutually agreeable institutional rules. Our empirical analysis of 46 SWFs in 30 countries from 2007 to 2009 provides robust confirming evidence. SWF governance is more institutionalized and transparent in democracies and in countries with four veto players. Our research has important theoretical and policy implications for the ongoing debate over SWF.  相似文献   
关于任意的当事人变更,学说上存在诉之变更说、复合行为说以及特殊行为说三种观点.我国承袭苏联立法曾对其进行了粗略规定,随后又废止.理论研究及立法规则的缺位引发了制度的异化.从本质上而言,任意的当事人变更是一个关涉诉讼经济与程序保障调和的利益衡量问题.在当下诉讼资源紧缺的司法环境下,其具有不可或缺的重要价值.对任意的当事人...  相似文献   
The general elections of 2017 and 2010 produced hung parliaments in which no single party could command an overall majority; in May 2015 the UK only narrowly avoided that outcome. When a parliament is hung, more than one potential government can be viable, and the constitutional rules that determine who has the first right to form the government can thus have a decisive influence on which government forms. In the past, the UK has applied several potentially contradictory rules (based on conventions and principles), which do not all follow an equally democratic logic. This status quo is problematic because it can generate political controversy and uncertainty, in addition to jeopardising the Monarch's role in the government formation process. A reform that enables parliament to elect the leader who will be tasked with the formation of the next government would resolve these problems and provide constitutional clarity.  相似文献   
李永锋  李昊 《法学研究》2007,29(1):42-53
法国法系和德国法系在让与通知效力方面的主要差别,在于是否将通知作为债权让与对抗债务人之外的第三人的要件。确定被让与债权之归属的优先规则,包括合同成立主义、通知主义和登记注册主义,我国民法在解释上应当采纳通知主义。债务人可以向哪一方当事人进行有效的清偿与优先规则确定的债权归属并非完全一致。如果在让与通知之前债务人已经知悉债权的让与,债务人与出让人之间消灭债权的行为不能对抗受让人。表见让与适用于由出让人做出让与通知的情形,在受让人通知的情形,对表见让与的适用应当有特别的限制。债务人有权不主张表见让与而拒绝向表见受让人清偿或请求返还清偿。  相似文献   
在《普通法与自由主义理论》一书中,尽管斯托纳追溯了美国司法审查的普通法渊源,但是他并未能揭示出普通法与美国司法审查之间的内在理论联系;根据哈耶克的理论.认为两者间的理论关系在于它们对正当行为规则的遵循,进而对司法审查的普通法分析所可能面临的批评进行了申辩.  相似文献   
用人单位劳动规章制度的效力原则主要有明确性原则、比例原则和除外原则。明确性原则应当摒弃,比例原则应当借鉴,除外原则需要甄别。劳动规章制度效力阶位可以分为"效力模型"和"基准模型"两大体系。一般"效力模型"是指法律(劳动法或基准法)效力最高、集体合同第二、劳动合同次之、劳动规章制度(含劳动纪律)最低;"基准模型"指劳动规章制度的基准最高、劳动合同基准第二、集体合同次之、法律(劳动法或基准法)最低即为兜底条款或底线。  相似文献   
越南农村的乡规民约已经存在了许多世纪。它是由乡和村的居民们建立的"法律"。历史上,乡规民约是由乡村中世世代代遗留下的契约和习俗形成的。从法律角度讲,这些乡规民约形成了风俗习惯的法律条文,它长期存在于乡村,在历史上对越南国家的建立和维护做出了许多积极的贡献。总结历史,考察现状,乡规民约对于当前越南乡村治理也应是有力手段之一。  相似文献   
加强地方性党内法规制度建设是完善党内法规制度体系的关键环节,对中国特色社会主义法治建设具有联动性和整体性影响.本文基于对地方性党内法规制度建设的现有研究及其价值内涵的梳理,以政治系统论为研究视角分析地方性党内法规制度建设的当前困境并结合地方实际,从构建需求输入的规范机制、强化内外支持的输入供给、树立地方性党内法规权威、...  相似文献   
谢劲 《理论建设》2021,37(1):22-27
中国共产党第十九届五中全会把“十四五”时期经济社会发展主题确定为推进高质量发展。文章运用马克思主义哲学原理进行分析后认为,推进高质量发展是现实的战略抉择,是遵循发展规律的要求,是发展的安全保障和价值实现。研究旨在为科学认识和准确把握推进高质量发展的科学内涵、对策和重大现实意义提供思想方法和工作方法。  相似文献   
我国<合同法>正式确立了表见代理制度,但规定得比较简单、原则.关于表见代理有许多问题存在争论,而现行<合同法>中关于表见代理制度的规定存在明显缺陷,有必要对<合同法>规定的表见代理成立条件做出某些法律适用上的限制性解释.建议进一步完善表见代理的立法规定.同时,就表见代理在司法实践中的认定以及程序操作等常见问题也存有一些值得探讨之处.以期对表见代理的理论和实践有所帮助.  相似文献   
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