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A Male Poetics     
All French literary fiction, Coquillat contends, from Madame de Lafayette to Philippe Sollers, can be shown to repeat a single representation of gender, a single, scarcely varied pattern: man is transcendence, woman contingency. Man defies death through his immortal m uvre , woman 'creates' only living beings that must die. The romantic hero, the male intellectual adventurer, continues even now to be the creator's alter ego and occupies the centre of French literature, from avant garde to mainstream. By definition, he is in aloof rebellion against a 'bourgeois society' that suppresses genius. His politics as such are more often than not an 'apolitical' conservatism, his misogyny averred, in and out of his writing. If he is intrinsically more valuable it is precisely because he can rise to the singular status of the creator-genius, while women remain biologically and sociologically rooted in the mass. Rousseau was the first to theorize this vision of male superiority in his Reveries of a Solitary Walker , celebrating creativity as a male-orgasmic return to essence of which women are by nature incapable. Rousseau's most hysterical attacks on women's literature are contained in the pages of this work.  相似文献   
“:步虚词”这种文学样式,从题材内容至文体起源都与道教有着密切的联系。该文体大约出现于东晋,大致可以分为道教徒创作和教外文人创作两大类。搞清步虚词的起源、内容特征、与道教的联系、存在的现实功能等,对全面了解把握步虚词这种文体,及其对中国古代文学的影响,都有着重要意义。  相似文献   
中国文化是以儒道为主导的,尤其是儒家的伦理,构成了中国文化的核心内容。中国文学的世俗性特征第一就是伦理文学,以及由伦理延伸出来的政治文学;第二是在田园山水中寄托情思乃至消融自己的自然文学。中国文化与文学的这种世俗性特征,即使到了所谓“全盘西化”的现代,也没有发生根本性变化。  相似文献   
中国现代文学研究的使命远远没有终结,其社会使命主要在于充分发挥现代文学的历史认知功能与思想启蒙作用;学术使命主要在于回归文学本体,并尽力呈现历史的复杂性;教育使命主要在于关注中小学与高等院校的现代文学教育,及时把学术成果转化为教育成果。  相似文献   
亚洲第一位诺贝尔文学奖得主罗宾德拉纳特?泰戈尔(Rabindranath Tagore,1861~1941年)是世界级文学天才和思想巨匠.一百多年来,泰戈尔的作品在世界各地一再被翻译出版,关于他的研究成果也层出不穷.世界的泰戈尔研究成果中最丰富、最全面、最深入的当属泰戈尔的母语地区——孟加拉语地区的泰戈尔研究.从东孟加拉到东巴基斯坦再到独立后的孟加拉国,泰戈尔的研究也由于政治、文化、宗教等原因经历了很多的跌宕起伏.泰戈尔曾被认为是"印度文化的继承者"而被巴基斯坦禁止.印巴分治十几年间,泰戈尔研究主要都局限在"少数开明的文学家和数量庞大的宗派主义者"之间的"泰戈尔论争"中.1961年围绕泰戈尔的百年诞辰,东巴基斯坦的整个文化阶层和政府对立.泰戈尔也逐渐成为孟加拉文化的旗帜,激励了东巴基斯坦孟加拉人的语言和文化政治运动,成为激励孟加拉国独立的精神源泉.孟加拉国独立后,关于泰戈尔的相关性的争议又起,开始了对泰戈尔重新发现和研究的过程.梳理孟加拉国的泰戈尔接受史对于我国的泰戈尔研究,对于加强中孟、中印文化交流与互鉴,构建"亚洲命运共同体"具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
The Afro-Sino engagement supports the study of international relations beyond the framework of a West-centric narrative. Ken Kamoche’s fictionalisation of African immigrants in China, and Ufrieda Ho’s narration of the vicissitudes of Chinese communities in South Africa, contemplate the consequence of the Africa–Asia engagement on the human condition. While the attendant political apparatuses in the African continent and China laud the mutual benefits of engagement, Kamoche and Ho, by focusing on issues of transmigration, displacement and belonging, identity-formation, and so forth expose the acute Sinocentrism and Afrocentrism that impede the seamless establishment of migrant communities in both geopolitical spaces. The principal objectives of this essay involve a close reading of Kamoche and Ho’s novels to focus on the non-state participants of the Afro-Sino relations, and to discuss the emerging transnational, migrant literature that is at once African and Chinese. Ultimately, this essay suggests the formulation of a literary subgenre to embrace the Afro-Sino literary imagination.  相似文献   
岭南文学所具有的平民姿态,对现实生活所作的观照与反映,对人本意识的市俗化审视,对人格理想的务实追求,显现出岭南文学的价值观、审美观及其创新意识的文化追求。  相似文献   
《台湾民报》对五四新文学作品的介绍及其影响和作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1923年至1933年间,《台湾民报》转载了胡适、鲁迅、郭沫若等数十位祖国大陆新文学作家的上百篇作品,对台湾新文学创作产生了示范和推动的作用。海峡两岸新文学创作在“救亡”、“启蒙”、“革命”等三大主题上的契合,在深层次上证明了这种影响关系。  相似文献   
20世纪的出土文献令世人瞩目,相关研究成果扣人心弦。出土文献中大量的法律史料,如:睡虎地出土的《秦律》、张家山出土的《汉律》、银雀山出土的《守法守令等十三篇》、马王堆出土的帛书《黄帝四经》与《周易》、郭店出土的儒家与道家文献以及其它古佚书,等等,使久已失传的律典及法律思想方面的文献得以重现,为改写中国法律史提供了可靠的依据和广阔的空间。  相似文献   
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