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中国早期乡土文学是在启蒙理性的追求、时代的批判与俗世的阐述大背景中展开的。批判性主题的展现、理性价值的求取、乡土文化隐喻是早期乡土文学现代性特征的主要表证。早期乡土文学是乡土作家们带着理性的审视、反省态度进行文学创作的结果,是在民族性视野中"人的发现"启迪基础上的"故乡的发现"。比照30年代以后文学发展的历程,可以说,中国文学"走出中世纪"的标志是早期乡土作家站在民族性认同的话语背景中,在创作乡土文学时对文学现代性的求取。  相似文献   
The political and constitutional impact of the early twentieth-century British women's suffrage movement has been the subject of extensive research since the advent of second-wave feminism, yet the broader cultural impact of the movement remains a developing scholarly area. Murray examines the role of the Woman's Press, the publishing house established in 1907 as a strategic component of the Pankhursts' influential Women's Social and Political Union. The press is located within multiple and interpenetrative analytical contexts: examined in turn are its role in the various power struggles of the WSPU and the broader British suffrage movement; its significance as an independent means of cultural production around the contested site of the suffragette; and its ambiguity as a feminist publishing house run by male pro-suffragist and lobbyist, Frederick Pethick Lawrence. The Woman's Press and its central London retail outlet figured prominently in WSPU administration as a material concern-as literature packing department, revenue raiser and recruiting centre. Yet, symbolically, the Woman's Press was also integral to the campaigning of the WSPU to an extent that has generally remained under-examined. As an independent publishing house the press constituted a vital conduit guaranteeing the entry of suffrage arguments into public discourse, and a crucial tool for appropriating and refashioning the contested image of the suffragette in the wider politico-cultural landscape of the day. Acknowledging the significance of the Woman's Press provides both a necessary historical context for the post-1970 feminist press boom, as well as a counterpoint to the ongoing political-financial conundrums that beset its modern descendents.  相似文献   
In this article, Carr examines Jean Rhys's ambivalent feelings about her West Indian origins. She looks at the problems both she and others have had in deciding whether her work can be truly considered to belong to the category of Caribbean literature. The difficulty lies not just in her expatriate existence or European themes, but goes back to her position as a white Caribbean Creole woman, the descendant of slave-owners. Carr looks at the traditional representations of the Creole woman, and suggest that the characteristics assigned to Bertha Mason in Jane Eyre , 'intemperate and unchaste', persisted to Jean Rhys's day, and that all her fiction, even when not explicitly Caribbean, can be seen to write back to such representations. When Rhys arrived in England, she was immediately identified as Other because of her Caribbean accent, something that marked her out as disturbingly associated with non-white West Indians; in England, she was no longer really white, although back in the Caribbean her whiteness made her unacceptable to so many of her fellow Dominicans. Much of the power of her fiction comes from her knowledge of the violent scars left in the Caribbean by the colonial past, and her own experience of the prejudices and oppressions of a hierarchical metropolitan society. In particular, if it had not been for her stigmatization as the always racially dubious West Indian when she reached England, her insight into the injustices of metropolitan and colonial society might never have been so acute.  相似文献   
在"全球化"、"地域化"大潮共同冲击下,东亚地域客观上必须思考共同的文化防卫及文化建设策略.东亚共同体不只是政治、外交、经济、军事层面的问题,还包括在文学领域我们应该如何开展平等对话,建立共同的话语空间以实行网络作业的迫切命题.只有在此基础之上,才能重新书写本地域文学史,建构地域的敞开的文学理论体系,丰富东亚文学形式与内涵,确立在世界文学中的主体地位.  相似文献   
本文通过分析"中国人民文艺丛书"中刘巧儿、王秀鸾形象在婚姻、家庭场域中的叙事,尝试对妇女解放与中国革命的关系提出更具历史性的理论思考。第一部分主要说明论文的讨论对象为出现在1943-1949年并被收入"中国人民文艺丛书"的叙事文本及其文体上的大众化特点。其中有关人民与革命主体的叙事,大多呈现为女性的面孔,这也显示出人民政治与妇女解放之间的密切关系。第二部分主要运用与刘巧儿相关的四个叙事文本讨论婚姻自主权和农村女性的主体性问题。首先分析了刘巧儿叙事文本中存在的六种婚姻形态,进而通过与《小二黑结婚》的对照,分析这些婚姻故事与现代爱情话语的差别,由此讨论从"婚姻自由"到"婚姻自主"的法律条文修改如何能切实保护农村青年的自主权利,最后对四个叙事文本如何渐次加强刘巧儿主体性叙事做出分析。第三部分通过分析"解放区四大歌剧"之一的《王秀鸾》来讨论农村女性的当家权问题。首先分析这部歌剧如何在家庭伦理剧的叙事格局中讲述女性的"当家权",这种权利的获得如何与女性参与社会化生产密切相关,然后通过与赵树理的《传家宝》《孟祥英翻身》等小说的对照,分析这种当家权的限度。第四部分提出对中国妇女解放历史经验进行重新理...  相似文献   
1949年至今台湾地区出版或发表了近500种/篇有关南海问题的文献。笔者通过对文献产生的时间、数量变化趋势、主题分布、载文期刊、责任者、文献类型等方面进行统计分析,提出两岸应共建共享相关信息资源,构建台湾南海文献信息数据库,从而打造南海问题研究文献智库等设想。  相似文献   
公安文学应该定位于通俗文学,这是它的题材类型所决定的。在此基础上,公安文学应该努力争取尽量多的读者,在中国文坛形成较大影响。同时,关注读者的接受心理曲线,创作出大量具有深刻蕴涵,既通俗又通雅的佳作,是公安文学的必然追求。  相似文献   
中国历史编纂学是正在建设的一门学科。拓展这一领域的研究,关键所在是不能将之视为单纯的技术问题,而亟须加强对其哲理层面的思考,深入发掘史学名著的成就,认真总结中国历史编纂学的优良传统和人文精神。当前尤应深入探索以下四项有效的研究途径:第一,贯彻发展观点,将创始时期的特征与以后的纵向发展联系起来考察;第二,确立整体观念,深入总结史学名著所蕴涵的深邃哲理与高度审美价值;第三,贯彻“历史主义”的观点和方法,克服偏颇之见;第四,运用比较研究方法,阐释传统史学精华在历史变局面前所具有的应变力。  相似文献   
In the Kosovo crisis, Germany for the first time since 1955 joined NATO military combat operations in a major way. While this has often been interpreted as a fundamental major departure ('normalisation') in Germany's post‐war foreign policy, this article argues that Germany's willingness to contemplate joining a NATO war even without a mandate by the UN Security Council represents an evolution, rather than a fundamental change in Germany's foreign policy orientation. This evolution can be explained best as a logical and consistent response of Germany's foreign policy identity which reconciled, through modification, its traditional post war foreign policy identity as a ‘civilian power’ to a radically different security environment.  相似文献   
本文以林燿德和施蛰存开启的台湾都市文学与海派文学的对话为契机,探讨海峡两岸都市文学的隔海传承与变异。30年代上海新感觉派将都市文化的殖民地摩登属性推向顶峰;40年代的海派作家还原出一个琐碎的市民都市空间;台湾新世代作家则塑造了一个集民间、私我和异彩文化等诸多因子交汇的都市场域,包容了更大的阐释空间。这些都市书写都以“感觉”为媒介,借鉴蒙太奇手段刻意颠覆故事情节的连贯性和人物性格的完整性,对欲望书写异乎寻常的关注,在小说的审美形态、叙述角度、结构方式、语言风格等方面,表现出特有的创新度和开放度。  相似文献   
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