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基于法学视角的环境标准问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境标准属于技术性法律规范,其技术性决定了必须由专家参与,但其作为制度规范价值意义上的考量,在制定主体、制定程序以及颁布生效方面,都离不开法学视角的审视。  相似文献   
宪法学家的古典形象表明,学术追求与政治担当是宪法学家的双重使命。中国宪法学家的学术追求在于:发掘历史经验,拓展研究领域;洞悉历史逻辑,揭示宪政规律;立足客观实在,形成宪法共识;围绕中国问题,构建中国特色社会主义宪法学。而中国宪法学家政治担当(推进民主政治)的基本维度在于:中国国情是发展民主政治的基础,宪法思维是促进民主政治的核心,政治智慧是实现民主政治的关键。  相似文献   
This study is concerned with understanding the dynamic behind participatory innovations in China. The case of China provides a contrast to the literature on participatory innovations in democracies. While participatory innovations in democratic countries are seen as a way to deepen and improve democracy, in China these innovations are to some extent developed in order to provide an alternative to electoral democracy. In this article I introduce the concept democracy consultant to describe expert political entrepreneurs involved in the development of participatory innovations. Research on local participatory innovation in China is abundant but the role that experts play in this process has previously not been analysed. Based on in-depth interviews with democracy consultants and local officials, the study finds that democracy consultants frequently act as bridges between central and local levels of government by providing expertise, information, legitimacy, and connections. This is especially true in localities where local leaders want to gain the attention of the central level but lack the required expertise and connections.  相似文献   
Cardiac Implantable Medical devices (IMD) are increasingly being used by patients to benefit from their therapeutic and life-saving functions. These medical devices are surgically implanted into patient's bodies and wirelessly configured by prescribing physicians and healthcare professionals using external programmers. However, these devices are threatened by a set of lethal attacks, due to the use of vulnerable wireless communication and security protocols, and the lack of security protection mechanisms deployed on IMDs.In this paper, we propose a digital investigation system for the postmortem analysis of lethal attack scenarios on cardiac IMDs. After developing a set of techniques allowing the secure storage of digital evidence logs which track the executed sensitive events, we implement an in-depth security solution allowing the protection of cardiac IMDs. An inference system integrating a library of medical rules is proposed to automatically infer potential medical scenarios that caused the patient's death, or that created heart-related emergency situations (through the occurrence of ventricular tachycardia for example). A Model Checking based formal technique to reconstruct potential technical attack scenarios on a cardiac IMD, starting from the collected evidence, is also proposed. The results obtained by the two proposed reasoning techniques (i.e., the inference system and the Model Checking based algorithm) are correlated to prove whether a potential attack scenario is responsible of the occurrence of heart-related emergency situations or the death of a patient. Based on the proposed techniques, we design a decision-support system that reconciles in the same framework the medical and technical investigation aspects.  相似文献   
医疗损害司法鉴定应坚持同行鉴定原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《侵权责任法》第七章第五十四条规定了医疗损害责任的基本归责原则是过错责任原则。对于医疗机构而言,在诊疗过程中是否存在过错需要由专业鉴定机构进行判定。医疗行为的专业技术性和医疗行为发生场所的特殊性,决定了医疗损害技术鉴定机构需要体现出公平公正性和医疗行业的专业性。本文通过对涉及医疗损害司法鉴定四个案例的比较及分析,提示司法鉴定机构及司法鉴定人对临床专家在此类鉴定中的地位和作用的认知,从而使司法鉴定意见更接近事实,提高司法鉴定的公信力。  相似文献   
文章从胎儿人身利益保护理论着手,探讨了在《医疗事故分级标准(试行)》中增加胎儿人身利益受损分级标准,以及在《医疗事故处理条例》中细化胎儿人身利益受损赔偿标准的立法可行性,从而为恰当处理此类纠纷提供法律依据。  相似文献   
《侵权责任法》第六十一条第二款规定,患者要求查阅、复制病历资料的,医疗机构应当提供。第五十八条规定,医疗机构隐匿或者拒绝提供与纠纷有关的病历资料的,人民法院推定医疗机构有过错。病历资料作为医疗损害案件诉讼的核心证据,对病历资料保全自然就成为医患双方诉前关注的焦点问题。由于现行法律法规对病历资料规定的不一致,导致医患双方对病历资料的范围、保全的方式方法、封存病历资料期限、保全病历资料主体等诸多问题认识极不一致,争议颇多。造成医患双方在发生医疗纠纷的基础上进而引发次生纠纷,导致医患矛盾进一步加深,不利于纠纷的及时解决。笔者不揣简陋,试对病历资料保全环节中存在的问题及对相关问题提出规制建议,希望同仁不吝赐教。  相似文献   
医药卫生行业存在市场失灵现象,因此政府有加强医药卫生规制的现实需要。经济学领域的信息不对称理论、交易成本理论、逆向选择和道德风险、刚性需求、外部性理论、医疗服务产品的准公共产品性质等理论为政府加强医药卫生规制提供了充分的理论依据。  相似文献   
本文指出医方承担医疗民事责任的范围不应仅仅局限于医疗事故,还应包括其他一些因医方医疗行为所导致患者合法权益受损害的民事赔偿责任.从承担医疗违约责任和医疗侵权责任两个方面来讨论医疗民事责任,主张引进"善良注意义务"的医疗判断标准;将医方的告知义务区分为必须的告知义务与一般的告知义务,认为医方只对违反了必须的告知义务才承担相应的民事责任.  相似文献   
高温灰化消解法检验硅藻的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硅藻的提取与检验是刑事司法鉴定中一项重要的工作,但目前普遍使用的操作方法不很理想。采取高温灰化消解法对内脏组织中的硅藻进行提取并加以检验,是一种操作简单、干扰少的有效方法。  相似文献   
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