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刑事诉讼法作为"被告人权利大宪章"一直在惩罚犯罪与保障人权的两大目标之间不断的寻求平衡,试图找到最佳结合点。现代刑事诉讼追诉方和被追诉方的控辩平等是实现两大目标平衡点的一个重要方面,而只有双方"信息对称"才能真正实现平等对抗,这就要求追诉方履行告知义务,被追诉方行使知情权。侦查程序被认为是最易侵害人权的阶段,因此各国都在此阶段规定了详尽的告知程序,如美国的"米兰达规则",我国刑事诉讼法也同样规定了相关程序,但是我国告知程序中的不足和问题明显值得剖析和探讨,对此提出相关建议,进而完善我国侦查阶段告知程序。  相似文献   
随着科学技术的发展,不法分子利用手机、座机等现代通讯工具进行敲诈、勒索、绑架、恐吓、性骚扰、索贿等案件频发,同时也使被害人及公安机关获取视听资料成为可能。辽宁方言与普通话的差别主要表现在:平翘舌不分;将r声母读成y声母或l声母;将韵母为[O]的读成[e]韵母;把普通话里许多阳平调读成上声调。尤其是辽宁省管辖的市、县较多,分布较广,就使不同区域的辽宁方言又出现了各自的语音、词汇等特点。收集、调查、整理、运用辽宁及辽宁不同地区方言特点,就能在案件的言语识别时根据方音特点及方言词汇,准确判断犯罪嫌疑人的地域、年龄、职业、文化、性别等社会属性,为侦破工作提供方向和范围。  相似文献   
中古时期的中土佛教文献,占有一定的数量,且具有较强的口语性.从语料学角度而言,它比同时期的汉译佛典更为可靠,所以在汉语史研究中,应对这一部分材料予以关注.同时,进行中土佛教文献语言研究,对于这些文献的进一步整理利用、对于大型语文性辞书的编纂均有较大的参考价值.本文以<洛阳伽蓝记>、<弘明集>、<高僧传>为例,对其中的10个词语作了诠释.  相似文献   
语言是一种约定俗成的社会现象,语句和语义之间没有一种必然的一一对应关系。不同的语句可以表达相同的思想,而同一语句却可以表达两种或两种以上的释义,则会出现歧义现象(ambiguity)。研究英语中的歧义现象不仅能够帮助人们避免陷于歧义之中,而且还可以充分利用歧义来为人们服务,创造意想不到的效果。本文主要从词汇、结构和修辞三个方面阐述英语歧义现象。  相似文献   
Interrogations present several major challenges to persons with mental retardation (MR). Sixty adults with mild MR completed measures of Miranda comprehension and tendency to yield to leading questions. In addition, suggestibility was assessed based on whether participants revised answers to questions in response to unfriendly, friendly, or neutral feedback to original responses. Furthermore, we examined how expressed confidence in answers to repeated questions varied with the type of feedback received. Results revealed that participants demonstrated marked difficulties understanding their Miranda rights and greater likelihood of changing answers to questions for which they received friendly feedback than for questions for which they received unfriendly or neutral feedback. Most participants who received positive reinforcement for their answers on a second trial expressed confidence about improvement from trial 1 to trial 2, although accuracy did not improve. Implications of these results are reviewed.  相似文献   
英汉颜色词汇内涵对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汉英两种语言都存在着大量表示颜色的词语,它们不仅表示色彩,在不同的语境下还具有多种寓意,体现出不同的文化内涵。本文着重探讨不同文化背景影响下词汇的不同寓意。  相似文献   
对非英语专业未通过CET-4本科生的英语词汇学习策略的调查表明,这些英语学习不成功者在英语词汇学习中认知策略的使用频率并不明显低于成功学习者,他们甚至常常使用一些被认为是善学者常用的策略;其词汇学习认知策略使用质量不高的关键在于管理策略即元认知策略的缺乏.  相似文献   
刑事侦查程序在性质上属于行政程序,在我国的刑事诉讼程序中占有重要的地位。我国刑事诉讼侦查结构属于职权主义,强调国家机关的权力。因此,侦查权相对显得过于强大,受到的制约少,出现的问题多且影响大。侦查实践中应该强化程序意识,注重人权保障,以实现真正的司法公正。  相似文献   
This study examines whether parents have the prerequisite knowledge about police interrogation that would allow them to compensate for youths’ knowledge deficits, protect their interests, and buffer against their vulnerability to coercion. A racially diverse urban/suburban convenience sample of 77 11- to 13-year-olds, 46 14- to 15-year-olds, and 47 16- to 17-year-olds and their parents completed a semi-structured interview on knowledge of legal rights and police practices. Results show that parents know more than younger adolescents about components of the Miranda warning and its behavioral implications but do not necessarily know more about police strategy or the parameters of parental protection. Age and socioeconomic status were associated with youths’ risk for poor knowledge. Among parents, IQ, race, and the child’s age predicted risk classification. Parent IQ, socioeconomic status, and youths’ justice experience, race, and age predicted whether families were classified as at risk for poor knowledge. The results question legal assumptions about parents’ capacity for protecting youths’ interests without intervention.
Jennifer L. WoolardEmail:

Jennifer L. Woolard   is an assistant professor of psychology at Georgetown University. She received her Ph.D. in developmental and community psychology from the University of Virginia. Her major research interests include police interrogation of juveniles, culpability, the attorney-client relationship, and the role of parents in adolescents’ legal decision making. Hayley M. D. Cleary   is a doctoral candidate in Developmental Science at Georgetown University. She received her M.PP. in public policy from Georgetown University. Her research examines youths’ attitudes about police and legal authorities, police interrogation of juvenile suspects, and adolescents’ legal decision making. Samantha A. S. Harvell   is also a doctoral candidate in Developmental Science at Georgetown University. She received her M.PP. in public policy from Georgetown University. Her research assesses procedural justice mechanisms in adolescence, the attorney-client relationship in juvenile cases, and parental involvement in legal decision making. Rusan Chen   is a Senior Statistician at Georgetown University. He received his Ph.D. in quantitative psychology from Tulane University. He is interested in behavioral research methodology and psychometrics.  相似文献   
英语词汇是大学英语的基础,大学生在英语词汇记忆方面存在种种差异,主要表现在学习态度和学习动因、记忆方法与技巧、生理状态等方面。大学生在写作上犯得最多的是词汇错误,在听力上感觉最困难的也是词汇,在口语表达及课上回答问题方面最大的障碍也是词汇的缺乏。  相似文献   
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