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In the context of state reform and democratisation in Latin America, reinforcing public institutions becomes critical to sustaining and consolidating realised gains. In this area, civil service reforms are critical. But civil service reform initiatives in Latin American countries were designed with different degrees of compatibility with countries’ administrative traditions and with the role played by the civil service within the political system. The results of different initiatives are described in a brief review of six key features of nine Latin American civil services. Discussion of these results allows us to draw conclusions about the capacity to generate learning dynamics. A new conception of the civil service and its role in the political system appears more evident, unless the required political consensus for implementing and consolidating the new reform strategy for most Latin American public administrations is not confirmed.  相似文献   
能源是经济发展的基础。闽台能源贸易的展开,不但能够实现两地能源资源的优化配置,而且在能源产业链的带动上和能源产业竞争优势的建立上也有积极的促进作用。但在常规能源利用条件下。受资源条件的限制两地并不存在贸易的可能性,对于新能源而言,新能源的资源特性和闽台之间特殊的地缘优势使得闽台能源贸易具有了可能,在分析能源贸易障碍因素的基础上,提出了发展闽台能源贸易的措施建议。  相似文献   
我国当前的行政执行与政府执行力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府执行力不足是当前我国政府必须面对的一个严峻课题。本文着重分析了行政执行和行政执行力之间的关系,总结了当前我国行政执行的特点,对政府执行力的概念予以界定。同时,剖析了当前政府执行力不足的原因,提出了提高政府执行力的政策建议。  相似文献   
Will the British welfare state revert to an Americanisation trajectory or retain features of the European model after April 2019? After a period of historically prolonged austerity and substantial working age welfare reform, with the UK facing yet another renegotiation of the social contract in a post‐Brexit world, the question of whether there remains space for an alternative to the ‘American’ model is of crucial importance. We argue that there has been a blurring of differences across the American and European welfare states in terms of working age benefits, as most countries have adopted aspects of work‐based conditionality reforms, which attach the receipt of benefits to the active pursuit of work and, to varying extents, the underlying politics of US welfare reform, where there are large coalitions supportive of more punitive policies towards low‐income adults and minorities. These trends are taking place against the backdrop of a second major shift: increasing restrictions on benefits for immigrants. This double narrowing of the welfare state, making benefits conditional for citizens and excluding those who are not citizens, seemingly sets the agenda for a more restrictive post‐Brexit welfare state. The experience of the last two decades suggests, however, that the adoption of the American model has not been wholesale; steering a middle path between punitive conditional American benefits and more traditionally generous universal benefits is on the agenda across advanced welfare states.  相似文献   
习近平关于扶贫脱贫问题的重要论述是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分。马克思主义反贫困理论、习近平基层工作实践、国际国内环境变迁带来的全新挑战构成了习近平开展扶贫脱贫工作的理论之基、历史之源和时代之势。习近平关于扶贫脱贫问题的重要论述具有丰富的理论内涵,具体表现为:"有的放矢"的扶贫脱贫格局"、科学高效"的扶贫脱贫策略"、授人以渔"的扶贫脱贫方法"、合作共赢"的扶贫脱贫实践。这些理论内涵逻辑地构成了具有坚持世界性和民族性相统一、物质扶持和精神关照相并存、当前发展与未来进步相结合等鲜明特点的科学思想体系。它构成了深入推进中国特色社会主义扶贫脱贫工作的实践指南,并为解决世界性贫困问题贡献了中国智慧和中国方案。  相似文献   
云南公安机关积极推进社区和农村警务战略,在实践中形成了自身经验和特色优势。在理念机制体制上创新,与以社会矛盾化解、公正廉洁执法、社会管理创新为内容的三项重点工作紧密结合,体现社区警务的原则和要求,丰富社区警务的理论和实践,推进社区警务在新时期、新阶段的新发展。  相似文献   
在新民主主义革命时期,中国共产党的国家战略和原子化的社会结构,共同塑造了政党——军队型宣传机制。与其他类型的宣传机制相比,政党——军队型宣传机制在信息输入、信息转化和信息输出上都具有非常独特的特点,具体体现为信息输入上的“集权与分权并存”,信息转化上的“受众本位”,以及信息输出上的“弥散式”格局。政党——军队型宣传机制,为建立中国共产党对新民主主义革命的合法领导奠定了基础。  相似文献   
在公共行政界,新西兰有两大事实广为人知。第一,新西兰实施了全面的公共部门改革,并且处于新公共管理运动的最前沿。第二,在几个衡量政府绩效的国际排行榜上,新西兰成绩不俗。本文通过观察新西兰财务管理、制度结构、信息管理和委任程序方面的改革,分析了这些事实之间可能存在的相互关系。通过运用政府主持的"新西兰人调查"的最新数据,我们考察了政府绩效的哪一部分对新西兰人最重要。结论显示,尽管大多数评论家强调财政改革和体制变革,然而早期关于信息公开、非政治任命和公共责任的改革对新西兰人最重要。  相似文献   
新媒体来势汹汹,铺天盖地始料不及,一夜之间改变了我们,尤其是青少年的生活方式,特别是对青少年的价值观形成带来了不可估量的冲击和影响。为了确保青少年价值观健康形成,首先要:第一,优化媒介环境。当前的媒介环境存在着媒体引导偏移、文化煽情引导、报道失当等伦理错位。建立健全青少年价值观形成中新媒体信息监管机制,对新媒体的价值影响实施有效的监控和合理的引导,以先进的文化和思想给青少年健康成长创造新媒体环境。第二,提高青少年新媒体媒介素养。作为生存在数字化一代的青少年来说,媒介素养的高低尤为重要。通过引导的方法和新媒体伦理教育,强化青少年的媒体道德意识和法制观念,促使青少年树立自律意识和正确使用新媒体观念,培养和提高青少年拒绝诱惑能力,自觉遵守媒体规范与道德,合理使用新媒体。第三,以新媒体为平台,构建价值观引导网络。新媒体为青少年价值观引导提供了广阔的平台,其虚拟性和匿名性为传统价值观引导提供全新的视角。加强平台网站文化建设,凸显主流文化,增强主流文化吸引力和感召力,使价值观引导新媒体平台成为满足青少年需要的主渠道和主窗口。第四,加强高中阶段青少年使用新媒体的引导。  相似文献   
This article examines the political consequences of the most important single privatisation in Mexico, that of the national telecommunications company, Telmex. During the late 1980s and early 1990s, diverse observers of Mexico claimed that, as the government pursued a dramatic privatisation programme as part of a broader plan to liberalise the economy, democratic growth would be encouraged. This argument is challenged in the case of the Telmex privatisation. It is shown how privatisation generated new resources that were channelled to lubricate corporatist relations and that the so‐called new unionism emerging from the telephone workers’union did not represent a departure from, but a culmination of, traditional state‐labour relations in Mexico.  相似文献   
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