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Boko Haram first began using the tactic of suicide bombings in 2011 and in 2014 started using female suicide bombers. This research focuses on gender differences in the use of suicide bombers. The data were collected using open sources from June 16, 2011 to June 15, 2018. Using this longitudinal data, trends are described over that 7-year period, focusing on the use of females. A majority of the suicide bombings target civilians in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, and Niger. More than half of the bombers were women and girls, some as young as 7?years old, and there were more than 60 incidents where the bomber was below the age of 15. More female bombers were used to targets civilians, whereas men were used more often to target government, police, and military targets. Female suicide bombers were used in Cameroon, whereas males were used more often in Nigeria. Additionally, females used suicide belts or vests, whereas men carried out the overwhelming majority of vehicle-borne suicide bombings. In many cases, the use of the women as bombers involved coercion. The unprecedented use of female suicide bombers, particularly young girls, should be a focus of policy moving forward.  相似文献   
政府在城市的经营中,应充分运用市场手段把城市资源以及依附于其上的名称、形象、知名度和城市特色文化等无形的资产,通过对其使用权、经营权、冠名权等相关权益的市场运作,实现城市资源配置的最优化和效益的最大化,实现城市的自我滚动、自我积累、自我增值的新的城市建设和管理模式。  相似文献   
省会城市刑事技术工作应作为全国刑事技术体系的独立一层来构建,其内部业务部门的设置应主要以专业特性为依据,现有“法医检验鉴定中心”应改在整个刑事技术工作的统一平台上合理运行。  相似文献   
文章针对西宁市刑侦队伍和刑侦基础工作中长期存在的一些问题,运用调查研究的方法,结合相关材料和数据,对西宁市刑侦队伍及其现状进行了深入分析,找出了西宁市刑侦队伍和刑侦基础工作中存在的人员少、任务重、经费缺等不适应刑侦工作健康发展的主要问题,并提出了通过加强刑侦队伍的思想建设、业务建设,提高刑侦基础工作的科技含量等手段,解决这些问题的对策和建议。  相似文献   
工作满意度表达着人们对工作状况的自我感受,与职业变动、社会流动有一定的关联,可以成为测量社会流动的一个指标。调查发现,目前长春市职工的工作满意度并不是很高,得分仅为3.22。提高职工的工作满意度。必须做好多方面的工作,对此本提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   
当今中国处于各种危机频发的转型时期,城市作为社会的基本单元,面临着多元化危机的威胁。城市应该通过建立城市危机管理核心决策机构,建立一套城市的危机应急联动体系,借鉴先进的危机管理理念,运用高科技的信息技术以及完善城市的危机应对网络体系,来构建出高效的城市危机管理体制。  相似文献   
法治化城市的内涵及其与现代化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法治化城市建设是落实我依法治国方略的举措;法治化城市的价值意蕴与法治国家具有一致性,其本身就是法治国家的重要组成部分;地方法治化城市建设是因地制宜推进法治国建设有力举措,也为国家法治建设提供经验和参考。法治化城市是法治在地域范围内的具体体现,它是以国家宪法、法律为基础,以保障人权为目的,以制约权力为重点的,适合地方城市实际的治理模式和状态,它通过规范的地方权力运作和普遍的守法意识,实现城市政治文明、经济建设、文化事业、社会秩序、公共服务等方面的全面协调发展。因此,没有法治的城市也不能称之为现代化的城市。法治化城市是城市经济现代化的动力所在,城市政治现代化的根本保证,城市文化现代化的制度基础,有利于促成人的现代化。  相似文献   
The nature of the City of London as an offshore financial centre has long made London dependent on the British state providing protection from external political regulation, even as London’s foreign currency business separated its interests from British governments’ economic policy preoccupations. Since the 2008 crash and the onset of the eurozone crisis, London has faced threats to both its autonomy from external regulatory demands and to its offshore business interests at the same time as the long-standing external statecraft of British governments around EU membership has broken down. The Cameron governments’ efforts to protect the City within the European Union under political conditions that were transformed by the eurozone crisis exposed the limits of Britain’s position as a member of the European Union. When David Cameron then tried to resolve the problem of EU membership through a referendum he made it extremely difficult to defend the City’s broader commercial interests in the Single European Market because freedom of movement issues weighed significantly more in British domestic politics than financial services.  相似文献   
以我国三个省会城市为例来试图回答这样一个问题:在省会城市预算过程中,党政首长究竟发挥着怎样的作用,他们是如何影响着预算过程和预算改革的?研究发现,这三个省会城市预算改革后,预算权力结构并未从根本上改变.其核心仍然是市委书记和市长,他们仍然是地方预算过程中实际的财政资源申请的审批者或最终资源配置者.这主要体现在,预算改革后,市委领导下的"行政预算"体制的继续,市政府领导高层预算分配权力的相对集中,和市长对部门关系以及部门利益的决定性影响.研究还指出,要准确地表达地方党政首长在预算过程中的权力,需要将其放在一种"关系"的维度来具体化.此外,对预算环境的讨论也是必要的,尤其是政治环境,对于党政首长而言,预算过程中的不确定性通常都是和政治环境相联系的.  相似文献   
加强长春市的城市管理,提高城市管理的效率和水平,是摆在我们面前的重要课题。提高长春市城市管理水平,应根据长春市城市管理的指导思想和城市管理的实际,采取以下五大措施;一是进一步提高对城市管理重要性和紧迫性的认识;二是加强城市管理必须解放思想,更新观念;与时俱进,三是提高城管队伍素质,规范执法队伍的行政行为,四是深化城市内部管理体制改革,建立科学,合理的城市管理体制,五是进一步拓展城市管理的范围,调整城市管理的重点。  相似文献   
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