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近些年来,由于环境事故频发,如何借助于刑法对环境犯罪进行规制引起了刑法理论界的日益重视。对照国外环境犯罪的立法状况可以发现,我国的环境犯罪立法有许多方面需要进一步规范和完善。文章从环境犯罪的构成要件、刑事处遇、诉讼程序设计三方面入手,对存在的问题进行了解读,并提出了进一步进行完善的建议。  相似文献   
我国刑事诉讼法在侦查程序之前设立了立案程序,并将其作为刑事诉讼的启动程序,这使得我国刑事侦查启动被归于典型的程序性启动模式。然而,实践中,立案程序的设计存在着严重的弊端,由此也产生了许多难以解决的问题。现今大多数国家都采用了随机型的侦查启动模式,且随机型侦查启动模式较之程序型启动模式更为科学、合理,更有利于实现刑事诉讼打击犯罪与保障人权的双重目的。可见,在当下,重构我国的侦查启动程序,已成为一个迫切需要我们解决的问题。  相似文献   
2012《刑事诉讼法》及《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则(试行)》继《关于办理刑事案件排除非法证据若干问题的规定》之后对人民检察院在审前程序中适用非法证据排除规则作了相关的规定,这对于强化对侦查行为合法性的监督、保障犯罪嫌疑人的人权具有重要作用,但是当前的规定还是存在一些不足之处,这将制约其作用的发挥。因此,有必要对其进行“程序化”,构建专门的听证程序,明确相关的程序性规定,增强其可操作性。  相似文献   
2012年修改的《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》第210条第2款规定,"适用简易程序审理公诉案件,人民检察院应当派员出席法庭",公诉人出庭适用简易程序审理的公诉案件成为法定义务。公诉人出庭有利于落实对抗制诉讼模式,有利于维护被告人的权利,有利于检察机关履行法律监督的职责,但同时这也会给公诉人带来理念、素质与工作量等方面的挑战。许多检察机关在积极尝试探索出庭模式,主要形成了专职公诉人出庭模式与公诉人集中出庭模式。两种模式优劣并存,需要进一步论证,并建立相关配套制度机制。  相似文献   
近年来,我国多个地方政府制定了行政程序规则,这在学界引起了较大反响和争鸣。这些地方行政程序立法的主要内容包括立法目的、原则体系、行政程序的类型、公众参与和信息公开、立法架构、制度创新等方面,其主要特点是回应性、创新性、民主性、程序实体兼顾性。我国地方行政程序立法仍有诸多后续课题需要研究。  相似文献   
及时性原则作为联合国刑事司法准则之一,已成为各国指导诉讼效率和期间的基本准则,我国先后两次修订《刑事诉讼法》对及时性原则均有所体现,但未予以实质性加强,一些问题仍亟待解决。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the Scottish Law Commission (SLC)'s Report on Similar Fact Evidence and the Moorov Doctrine, which proposes revolutionary changes to the way in which Scots law deals with evidence of the accused's bad character, including his previous convictions. The article sets these proposals in context by explaining the existing Scots law, and comparing it to the English provisions on bad character evidence contained in the Criminal Justice Act 2003. This comparison reveals similarities between the responses of the two jurisdictions. It is remarkable that the SLC did not consider English law to be a viable model for reform, choosing instead to propose legislation which would simply deem certain pieces of bad character evidence relevant in criminal trials. The second part of the paper explains why these proposals should not be implemented.  相似文献   
我国新刑事诉讼法首次规定了对警察出庭作证的条款,但在实际操作中尚未建立具有可操作性的制度。本文从我国警察出庭作证的现状入手,分析其面临的障碍,在借鉴国外这一制度的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,提出一些解决我国警察出庭作证问题应采取的措施。  相似文献   
由于法律拟制确实会产生一定的“威胁”而较难被社会公众所认同,因而为了应对和防范这种“威胁”并加强其被认同感,应当在一般刑法条款的立法程序之外再设置一些特定立法程序来规范法律拟制技术的运用或法律拟制条款的设置;1.设置包括立法听证会和立法论证会在内的特定的公众参与程序;2.设置法律拟制的立法说明程序;3.设置法律拟制的审查、解释及废止程序.  相似文献   
The reform of the supervision system raises the consensus issue of the Supervision Law and the Criminal Procedure Law. The convergence of the two laws cannot be achieved only by the technical connection and synergy, but also by dissolving the inner conflicts of the litigation values. For one thing, the Supervision Law lays stress on the “Criminal Control Value” of the criminal justice; for another, the Criminal Procedure Law strives to attach equal importance to both “Combating Crime” and “Protecting Human Rights”. Because of the conflicting schemes of values which are possessed by the two laws separately, the convergence of the processes becomes complex, which contains the distinction between criminal “investigation” and supervising “survey”, the jurisdiction of the duty crime cases, the conversion of the coercive measures, the process of returning a case for supplementary survey, and the pleading guilty procedure for a lenient punishment, etc. For the political effect, “adopting severe punishment in trouble times” can play an important role in the short term, which may establish the atmosphere that no one dare to commit corruption crimes. But a system of both “Combating Crime” and“Protecting Human Rights” is the long-term solution, which lays the emphasis on both the sustainability and the due process of the anti-corruption in China.  相似文献   
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