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Abstract: The microtexture and elemental composition of the backing of electrical tapes have been shown to be highly discriminating. In this study, the organic composition of electrical tape was evaluated as a complementary means of distinguishing tape brands. The backing and adhesive of 72 rolls of electrical tape were analyzed via Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR FTIR) and discriminant analysis was used to classify all samples by brand. Generally, the accuracy for FTIR data (88–99%) was higher than that for elemental data (86–94%). FTIR spectra from the adhesive layer were the most discriminating. In separate studies, two fragments of blast-damaged tape were correctly assigned to their brand of origin and discriminant analysis was used to quantitatively associate or exclude tape samples from two bombing cases.  相似文献   
3种提取胶带粘面汗潜指印中DNA的方法比较   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
目的比较胶带粘面汗潜指印中DNA提取的方法。方法分别采用硅珠法、QIAMicrokit法、硅珠-QIAMicrokit法提取胶带粘面的汗潜指印中DNA,STR复合扩增,荧光电泳检测。结果用QIAMicrokit法、硅珠-QIAMicrokit法提取胶带粘面汗潜指印中DNA,检测成功率分别为21%和36%。硅珠法检测未获成功。结论硅珠-QIAMicrokit法提取胶带粘面汗潜指印中的DNA比QIAMicrokit法,检验时间更短,检测成功率更高。  相似文献   
This study involved the comparative analysis and discrimination of 90 electrical tape adhesives. The objectives included the evaluation of the ability of individual techniques to discriminate samples and the assessment of the ability of the techniques combined to distinguish samples. The techniques utilized were stereomicroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS), and scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS). Stereomicroscopy, to assess adhesive colors of black, clear/colorless, and clear adhesives with brown tint, resulted in a discrimination of 53%. FTIR analysis yielded eight distinct groups with a discrimination of 67%. Py-GC/MS analysis resulted in 16 groups with a discrimination of 83%. These analyses confirmed and further subdivided the FTIR groups. SEM/EDS resulted in five separate groups at 17% discrimination, increasing the overall discrimination to above 85%.  相似文献   
A 19‐year‐old woman was found dead with her face and head wrapped in plastic adhesive tape in a cupboard beside an opened helium cylinder. Despite the alleged presence of a suicide message on a social networking website, the unusual circumstances raised the possibility at the time of autopsy of either accidental death from sexual asphyxia or homicide. A carefully monitored reenactment demonstrated, however, that the type of commercial adhesive tape that had been used did not cause complete airway obstruction and that it was possible to wrap a considerable length of tape around the head and neck with the breath held. All of the features at autopsy were, therefore, compatible with self‐infliction. Asphyxial death was attributed to the combined effects of smothering from tape and anoxia from helium, an extremely rare combination in young females.  相似文献   
胶带粘面上的手印显现   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
经过比较,证明悬浮液法、碳素墨水法、染色法和物理显影液法对显现胶带粘面上的手印效果较好.  相似文献   
目的根据胶带粘面上潜在手印的特点,利用染料和潜手印的理化性质,研究开发胶带粘面手印荧光显现剂。方法在各种胶带粘面上显现潜在手印,并与常规的碳素墨水染色法进行比较。结果在长波紫外线照射下手印呈黄色明亮荧光,手印纹线清晰、连贯,基本不受手印遗留时间、客体表面颜色和性质的影响。结论胶带粘面上的汗潜手印和血潜手印用荧光显现剂显现效果优于碳素墨水染色法,在实际案件的侦破中有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   
In this study two types of synthetic swabs and one commercially available minitape were tested and compared with the currently used cotton swab. The results indicate that there is no major difference in performance between the swabs for recovery of trace samples, and that the minitape is better suitable for recovering from absorbent materials than swabs are. However, no statistical calculations were carried out due to the low number of samples in each category.  相似文献   
Five commercial adhesive tapes were tested for fiber uptake and saturation, for recovery and for ease of analysis. On the basis of the results, a high tack adhesive tape has been selected to be used for forensic fiber sampling. This adhesive tape is used as sampling material in two different micro trace kits. The first tape lifting kit is used mainly for the sampling of cars and the second is a 1:1 tape lifting kit for the collection of fibers on a corpse.  相似文献   
The study investigates the nature of public service motivation’s (PSM) relationship to employee work engagement. Using the Job Demands-Resource Model, the authors compare whether PSM as a resource is an antecedent to employee work engagement or has a buffering effect on job hindrances of perceived red tape in explaining employee work engagement. They surveyed 388 supervisors and managers in a public-sector organization in the United States. The findings support PSM as an antecedent along with perceived job influence and perceived procurement red tape to employee work engagement.  相似文献   
双面胶带是日常生活中常用的一种胶带,在许多案件中亦经常出现,显现其内侧粘面上的手印,对认定案犯具有重要的意义。由于其结构与其他胶带不同,所以用于显现普通胶带上手印的显现方法不适用于双面胶带。本文通过研究双面胶带转印在纸张等渗透性客体上的手印,来间接地显现双面胶带上的手印。  相似文献   
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