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每个人都不可能拥有一个绝对完美的人生,婚姻生活也是如此。 经济的发展、社会的进步,人们的生活理念、价值取向也发生了重大的变化。这些变化必然牵动着婚姻家庭。上海沪家律师事务所主任律师贾明军根据多年来律师实务的经验和体会撰写了《富人离婚的36个计策》一书,本刊为之特设专栏,希望大家在欣赏文、学会保护j自己的同时,更加热爱生活。  相似文献   
高凌燕 《中国律师》2010,(10):44-46
40岁正是人生最美好、最绚丽的时期,律师的40岁正是左右逢源、经验丰富、客户稳定的大好阶段.而对于四川仁泰律师事务所刘德嘉律师来说,40岁意味着承担、坚韧,意味着生死的考验、信念的锤炼。  相似文献   
Thai Land Law does not allow outright ownership of land by foreign nationals. Phuket, a well-known Thailand tourist destination, is facing a problem of acquiring land by foreigners. The objective of this study was to compile data on ownership of land by foreigners in Phuket areas and explore the types of ownership through which the land had been acquired. The purpose of this study was also to assess the nature of the problems of foreigners owning immovable properties in Phuket, and the impacts could further make appropriate recommendations. There were two types of foreign ownership of land in Phuket. The first type was legal ownership of immovable properties by foreigners, and the second were the cases that foreigners took advantage of the loopholes of the law to acquire but in fact owned and utilized land mostly in scenic beaches by using Thais as nominees. These nominees could either be their spouse, or employees of corporate bodies or legal entities. In some cases, nominees were actually employees of law firms which assisted foreigners to register as a Thai corporate body. However, the impact of foreigners owning immobile properties in Phuket can be both positive and negative. On the positive side, the local economies actually benefited foreigners owning immobile properties as this led to increasing economic growth and land utilization. The negative impacts on the other hand were mainly the loss of revenue of local governments from local taxes and duties, including land price distortion. Another negative dimension was the difficulties of the public sector to control the negative environmental impacts. From the economic perspective, the feasibility of declaring areas where there is a high concentration of foreigners owning immobile properties as special area should be explored. Finally, the establishment of a "governing council" to control and develop conditions to protect the environment and reduce the impact to communities as part of the package of investment promotion should also be considered.  相似文献   
司法部关于修改《香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区律师事务所与内地律师事务所联营管理办法》的决定 为了促进香港、澳门与内地建立更紧密经贸关系,根据国务院批准的《(内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排)补充协议三》和《(内地与澳门关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排)补充协议三》,  相似文献   
现在,许多律师事务所都成为贪腐资金洗白的一个重要途径,许多法官在进行贪腐时,为了保密往往都是通过律师或者律师事务所来进行,重庆高院腐败案中也显示了这一点。  相似文献   
◆我们的概况浙江明显律师事务所创建于1998年10月,现拥有执业律师九人,其中高级律师三名,中级律师二名,律师助理、法律秘书若干名。建所以来,我们始终坚持高层次、高质量、高效益、外向型的办所方针,发扬团结、拼搏、开  相似文献   
法律援助是司法行政机关为社会贫、弱群体撑起的正义保护伞,司法部部长张福森近日指出。法律援助机构要明确职能,工作人员要牢记自己是代表政府去关心和帮助社会困难群体,不能像律师事务所律师那样对社会提供有偿服务,各地司法行政机关要对自收自支的法律援助机构进行全面清理。  相似文献   
3月28日,山西省人民政府法制办公室与山西中吕律师事务所在省城太原举行签字仪式,依法委托该律师事务所起草《山西省煤矿职工行使安全生产权利办法(草案)》。这是我省首次通过委托的方式进行政府规章的起草工作。  相似文献   
中组部司法部发出通知要求加强和改进律师行业党的建设工作中央组织部、司法部党组近日下发《关于进一步加强和改进律师行业党的建设工作的通知》。通知要求,进一步做好律师党员的教育、管理和服  相似文献   
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