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本文论述中国与东盟的关系,着重论述了中国与东盟加强民间交流对促进中国与东盟政治互信的作用。认为只要东盟非政府组织、学术界、智库网络与中国方面的平行和互补作用得到加强,官民之间以及民间在文化、历史、政治和安全、经济等关键领域的联系更加密切,中国与东盟的民间外交轨道将朝着纵深延伸。  相似文献   
乌克兰自独立以来,政治民粹主义伴随其政治经济转型进程不断蔓延加剧。进入21世纪,虽然民粹主义政党和运动出现仅十几年,但乌克兰已然成为后苏联空间中遭遇民粹主义浪潮席卷的突出案例。在经历了2014年的政治危机和持续的顿巴斯冲突后,乌克兰政治逐步进入了民粹主义全面盛行的新阶段。乌克兰民粹主义相较整个欧洲区域具有一些显著的特征,主要表现在:反精英和反建制的极端化,强烈的反民主属性和家长制政府偏好,分裂矛盾的意识形态,过度渲染和营造社会危机,以及盲目的区域一体化期待。究其成因,可归结于该国历史上对统治精英"外来化"的认知,独立后缺乏新的民族国家认知与主流意识形态,"团结主义"的政治文化传统,以及整个社会对阶层分化和等级制度的共识。这种特殊的民粹主义,将对乌克兰政治持续产生一系列负面影响。  相似文献   
作为企业工会领导者,应该具有一种立志创建模范优秀工会的职业理想,有一种自觉接受先进理论浸润的职业学养,有一种密切联系群众、讲求民主与求真务实的职业作风。只有这样,才能把精力真正放到企业发展及与职工利益密切相关之事上去,才能按照企业工会工作的规律和职工的要求为职工谋实益办实事。  相似文献   
要将学习实践科学发展观,转化为动员广大职工立足本岗建功立业的生动实践;转化为协调劳动关系的有效措施;转化为维护职工合法权利的能力;转化为工会工作创新。  相似文献   
Using data collected within the scope of a Dutch internet panel survey (LISS) in 2011, this study tracks public support for direct, stealth and representative democracy according to educational level. Our findings indicate that, in terms of overall support for each specific type of democracy, lower educated citizens are significantly more supportive of stealth and direct democracy than highly educated citizens. While the mean levels of support for representative democracy do not differ significantly between levels of education, multivariate OLS regression analyses show that lower educated citizens are noticeably more supportive of representative democracy once political efficacy, trust and satisfaction are introduced. When contrasting the different types of democracy directly with one another, we find that lower educated citizens have a greater tendency to prefer direct and (to a lesser extent) stealth democracy over representative democracy than higher educated citizens. Multivariate OLS regression analyses indicate that most of these educational gaps cease to be significant once the lower levels of political efficacy, trust and satisfaction of lower educated citizens are taken into account. Implications of these results for the debate on the functioning of democracy are discussed.  相似文献   
1997年由天津市总工会承办的"海河儿女欢庆香港回归大联欢"活动,场面盛大而热烈,广大基层单位与群众积极参与,组织者作了精心策划。其成功,取决于这样三点重要因素:领导重视、组织严密和通力协作。  相似文献   
国有企业工会组织坚持走中国特色社会主义工会发展道路,一方面要遵照《工会章程》独立自主地开展工作,依法履行职责;另一方面要正确处理好与企业党委、行政的关系,找准定位,在构建和谐企业中切实发挥桥梁和纽带作用.  相似文献   
发挥思想政治教育功能促进高校统战工作发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校统战工作是中国共产党统一战线工作的重要组成部分,是一项复杂而系统的工程。在新世纪,高校统战工作面临新的形势和问题。本文试图通过创新和发挥思想政治教育优势,确保高校统战工作的正确方向和各项政策的落实,并团结一切可以团结的力量,调动一切积极因素,为建设有中国特色的社会主义、统一祖国、振兴中华培养大量人才服务。  相似文献   
Do ethnic minorities in postcommunist regimes vote in systematic ways? This paper examines ethnic minority voting in Georgian elections from 1992 to 2012, examining the causes for ethnic minorities' high electoral turnout and ruling party support. Although some argue that electoral fraud is the explanatory cause, other interests, such as experience of poverty and party electoral strategy, help explain minority electoral behaviour. This paper uses statistical methods to examine electoral fraud, as well as OLS regression to investigate the role of socio-economic factors such as urban density or poverty on ethnic minority voting behaviour. The paper also draws from in-country field research to investigate the party strategies and programs in ethnic minority areas during the 2008 parliamentary election.  相似文献   
和平区总工会近年以文化建设为突破口,带动了各方面的工作。其做法有四:一是因地制宜,借壳下蛋,破解了区街两级工会活动阵地的难题;二是因企制宜,以文育人,发挥了工会大学校的作用;三是因人制宜,以文聚人,拉近了与职工和企业的距离;四是重在实干,重求实效,推动了企业建会工作。  相似文献   
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