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"轮训轮值"是上海公安机关首创的"战训合一"教育训练新模式."轮训轮值"的成功创建和良性运转,对于构建现代警务机制和深化上海公安教育训练改革都起到了积极的促进作用."轮训轮值"将在今后的建设发展过程中不断优化和完善.  相似文献   
社会主义政治在本质上是实践的。因此,应当以马克思主义实践的观点和方法研究社会主义政治现实基础和运动过程,说明这个运动过程的历史逻辑、价值趋向和人在政治历史中的能动作用,描绘人的政治活动在理论批判、政治决策、政治制度建构和变革诸方面的展开。相对于政治实践和现实的政治关系而言,政治观念、政治制度不是本原,不是政治研究的基本前提和出发点。当代中国的马克思主义政治理论应当研究中国社会主义政治实践提出的现实问题。  相似文献   
二十一世纪我国在经济上蓬勃发展,许多行业逐渐向世界接轨,艺术设计教育也是如此。我国的经济体制改革由计划经济转向商品经济的时间不长,艺术设计也随着商品经济的发展刚起步,所以造成了艺术设计教育不够系统,专业教材比较缺乏,尤其是艺术设计基础教材更是缺乏而不系统,很多院  相似文献   
理论实现的程度,首先取决于实践需要的程度。“三个代表”的重要思想是时代和实践的产物,他是在科学判断党的历史方位,深刻总结我党历史经验,特别是党和人民最新实践的基础上,适应时代和实践发展的需要应运而生的。伟大理论的形成又引领和推动伟大的实践。“三个代表”重要思想作为发展着的马克思主义,他的形成过程,同时也就是引领并推动全面开创社会主义建设新局面和全面推进执政党建设新的伟大工程的过程。理论一经掌握群众,就会转化为巨大的物质力量。实践孕育理论,理论指导实践,这是一个彼此互动、永无休止的过程,用发展着的马克思主义指导新的实践,必须把“三个代表”作为我们党长期坚持的指导思想。实践没有止境,创新也没有止境。“三个代表”重要思想本身,也要在实践中不断丰富和发展。  相似文献   
This article describes a court improvement initiative designed to promote uniformity and improved court practice with the ultimate goal of the improvement of outcomes for children and families. The article focuses on the results of interviews and focus groups conducted as part of the evaluation of this initiative. Twelve jurisdictions were purposively selected to exhibit a range of family court and non–family court jurisdictions in rural and middle‐sized locations. The discussion of the qualitative results focuses on changes in court practice and the impact of the initiative on case time.  相似文献   
宪法事例,通常是指在宪政法制实践中发生的与宪政法治有关的各类社会事件。随着我国宪政法制建设的推进,现实生活中不断涌现鲜活的宪法事例,通过选取典型宪法事例、在教学中广泛贯穿一般宪法事例,可以弥补宪法学教学枯燥、抽象、政治色彩浓的不足,调动学生学习热情,培养学生理论联系实践的能力,并有助于对大学生进行公民素质教育。  相似文献   
以色列国家安全在国际、地区以及国家单元三个层次上存在着结构性安全困境。以色列国家安全与国民安全存在着矛盾,并往往受到外部势力的干预。以色列与阿拉伯伊斯兰世界的安全诉求相互冲突。以色列希望通过维持均势、建立战略优势、改善安全环境的现实主义安全政策,并未促使以色列摆脱安全困境的桎梏。对两种博弈模式的分析说明,只有在安全互信的基础上,与阿拉伯伊斯兰世界建立切实有效的合作安全机制,才是以色列摆脱安全困境的根本出路。  相似文献   
高校学生社团组织具有自发性、实践性、服务性、创造性、社会性的特点,对提高学生的综合素质能力具有独特的作用。针对我国高校学生社团组织目前存在诸如缺乏科学规划和必要引导、社团建设理论水平低、重复建设问题突出、社会化程度低、缺乏品牌效应等问题,应该着重从以下几方面入手:完善管理机制,健全制度建设,给予必要引导;加强社团骨干建设,发挥领导带头作用;提高社会化水平,多方筹措所需资金;开展特色活动,树立品牌意识。  相似文献   
依最高人民法院《关于审理非法行医刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》规定,个人未取得《医疗机构执业许可证》开办医疗机构的行为应认定为《刑法》第三百三十六条第一款规定的“未取得医生执业资格的人非法行医”,即在个体行医的场合下,医师必须取得《医疗机构执业许可证》,方能开展诊疗活动,否则便属于非法行医。然而,非个体行医的情形下,医师在无执业许可证的医疗机构行医,是否属于非法行医?对此,法律并无相关规定,本文对此类案件所涉医师是否属于刑法规定的“未取得医生执业资格的人”进行探讨。  相似文献   
《Science & justice》2022,62(6):740-748
Forensic practice is the concluding practical course of the forensic science bachelor program at the School of Criminal Justice of the University of Lausanne. Learning activities are constructed around five main objectives for the resolution of simulated forensic case problems: 1) select relevant traces and items to be collected at the scene and perceive their potential value in the reconstruction process, 2) apply appropriate detection techniques in sequence to obtain clues of good quality, 3) process traces using Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation and Verification (ACE-V) methodology, 4) produce and summarise information in oral and written forms to help an investigation, and 5) work collaboratively to benefit from the diversity of group members. Simulating and supervising realistic activities is a complex task that became more and more challenging with a continuously increasing number of students over the years (from ca. 30 in 2016 to more than 60 in 2021). Thus, an educational innovation project was launched and aimed at implementing digital technologies to support the teaching staff. A computer-based crime scene simulation tool (allowing students to visualize 360° crime scenes and relevant items) and a communication tool (to simplify and centralise the communication between the students and the teaching staff) were implemented. This article describes the implementation, added value and limitations of these digital technologies in problem-based learning activities. Prior to 2020, the practical course forensic practice was delivered entirely on-site without specific technologies, and entirely on-line in 2020 (due to the sanitary restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic). Finally, in 2021, on-line and on-site activities were implemented with success, combining the best of both approaches in a blended teaching mode. An overall increase in the satisfaction of students and teaching staff was observed with the implementation of these tools. Limiting presence on-site allowed students to take a step back from the activities and collected items. This promoted critical thinking, and together with an increase in structured (on-line and on-site) interactions allowed for a positive, continuous learning experience. While the evaluations of these novel technologies were very positive, students still expressed their willingness to perform certain tasks on-site and a preference for face-to-face interactions.  相似文献   
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