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丹东看守所在贯彻落实科学发展观的过程中,形成了人性化的管理经验和模式,概括为以人为本、以诚待人、以情为重、以理为纲、以苦为乐,为我国公安监管工作提供了创新思路和创新方法,实现了我国人权改善的新进展、实现了我国在法理观念意识上的新突破,显示了我国对人性内涵的新认识。丹东看守所的先进事迹诠释和印证了辽宁实践科学发展观的理论价值和实践意义,应该在国内国际的交流中进一步推广。  相似文献   
公安刑事拘留专项检察监督调研分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国公安刑事拘留实践中存在拘留对象扩大化、任意延长拘留期限、被拘留人员权利保障不足等诸多问题,其中一个重要原因在于检察机关不能对公安刑事拘留实施有效的法律监督,因此,必须完善相关立法,建立刑事拘留检察监督的长效工作机制。  相似文献   
在我国1979年刑事诉讼法的规定中,公安机关是唯一有权决定并执行拘留的机关,检察院与拘留权无缘。在1996年修正后的刑事诉讼法中,虽然赋予了检察机关以拘留的决定权,但并未赋予拘留的执行权。而在实践中的情形,使得刑事诉讼法这一规定,处于一种尴尬的境地。  相似文献   
监管安全是看守所的第一需要,也是做好其他工作的前提和基础。丧失了安全保障,侦查、起诉、审判和执行工作也就无从谈起。控制在押人员动态,预防各类事故的发生,发挥看守所监管安全长效机制,是看守所羁押管理工作的关键所在。  相似文献   
相比较联合国刑事司法准则关于人身自由权的规定,我国审前羁押的现状存在诸多问题,被羁押人的各项权利保护不足。应结合联合国刑事司法准则及我国国情,完善我国的审前羁押制度。  相似文献   
从立法上完善我国的未决羁押制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的未决羁押制度存在着羁押适用率高、超期羁押现象普遍、逮捕未与羁押实行分离、看守所未能充分保障被羁押人合法权利等诸多问题。究其原因,主要是我国现行刑事诉讼法对该制度的规定欠缺科学性与合理性。因此,立法机关有必要采取有效措施,严格未决羁押期限,实行捕押分离制度,进行看守所体制改革,使未决羁押制度既能保障司法办案,又能保障被羁押人的权益。  相似文献   
In many ways his article confronts the Sociologist C. Wright Mills’s famous injunction on turning private troubles into public issues. However, this is a trickier process than usual as the victims at the centre of these private troubles are not children, women, lesbian, gays, the elderly, or the disabled. The victims here are what Stan Cohen has described as ‘impure victims’, in that they are individuals who are suspected of being ‘involved’ in ‘terrorist’ activities. The private troubles these impure victims are experiencing are the loss of many of the rights most of us enjoy (for example, the right to liberty and the right to a fair trial). The public issue that will be examined here is what étienne Balibar refers to as the reality of the extreme violence of the State in contemporary societies against ‘radically excluded’ individuals. This chapter is an examination of the long and winding road to the Government achieving its over-riding ambition in the war on terror in the UK: the deportation of terror suspects to regimes where (despite diplomatic assurances) torture is inevitable.
Derek McGheeEmail:
留置盘问权是《人民警察法》赋予人民警察当场强制扣押违法犯罪嫌疑人 ,对其进行讯问查证的重要权力。留置盘问是一种限制公民人身自由的强制措施 ,兼具行政性和司法性双重性质 ,其具有当场性、临时性、嫌疑性的特征。为在实践中正确适用留置措施 ,避免适用不当给公安机关带来负面影响 ,有必要对留置这一强制措施的性质、适用范围、适用程序等问题 ,在相关程序法中予以进一步规定。  相似文献   
Following the bombings in London of July 2005, the Prime Minister, Tony Blair warned that 'the rules of the game are changing'. The proposed changes have primarily related to foreign suspects of terrorism and engage rules relating to asylum, deportation and nationality. The Terrorism Act 2006 and the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, which give effect to the proposals, are examined and analysed with reference to the policy choices in regard to counter-terrorism strategy, to the weighting of rights against policy, and to choices between rights, including the treatment of absolute rights.  相似文献   
科学客观地确立司法拘留与民事拘留的关系,不仅是拘留理论深入研究的需要,也是拘留立法和拘留实践发展的需要,本文在考察对该关系的众多观点的基础上,认为当今的司法拘留与民事拘留是一种广义交叉关系和狭义全异关系,主张这两种关系中的“民事拘留”名称应被具有个别性的具体名称所取代。  相似文献   
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