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Increasingly, Android smartphones are becoming more pervasive within the government and industry, despite the limited ways to detect malicious applications installed to these phones' operating systems. Although enterprise security mechanisms are being developed for use on Android devices, these methods cannot detect previously unknown malicious applications. As more sensitive enterprise information becomes available and accessible on these smartphones, the risk of data loss inherently increases. A malicious application's actions could potentially leave sensitive data exposed with little recourse. Without an effective corporate monitoring solution in place for these mobile devices, organizations will continue to lack the ability to determine when a compromise has occurred. This paper presents research that applies traditional digital forensic techniques to remotely monitor and audit Android smartphones. The smartphone sends changed file system data to a remote server, allowing for expensive forensic processing and the offline application of traditional tools and techniques rarely applied to the mobile environment. The research aims at ascertaining new ways of identifying malicious Android applications and ultimately attempts to improve the state of enterprise smartphone monitoring. An on-phone client, server, database, and analysis framework was developed and tested using real mobile malware. The results are promising that the developed detection techniques identify changes to important system partitions; recognize file system changes, including file deletions; and find persistence and triggering mechanisms in newly installed applications. It is believed that these detection techniques should be performed by enterprises to identify malicious applications affecting their phone infrastructure.  相似文献   
开发区的建设在我国已经得到了蓬勃的发展,与此同时,其基础设施也正在逐步完善。开发区基础设施的完备程度直接决定了招商引资与产业孵化的效果,而基础设施的建设需要大量的资金投入。随着开发区数量和层级的不断提高,仅仅依靠政府自身的力量建设日显捉襟见肘。"公私部门伙伴关系"是公共部门与私营部门合作提供公共产品和公共服务的一种新模式,该模式在开发区基础设施建设领域的应用能弥补政府财政投入的不足,突破限制开发区自身发展的瓶颈。  相似文献   
乡土社会中法律的地方特色已为众多学者所提及,以乡土社会中大量存在的“私了”现象为解读文本具有实践价值。以国家——社会作为叙事平台,需要对“私了”的概念从实质上进行重新厘定;从哲学上的优先逻辑理论,国家法与民间法的对冲及传统文化中的“厌颂”观念进行理性考量,可以显见“私了”在乡土社会根深蒂固的社会条件和心理文化基础。对“私了”现象进行国家法改良的可行性路径包括:形而上的观念的转变;形而下的司法制度改革。  相似文献   
反致制度是国际私法领域中一项重要的也是颇具争议的制度。它的产生源于各国冲突规范的差异,是在适用冲突规范选择准据法的过程中产生的。本文沿着“概念-历史-价值-立法”的途径进行探讨。首先,从处理国际私法案件的思路推导出反致的概念、类别。其次,从比较法的角度考察了反致的产生发展。最后,将反致置于我国国际私法的具体制度环境中,认为我国应当将反致作为一种法律适用的例外方式予以接受,并结合作者的理解给出了立法的建议。  相似文献   
The central questions of this article are: a) Based on what arguments defended Johannes Althusius the distinction between the private and public life sphere? b) What kind of relationships exist between the state on the one hand, and private and other public associations on the other hand? c) Based on what arguments may the government restrict actions of citizens and private associations? Answering these questions leads to the conclusion that Althusius should be mentioned as one of the founding fathers of the liberal constitutional state.  相似文献   
无过错女性在离婚损害赔偿诉讼中处于弱势地位,由于案件性质以及立法规定不完善等原因,导致了无过错女性在离婚损害赔偿诉讼中举证困难。破解无过错女性“举证难”之问题,除了加强法制宣传教育,提高其法律意识和自我保护能力,以及在该类案件中采用“高度盖然性”的证明标准,且在特定情形下实行举证责任倒置原则之外,私人侦探的调查取证亦是解决该问题的可行途径。  相似文献   
浅析施工企业财务风险的管理重点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施工企业基于其自身特点和行业性质的特殊性,决定了存在投标履约保证金数额大、质押时间长,加之工程工期长,成本管理、控制链长,工程竣工但业主资金不足,造成应收款的回收难度大等财务风险。结合施工企业的特点,从资金结构、预算管理、成本控制、工程竣工结算等方面对施工企业财务风险的成因、防范及对策进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   
革新开放后,越南私营企业从少到多、从小到大、从弱到强,在国民经济中占据越来越重要的位置。这一发展历程与越南政府的制度改革密不可分。越南政府通过修订《企业法》、《土地法》,加速推进行政改革等举措,为私营企业的发展提供了法律保障和机制保障。但私营企业的发展在融资渠道、信息来源、债务纠纷解决等方面仍面临诸多困难。  相似文献   
工业强省战略实施以来,工业企业总体发展态势趋好,贵州众多国有企业纷纷投身社会责任实践,在责任意识、理论发展和实践效果上实现了“三个突破”,呈现出企业责任意识持续增强,利益相关方满意度持续增加,社会期望值持续增高和履责环境持续优化“三增一优”的阶段性特征。企业主动履责、政府引导激励、行业全力助推、社会共同参与“四位一体”的良好势头逐渐形成。  相似文献   
日益成熟的中国市场经济孕育出了举足轻重的中国民营经济体,然而在这一欣欣向荣的表象背后却隐藏着中国民营企业家腐败犯罪的高发风险。在反腐体系科学化大背景下,通过调查分析,发现当前中国民营企业家腐败犯罪呈现规模稳定增长、腐败犯罪形态多元等特点,这种独特现象不仅与民众仅仅重视反公职人员腐败的褊狭观念相关,也与重公轻私的刑事制度设计相关。因此,进行民营企业家腐败犯罪防治,必须矫正民众的认识误区,基于制度诱因,用好刑事法治抓手,从观念、立法、司法等方面多管齐下,最终促进我国反腐败实践的协调推进。  相似文献   
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