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欲实现行政复议解决纠纷、监督行政和权利救济的复合功能,《行政复议法》的修改和完善必须相对集中行政复议权,并引入行政复议委员会,将抽象行政行为和内部行为一并纳入行政复议范围,改书面审理方式为言词审理方式,确立复议期间停止(暂缓)执行制度,实现复议程序多元化,取消复议终局制度,确立司法最终裁判原则,以充分发挥行政复议制度专业性、便捷性等优势。  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that positive experiences with the police can foster attitudes of respect towards the justice system that can reduce an adolescents’ propensity to commit later illegal behaviors. To advance prior work, we tested whether this association might be stronger for those adolescents who associate with deviant peers. Additionally, we tested whether the link between attitudes towards police and the justice system, and the influence of peer delinquency, would be weaker for those with elevated callous–unemotional (CU) traits. These predictions were examined in a prospective study using a sample (N?=?1,216) of adolescent males who were followed prospectively for 2 years following their first official contact with the juvenile justice system. Positive experiences with the police following the youth’s first arrest were associated with less self-reported delinquency 2 years later, which was partially mediated by reductions in adolescents’ cynicism about the legal system. However, this link was only significant for youth with low levels of peer delinquency. Although CU traits were related to less positive perceptions of experiences with the police and greater cynicism about the justice system, CU traits did not moderate the associations among experiences, attitudes, and later illegal behavior nor did they moderate the influence of peer delinquency.  相似文献   
技术侦查措施在公安机关侦查破案中发挥了不可替代的作用,但是由于技术侦查措施具有可能侵犯公民隐私权、人格尊严等权利的特点,严格控制技术侦查措施的适用程序成为必然。我国长期以来一直没有法律系统的规定技术侦查措施,刑事诉讼法的再修改满足了控制犯罪和保护人权的双重需要,该修改具有很大的进步意义,但仍存在较多问题需要出台相应的配套制度并在实践中不断的完善。  相似文献   
非诉行政执行是我国行政强制制度的重要组成部分,该制度自《行政诉讼法》规定以来,虽不断发展,但在制度规范和实践操作中均存在诸多问题,需要进一步完善。突出地表现在因基本依据之间的矛盾、裁执分离模式处境尴尬等导致的模式不定,需要明确。因法院内部在立案、审查、执行各阶段机构不一;法院对于撤回执行申请的处理不统一;法院对非诉行政执行裁定书送达主体不清、程序不明等造成程序上的混乱,需要整合。因法院审查方式不明确;法院审查标准难以把握;法院审查后果的多样化等而产生的审查不清,需要规范。因权利人申请执行的具体行政行为范围过窄,条件不具体;未赋予被执行人对非诉行政执行裁定书的救济权而表现出的保障救济不足,需要弥补。  相似文献   
Procedural quality is an important aspect of crime victims' experiences in criminal proceedings and consists of different dimensions. Two of these dimensions are procedural justice (voice) and interpersonal justice (respectful treatment). Social psychological research has suggested that both voice and respectful treatment are moderated by the impact of outcomes of justice procedures on individuals' reactions. To add to this research, we extend this assertion to the criminal justice context, examining the interaction between the assessment of procedural quality and outcome favorability with victim's trust in the legal system and self-esteem. Hierarchical regression analyses reveal that voice, respectful treatment and outcome favorability are predictive of trust in the legal system and self-esteem. Further investigation reveals that being treated with respect is only related to trust in the legal system when outcome favorability is high.  相似文献   
从国家层面分析,国家救济体系是指基于法律、政策的保障,对遭受破坏的社会秩序的恢复,其目的旨在填补社会成员遭受侵害之后合法权益的损失。在上述由国家财力支持的救济体系中,刑事被害人救济制度则主要将帮扶对象限定为遭受犯罪侵害的刑事被害人,是指由国家主导并有统一立法,以缓解刑事被害人因受犯罪行为侵害而遭受到的困难、抚慰其精神创伤、减轻其合法权益所受到的损失为主要目的的救济制度。出于我国当前刑事被害人的巨大基数及保护现状,及早完善立法有着现实的必要性。  相似文献   
程序性裁判中的证据规则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在程序性裁判领域,法院所要面对的不是检察机关的指控是否成立的问题,而是控辩双方所发生的程序性争议如何解决的问题。在这种司法裁判活动中,被告人一般不会面临受到无根据和不公正定罪的危险,无罪推定原则失去了发挥作用的空间,司法证明活动也无需遵循严格证明的准则。目前,我国法律已经在非法证据排除领域初步确立了程序性裁判机制。与此相对应,法律也有待于确立一系列证据规则,从而设定有别于实体性裁判程序的证据准入规则、责任和证明标准。随着程序性裁判制度的逐步发展,这类证据规则也会得到相应的发展。  相似文献   
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